Introduction to adventure tourism
Woord Betekenis Synoniemen
Increasingly In toenemende mate More and more, more
frequently, with steady
increase, with steady buildup
Economisch Economisch Industrial, business, fnancial,
budgetary, commericial, fscal,
monetary, economical,
To date Tot nu toe Untl now, as yet, so far, up to
now, as of yet
Cultural immersion
Affort Veroorloven Provide, furnish, yield,
produce, give, supply
Genuine Echt Real, authentc
Indigenous Lokaal, inheems Natve, local, inhabitant
People not Humanity, mankind, the
Resillient Veerkrachtg, fexibel Flexible, rebounding, elastc
Setbacks Tegenslag Hindrance, check, reversal,
delay, difficulty, impediment,
trouble, reverse, hitch, hold up
Off the beaten path Niet zo populair
Premium Toeslag Prime, superior, select, top
notch, expensive, frst class
Tourist expenditure Toerist uitgaven Tourist payment
Purchased Kopen, aanschaffen The act of buying something,
buy, obtain
Subtracted Afrekken Take away, to remove a
number from another number
Cites Verwijzen naar To menton something as an
example, especially one that,
supports, proves, or explains
an ideo or situatone Refer to
Headquarters Hoofdkantoor Head office the main offices of
an organizaton such as the
army, the police or a business
Polled Peiling A study in which people are
asked for their opinions about
a subjectve person: surveye
Encourages impe Aansporen Stmulate to make someone
more likely to do something or
to make something more likely
to happene; Help aid
Adhere to Plakken, kleven Follow, be devoted to,
practce, obey, serve, keep,
Pristne impoee Ongerept Natural, chaste, green,
spotless, clean, unspoiled new
, of almost new, and in very
good conditone
Vigorous used Krachtg, sterk Energetc dynamic, actve
Lucratve used Winstgevend Well-paid, producing a lot of
Enthusiasts used A person who is very
interested in and involved with
a partcular subject of actvity:
devotee fan, afcionado,
fanatc, zealot, fancier,
admirer, lover, collector,
follower, supporter, believere
Progressively Geleidelijk Increasingly, more and more
Avid Enthousiast Eger to, keen
Pursue Voortzetten Chase, follow
In on par with Comparable, equaling
Consitute Vormen Establish, develop, create, set
Regardless of Toch, hoe dan ook Despite, aside from, distnct
from, without regard to,
without considering, at all
costs, at any cost, leaving
aside, although, but,
notwithstanding, in spite of,
for all that
Mundane Gewoon, afgezaagd, saai Ordinary, common
Phenomenon Natuurverschijnsel Wonder
Ascent Beklimming, bestjging Climbing, climb, upward,
moton, upsurge, uplif,
upswing, upward mobility
Decent Daling Declibity, slope, drop, grade,
slide, plunge, downward slope
Diffuse Verspreid Dispersed thin, scattered,
spread out, widesspread,
separated, sparse, diluee,
disseminated, propagated,
stew to(cause something to)
Account Zich verantwoorden, verklaren, To form the total of
uitleggen something, give a reason fore
Introduction to the growth in tourism from Emerging Markets
Woord Betekenis Synoniem
Emerging markets Opkomende markten Coming out
Increasing Toenemende Growing up
Increasingly Steeds meer More and more
Whilst Terwijl While, during
Overtaking Ingehaald Overhaul, catch up with, get
to, pass, catch
Counterparts Collega’s Colleagues
Vast number In grote getallen Very high numbers, extremely