Relevant bachelor course: Work Psychology. An Introduction to Contemporary Work
Basic Principles: Mutual Relationship between work and health.
Focus of occupational health: HRM, health promotion- cure, prevention, amplition.
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) - job content, working conditions
Organisation: policy, culture -Integration of HRM and OSH
Group assignment- teams 4-5. Contact organisation, Conduct interviews, Analyse a relevant
issue, Written as an advisory report.
Assignmnet 1: 14 September.
Hand in by tuesday 12 September, 11am
Contact organization
Describle organization posible issues, Work, Health & Performance.
Prepare pitch of 5 minutes. mid sized organization (say 25 employees).
Assignment 2: 28th september
HAnd in by Tuesday 26 September, 11am
-Design intervirew plan, conduct 3-5 interviews
- Analyse ‘prblem based on interviews and theories
write a report: Max 1800 words - (Do the report as a group) ..Analysis which is part of advisory
-Discuss report with lecturer
Choose at least 1 theory from each group. JD-R, DISC (-R-)
SDT, PE-fot; Organisational Justice
Other theories (any area of Psych)
Assignment 3: Presentation of Advisory report
Assignment 4:
Full Guidlines on Blackboard and Slides
Due for Sep 12 also: -Read two articles. -View knowlege clips. -Answer study questions (dont
hand in, exam questions will be similar).
For group assignment: -Find an organisation. -Describle organisationa nd issue.
-Prepare a pitch
-SUBMIT THESIS form (by Sunday)
-Internship Bank look - email various professors, want to get a head start on the English
internship search. I was hoping to request a list of the companies you’ve had students get
,internships before (name, department ect), and any additional suggestions you might have. I
was thinking that might be helpful.
-Update CV
-If you expect an interaction effect in a survey stufy (ex thesis research) need a large sample.
Do power analysis first do determine amount needed
–View Recording & Posted slides
Work group meeting notes- high work pressure would be independent, problem would be
Burnout? Health complaints? Motivational?
Job demand resources model (job demand control model is a bit dated).
SDT, PE-fit, Organizational justice.
C. other theories
Work group prof- no a big research paper
Questions that go with the theories
class notes-9/19-
Due-read ari or. Knowledge clips. Study questions. Then on problem analysis
Study questions 17-
Scientific management- older theory about trying to make the work as simple as possible. Very
small units. Tailoring in way people are very effiently working. Negative effects
Motivation-hygiene theory- how can we motivate people intrinsically.
There are hygiene factors if not met lead to dissatisfaction. Salary, working conditions, ect.
Similar to JD-R.
Video Lecture Notes
Lecture 2.1: Intro & DCS
Basic principles, thoeretical models: Demand control support Model (DCR), Job control
Resources Mpdel (JD-R), Demand induced strain compensation model (DISC).
Demand-Control Model (Karasek, 1979) - distinguishes job demands and job control. Job
demands are mostly concerned with quanititative demands such as workloads & role problems
(role conflicts & role ambiguity).
Job control - is determined by the skill descretion people have in the job (# of skills people need
to use in their job) and the decision latitue (their autonomy).
, Four quadrents. Job demand/job control can be low or high
low - low (demand/control) called passive jobs
high - high (demand/control) called active jobs
Low Demands - High Control : Called low strain jobs
High Demands - Low Cotrol : called High strain jobs
Two hypothesis: (1) The strain hypothesis: As job demands gets higher & job control gets lower,
strain increases.
(2) The Active Learning hypothesis : As job demands get higher & job control gets higher, there
is more active learning on the job.
Demand-Control-Support Model- Extension of the above model. States that job demands
cannot only be nuffered by job control but also by social support.
States that high job demands can lead to high strain but this is espectually the case when job
control is low and there is little social support at the job.
The combination of high demands, low cotrol, and low support is dangerous: kind of jobs
called Iso-strain jobs (they are also isolated from colleges/get little support from collegues.
ex: psychiatric nurse.
