Epigenetische adaptatie: genen passen zich aan op de
HC 1 - Introductie van de cursus en conceptuele
oriëntatie op de potentieelbenadering en adaptieve
zorg en onderwijs
XXX Malleability, plasticity, and individuality: How children learn and
develop in context
The article synthesizes knowledge from various scientific disciplines regarding human development
within their environments. Major constructs of human development, such as epigenetics, neural
plasticity, skill development, human variability, relationships, self-regulation, learning science, and
stress resilience, are integrated into a developmental system framework. Specific attention is paid to
aspects like relational patterns, cognitive flexibility, executive function, sociocultural context, and
adverse childhood experiences. A companion article explores the relationship between the individual
and their context, highlighting the role of human relationships, social and cultural contexts, and
dynamic developmental pathways. Understanding the holistic nature of development and the
interconnectedness between individuals and their physical, social, and cultural contexts offers
opportunities to influence children's development. The text underscores the convergence of the
science of learning, foundational skills, mindset (sense of belonging, self-efficacy, growth mindset),
motivation, metacognition, and instructional design in supporting children's development. These
scientific insights provide new avenues for creative approaches to address complex learning and
social problems. Recent decades have witnessed a surge in knowledge about child development from
various scientific fields, but this knowledge often remains fragmented and is not fully integrated into
practice. The lack of integration of this knowledge contributes to persistent disparities, challenges,
and shortcomings in education systems and other systems that support children, as well as in the
support provided to families, practitioners, and communities.
The article highlights the challenge of utilizing the wealth of knowledge on human development due
to the complexity of the knowledge itself and the disciplinary structures and incentives in place.
Developmental systems theories (DST) offer a comprehensive framework to integrate diverse factors
shaping human development, going beyond traditional views of genes and environment interaction.
DST emphasizes the importance of considering variability in behavior and performance as both
normal and informative about developmental processes. DST helps explain how biological, social, and
environmental factors interact to influence learning, change, and growth across the lifespan. The
article synthesizes research findings from various disciplines, prioritizing areas where there is
convergence of evidence and using multiple sources to validate the findings. The companion article
delves deeper into the role of relationships, context, and various factors in supporting or hindering
healthy child development. The authors believe that a better understanding of these dynamic
processes, coupled with new methods and tools, can lead to innovations in practice, support systems,
and education and child-serving systems design. The article and its companion piece aim to provide a
unified framework that integrates bioecological, relational, and contextual factors in understanding
human development.
Key findings
Human development occurs within nested ecological systems that impact development directly and
indirectly. Epigenetic adaptation drives changes in genetic expression over time, with genes
,responding to contextual influences. Brain development spans from prenatal stages to young
adulthood, with sensitive periods in early childhood and adolescence. Developmental systems theory
and dynamic systems models integrate diverse scientific knowledge, enhancing understanding of the
developing brain and child in context. Intergenerational transmission of adversity begins before birth,
but prevention can break this cycle. Building individual and environmental assets fosters the transfer
of adaptive systems across generations, promoting positive development.
The human brain is a complex, adaptable system that responds to experiences, influencing brain
growth across development. Individual development is unique, nonlinear, and features multiple
diverse pathways. Whole child development integrates affective, cognitive, social, and emotional
processes, which are interconnected and co-organize human thought and behavior. Developing
dynamic skills involves integration of prerequisite skills, domain-specific knowledge, and contextual
factors. Variability in skill construction and performance, responsive to context, is common.
Optimizing development involves understanding both stability and variability in growth and
Human relationships form a network of emotional ties, mental representations, and behaviors
connecting people over time and space. Attachment patterns result from shared experiences of co-
regulation, attunement, mis-attunement and re-attunement. Early patterns can change as children re-
evaluate past experiences. Positive relationships are crucial for healthy development, altering a
child's genetic makeup and providing a foundation for lifelong learning. These relationships involve
attunement, consistency, and caregivers accurately responding to a child's needs. They align with a
child's social-historical context, offering protection, emotional security, knowledge, and skill
development. Creating positive relationships can be incorporated intentionally into early care and
educational settings and interventions.
