Samenvatting - woordenlijst
Session 1 - Adventure tourism
Increasingly In toenemende mate Progressively More and more
To date
Cultural immersion
Genuine Echt Honest Real and exactly what it appears to be
Indigenous Lokaal, inheems Domestic Naturally existing
Resilient Veerkrachtig Strong Able to quickly return to a previous
good condition
Setbacks Tegenslag Disappointment A checking of progress; defeat, reverse
Premium Premie, toeslag Excellent A prize, a bonus
Tourist Toerist uitgaven Tourist payment An amount of money spent by tourists
Purchased Kopen, aanschaffen Buy, obtain Acquire (something) by paying for it; buy
Subtracted Aftrekken Take away To remove a number from another number
Cites Verwijzen naar.. Refer to.. To quote (a book, author)
Headquarters Hoofdkantoor Centre of operations A centre of operations, as of the police of
a business, from which in orders are
Polled Peiling Census, survey Tally of answers to question of opinion
Encourages Aansporen Stimulate spiritually To inspire with courage, spirit or hope
Adhere to Plakken, kleven Keep, hold To stay attached
Pristine Ongerept Clean, pure Having its original purity
Vigorous Krachtig, sterk Energetic, powerful Full of characterized by vigour
Lucrative Winstgevend Productive, well-paid Profitable, moneymaking
Avid Enthousiast Enthusiastic Extremely eager or interested
Progressively Geleidelijk Increasingly, consecutively, Favouring, change, improvement
,Pursue Voortzetten Chase, follow To follow in order to overtake, capture, kill
Is on par with
Constitute Vormen Comprise, form, authorize To compose, form
Regardless of Toch, hoe dan ook Notwithstanding, Despite the prevailing circumstances
Mundane Gewoon, afgezaagd, Ordinary Common
Colonial motives
Phenomenon Natuurverschijnsel, Rare occurrence, wonder Something unusual or interesting
Ascent Beklimming, bestijging Upward movement An instance of rising or moving up
Descent Daling Moving down, lowering Moving from higher to a lower position
Diffuse Diffuus, verspreid Spread out Spread out over a large area
Seminal Toonaangevend, Generative, influential Strongly influencing later developments
Account for Zich verantwoorden Give reason for Give a satisfactory record of something
voor, verklaren, that one is responsible for
Session 2 - Emerging markets
Emerging markets upcoming markets opkomende markten
Increasing Growing Toenemende
Increasingly Progressively Steeds meer
Overtaken Passed/overhauled Ingehaald
Counterparts Colleagues Collega’s/tegenhanger
Vacationing Go on holiday Op vakantie gaan
Sightseeing Visiting the attractions Bezienswaardigheden bekijken
Whilst As/whereas Terwijl
Vast numbers Large numbers In grote getallen
, Developed markets Growing markets Ontwikkelde markten
Established markets Recognised markets Bestaande markten
Significantly increased rapidly increasing Snel gestegen
Expenditure Payments Uitgave
Now falling behind
Spending power Purchasing power Hoeveelheid geld die je hebt om uit te geven
Collective Shared/cooperative Gezamenlijke
Populous densely populated Dichtbevolkte
Keen Eager/enthusiastic Enthousiast
On average Medium Gemiddeld
Cater to Meeting the needs Tegemoet komen
Auspicious Promising Veelbelovende
Reverently Respectfully Eerbiedig/respectvol
Set to Continue Voortzetten
Rise Increase Stijgen
Fluctuations Instabilities Schommelingen
Currency exchange Currency conversion Valutawissel
Outbound trips Outgoing trips Trips naar het buitenland
Conservative estimate Careful appraisal Voorzichtige schattingen
Abroad Foreign country Buitenland
Economic Financial Economische
Tourist bodies Tourism instances Toeristische instanties
Over-invest Teveel investeren
Fare To perish Vergaan
Made significant purchases Important purchases Belangrijke aankopen
Splashing out To revel Uitspatten
To some extent To a certain degree Tot op zekere hoogte
Affected Hit by Getroffen
Decline in Decrease/descent Daling
High-end Expensive Duur/van hoge kwaliteit
At risk At hazard Op risico