Lecture 2.2: JD-R model : The orignianl Job Demand Resources Model (JD-R) stated that job
demands lead to exhuastion. And job resources lead to engagmnet.
Exhuastion and disengagment are two aspects of burnout.
Job resources are positive: such as salary, autonomy, social support. ect.
Two processes: Overtaxing & Withdrawl.
Overtaxing: High job demands lead to exuastion.
Withdrawl: Low job resources leads to withdrawl.
Revised Model: Burnout considered one construct: Job demand sincrease burnout,
jobresources lower burnout.
Added work engagment as positive psychological construct..job resoucrec increase work
Added health outcomes (health/productivity).
Burnout and work engamgnet are the explanitory vairables for the emdiators of the relations of
job demands/resources and work outcomes.
Two processes: (1) Health impairmnet process: Job demands > burnout > work outcomes
(2) Motivational processes > job resources > work engagment > work outcomes
Further changes: Job demands may also influence work engagmnet (positive - high workload
may work to higher engagmnet (challenges)).
Job demands may lower work engagment when percieved as hinderances.
Job demands and Resources may interact: Job resources may act as a buffer on the negative
effects of job demands. Job resources may counteract the negative effects of job demands.
Corisponds to the strain hypothesis of demand control model. High job demands may
strainghten positive effects of job resources (motivational) - similar to active learning hypothesis
of demand control model.
Incorperation of Personal Resources: Characteristics of the individual that help them to carry
out their tasts. PR may influence stress reactions/well-being. (ex - optimism may reduce burnout
or increase work engagmnet regardless of job demands/resources).
, PR may moderate - optimists may be better able to befinit from, for ex autonomy.
PR may mediate - autonomy and acceptable workload may lead to higher self efficacy. Leads
to less burnout and more work engagment.
PR may influence job demands and resources (perception), ex: optomisic may see workload
as challenge rather than hinderance.
PR may be a cofounder: Ex, emotional stability may influences job demands, resources,
engagmnet, and burnout.
Practical relevance of JD-R Model: Ech job has its own constellation of demands and resources:
Examine these, improve job by changing demands, resoueces, or balance.
Understand burnout/work engagment and explain how burnout/engagment influence work
Lecture 2.3-The DISC model - Demand Induceed Strain Compensation Model - means that job
demands induce strain which can be conpensated for by enough resources.
Priciples: Multidemensionality of job demands/resources: Can be cognitive, Emotional,
(2) Principle of matching: Job resources reduce the strain of job demands better if these
resources match the job demands such that they are job cognitive, emotional, or physical (both).
Ex: High load due to complex task, feedback may be more likely to improve outcomes then
emotional support.
Ex: If suffering from emotional problems more likly to benifit form emotional support.
(3) Triple resource hypothesis - demands, reosurces are matched (but also) the outcomes. Ex:
emotional demands mainly effect emotional outcomes (ex: emotional exhaustion), best
counteracted by emotional support (ex). Physical demands may affect physical outcomes, best
counteracted by physical assistance.
Cognitive demands, affect cognifive outcomes (ex mental exhausted), best counteracted by
cognitive resources (ex: good advice).
Recover added to counteract high demands - restoring the internal resources that are taxed
during work (ex: mini breaks, good sleep). One form of recovery is Detachment from work (use
same external resources or restore them).
Says detachment will be most effective if it matched with specific demands (ex: emotional
detachment best matched with emotional demands, ect).
Recovery is more effective when it matches the job demands - after work activities do not tap
into the same resources.
(Ex: work on compyter all day, do not relax by gaming, maybe exersise. Physical work, then
physical relaxation. Cognitive work, do not relax with puzzles).
Detachment can have negative motivational effects - distance yourself cogitivly from work may
lower motivation for work.
Hypothesis 1: Emotional job resources and emotional detachment from work moderate
relationship between job demands and exhaaustion (emotional ex).
This relation will be weaker for employees with high emotional resources and high detachment.
Or either.