Children’s development is nested within micro-ecological contexts (e.g., families, peers, schools,
communities, neighborhoods) as well as macro-ecological contexts (e.g., economic and cultural
systems). These contexts encompass relationships, environments, and societal structures. Adversity,
through the biological process of stress, exerts profound effects on development, behavior, learning,
and health. Resilience is a common phenomenon wherein promotive internal and external systems
integrate to facilitate the potential for positive outcomes, even in the face of significant adversity. As
no two children draw from the same combination of experiences and supportive resources, resilience
pathways are diverse, and yet can lead to equally viable and complex adaptation and, ultimately, well-
being and thriving. Environments and societal structures include the differential allocation of assets
and risks, as well as the impact of differing belief systems about roles, talents, learning, and other
factors viewed as driving personal success. While factors such as poverty and institutional racism
makes poor outcomes more likely, family and community assets must be recognized, as they can
protect children from short- and long-term negative consequences. Adult buffering can prevent
and/or reduce unhealthy stress responses and the resulting negative consequences for children. As
such, building and supporting adult capacities are critically important priorities. Early care and
educational settings that provide developmentally rich relationships and experiences can buffer the
effects of stress and trauma, promote resilience, and foster healthy development. Meanwhile,
developmentally unsuitable and/or culturally incongruent contexts can exacerbate stress, hinder the
reinforcement of foundational competencies, and impel maladaptive behaviors.
, Evaluatie passend onderwijs
Organisatorische problemen (bureaucratie, complexiteit en onhelder belegde verantwoordelijkheden
en oplopende kosten) in het onderwijs aan leerlingen met extra ondersteuningsbehoeften hebben
geleid tot stelselwijziging voor passend onderwijs, waar professionals de verantwoordelijkheid
zouden krijgen
Decentralisatie: regionaalgeorganiseerde samenwerkingsverbanden bepalen wie
ondersteuning krijgt)
Budgetfinanciering: elk samenwerkingsverband krijgt een budget voor
ondersteuningsaanbod, totale budget passend onderwijs is gefixeerd.
Hulp op maat en ouders ontzorgen in primair voortgezet onderwijs door:
Van landelijke systemen naar samenwerkingsverbanden voor indicatie
Zorgplicht: verantwoordelijkheid voor vinden passende ondersteuning bij school
Schoolondersteuningsprofiel: voor ouders en voor samenwerkingsverband
Ontwikkelingsperspectiefplan: beschrijving ondersteuningsbehoeften, hoe daarin voorzien en
doelen van extra steun
Bestuurlijke samenwerking samenwerkingsverbanden en gemeenten
Impact op het stelsel, op samenwerkingsverbanden en op schoolbesturen
Flexibeler systeem en een grotendeels dekkend aanbod
o Lastiger bij meervoudig beperkte leerlingen
o Specifieke voorzieningen vinden voor kleine groepen leerlingen
o Financiële afwegingen voor intensieve begeleiding
Kostenbeheersing voor rijksoverheid, financiën onder controle houden lokaal een opgave
Complexiteit veranderd door grensverkeer regio’s en scholen in verschillende
Veel bestuurlijk overleg tussen onderwijs en jeugdhulp, nog weinig gezamenlijk beleid
o In praktijk blijven onderwijs en jeugdhulp baak gescheiden terreinen, o.a. door
wachttijden jeugdhulp of te grote verwachtingen van scholen
Impact op scholen en leraren in primair en voortgezet onderwijs
Scholen waarderen vrijheid in besteding van middelen
o Meer beroep op extra interne hulp, minder extern
Nog steeds te bureaucratisch
o Nieuwe verplichtingen: zorgplicht, schoolondersteuningsprofiel en
Geen grote impact op het werk of deskundigheid van leraren
o Leraren vragen eerder om faciliteiten dan om scholing
Impact op ouders in het primair en voorgezet onderwijs
Zorgplicht ontzorgt niet in alle gevallen
o Ouders niet bekend met de zorgplicht, leidt tot wegadviseren
Informatie niet goed toegankelijk door niet bekend zijn met schoolondersteuningsprofielen
Kwart ouders niet tevreden
o Ondersteuningsbehoeften complex
o Hoge verwachtingen
o Combinaties van hulp vanuit school, jeugdhulp en zorginstelling