Sensory Perception & Consumer Preference
MCB-30806 Period 5, 2018
Lecture 1: The Role of Sensory Experience in Marketing and Consumer
Course Reading: Experience Marketing — a review and reassessment
“A service occurs when a company intentionally uses services as the stage, with goods
functioning as props, to engage individual customers in a way that creates a memorable event”.
Scent is argued to be
one of the strongest
stimuli. People
remember smells longer
and better than e.g.
Scent can also influence
ones’ behaviour, people
often involve in variety-
seeking behaviour, and product evaluations can actually rise, as well as the memorability of the
product. Different types of music create different things, classical music enhances pleasure,
while pop music enhances arousal. Slow paced music results in slower shopping as customers
will continue in a slow pace.
Course Reading: An integrative Review of Sensory Marketing
A need for touch scale is a scale
which generally asks the question: I
need to touch the product in order
to form an attitude towards its
One touched, people are more likely
to trust. And once trusted by
someone, we are likely to return this
trust. Oxytocin levels increase when
touched, and then involved in an act of trust. Only touch doesn’t result in this rise, nor does just
the act of trust.
Physical warmth is also joined with the psychological perception of warmth, which suggests a
community/family feeling. Scent is argued to be one of the strongest stimuli. People remember
smells longer and better than e.g. visuals.
Scent can also influence ones’ behaviour, people often involve in variety-seeking behaviour, and
product evaluations can actually rise, as well as the memorability of the product. Different types
, of music create different things, classical music enhances pleasure, while pop music enhances
arousal. Slow paced music results in slower shopping as customers will continue in a slow pace.
Lecture Notes 19/03/18
Influential Factors
Reading the ‘Kids Case’ Roedder John [“Moderators”]
background reading is important for your
assignment. Also make sure to
read the other
ones before the guest lecture Determinants Process Outcomes
on the 27th. (X) (Mediators) (Y)
In your assignment, it’s not
just about cause and result, but also the process which is part of this process.
Criteria for successful products:
- Relevance (meaningful & motivating)
- Differentiation (different from the rest)
- Non-Imitability
- From a product technology
- From it’s marketing positioning (strong AF branding)
- A combination of both (synergy from collaboration)
Sensory Marketing:
- Marketing that engages the senses & affects perception, judgement and behaviour.
- Senses: Haptic (touch), Olfaction (smell), Audition (sound), Gustation (taste) and Vision.
- Effects can be on attitude, learning&memory and behaviour. The effects are often
subconscious but predictable.
- Revolves around unconcious processes
Our brain is good at noticing change, mostly because our brain makes selections of sensory
inputs to avoid sensory overload. So most likely, you only notice things when they’re different
from the usual.
Scents can have:
- Can have unconscious effect on cognition and behaviour
- Through associations with scent, the cleaning concept came into consciousness
- Strong influence on behavior intentions
How sensory stimuli affect responses:
- Direct affective response to the physical/sensory stimuli
- sensory liking / sensory product quality
- An affective response to the match between the physical / sensory aspects of the stimulus and
the internal representation or schema associated with the stimulus
- Affective response to the meaning to the stimulus beyond the physical / sensory aspects
- Associations with other concepts in the knowledge structure (pine tree & Christmas)
- By affecting the judgemental and decision environment
- Sensory can induce affect which effect the decision making