Developmental Psychopathology
Summary Disorders
Chapter Disorder
Chapter 5 Feeding disorders
Disorders of early Avoidant/restrictive An eating disturbance involving the lack of interest in, or avoidance of food leading to
development food intake disorder significant weight loss, nutritional deficiencies and/or impaired psychosocial functioning
PICA Ingestion of non-food substances
Rumination Repeated regurgitation of food
Sleep-wake disorder Clinically significant difficulties related to falling and staying asleep or sleep dysfunctions,
associated with impairment in development and functioning
Insomnia Difficulties in falling and staying asleep
Disorders of arousal Sleep terrors or sleepwalking
Nightmare disorder a pattern of repeated frightening and vivid dreams that
cause significant distress or impaired functioning
Attachment disorders
Reactive attachment A rare attachment disorder involving lack of organized attachment behaviors and reduces
disorder (RAD) social engagement; diagnosed in children with very adverse childcare experiences
Disinhibited social An attachment disorder characterized by an unusual lack of reticence with unfamiliar
engagement disorder others or wariness in unfamiliar settings
Chapter 6 Intellectual A developmental disorder reflecting significant deficits in intellectual functioning and
Intellectual and development adaptive functioning
Learning disorder (IDD) Down Syndrome A developmental disorder that is caused by an extra
Disorders chromosome 21 (trisomy 21) and is accompanied by physical
characteristics including distinctive facial features, heart
problems and poor muscle tone. Intellectual challenges involve
language difficulties, socioemotional functioning and is often
characterized by positive affect and extraversion
Williams Syndrome A developmental disorder caused b y a microdeletion on
chromosome 7, characterized by deficits in general cognitive
function and visual-spatial skills and relative strengths in
language and music domains
Fragile X Syndrome A developmental disorder caused by a mutation on the FMR1
gene, most common type of inherited MR in boys, with cognitive
and language difficulties and behavioral problems
Fetal Alcohol The result of prenatal exposure to high levels of alcohol and the most common cause of
Spectrum Disorder IDD
,Developmental Psychopathology
(FASD) Fetal alcohol Facial abnormalities, such as wide-set and narrow eyes,
syndrome (FAS) development issues and nervous system abnormalities, are
common in people with fetal alcohol syndrome. Children with
FAS may experience difficulties with: learning, memory,
attention span, communication, vision and hearing
Partial fetal alcohol Children who have PFAS exhibit some of the physical symptoms
syndrome (PFAS) of FAS, but they do not meet the criteria required to be classified
as FAS. They may have some changes in facial features, slow
development, and central nervous system issues but not all the
symptoms of FAS
Alcohol-related Alcohol exposure to the fetus may result in damage to the
neurodevelopmenta central nervous system, causing structural and functional
l disorder (ARND) abnormalities. Children with ARND may have intellectual
difficulties and behavioral issues. They may struggle with: math,
memory, attention, judgment and impulse control
Alcohol-related Birth defects caused by prenatal alcohol consumption may
birth deficits include heart, kidney, bone, and hearing disorders or a
(ARBD) combination of these
Specific learning A disorder characterized by unexpected underachievement in reading, written expression
disorder (SLD) and mathematics
Chapter 7 Autism Spectrum A broadly conceptualized category of disorder reflecting compromised development in
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) social functioning and communication, as well as restricted patterns of activities or
Disorder interests
Chapter 8 Posttraumatic Stress A disorder characterized by a severe and ongoing pattern of anxiety and avoidance,
Trauma and Disorder (PTSD) lasting longer than one month, following exposure to a traumatic event
Stressor-related Acute Stress A disorder involving the development
disorders Disorder (ASD) of multiple psychologically based symptoms that last up to
one month following exposure to a traumatic event
A disorder involving the development
of multiple psychologically based symptoms that last up to
one month following exposure to a traumatic event
A disorder involving the development of multiple psychologically based symptoms that
last up to one month following exposure to a traumatic event
Chapter 9 Attention-Deficit/ A disorder characterized by a combination if impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattentiveness
Attention- Hyperactivity
Deficit/ Disorder (ADHD)
, Developmental Psychopathology
Chapter 10 Oppositional Defiant A disorder characterized by a sustained pattern of negativistic, hostile and defiant
Oppositional Disorder (ODD) behavior
Defiant and Conduct Disorder A disorder characterized by a more severe pattern of negativistic, hostile and defiant
Conduct Disorder behavior that involves the violation of social norms and rules, as well as the rights of
Chapter 11 Anxiety disorders Internalizing disorders in which anxiety has gone from adaptive to pathological in terms of
Anxiety, its intensity, duration and pervasiveness, characterized by exaggerated and unrealistic
Obsessive- fears and worries, overcontrol and somatic symptoms
Compulsive and Seperation Anxiety A type of anxiety disorder characterized by intense age-
Somatic Disorder (SAD) inappropriate distress when separated from caregiver as well as
Symptom clingy behaviors in the presence of caregiver; associated with
Disorder significant impairment in a child’s daily functioning
Phobic Disorders Types of anxiety disorders characterized by excessive and
unrealistic fears of particular objects or situations, intense
anxiety in the presence of such objects or situations and
avoidant behavior
Specific phobia A type of anxiety disorder characterized by particular fear of an
object, situation or person
Agoraphobia A type of anxiety disorde that involves fearing and avoiding
places or situations that might cause panic and feelings of being
trapped, helpless or embarrassed.
Social Anxiety A type of anxiety disorder characterized by fear and avoidance
Disorder in social situations and/or situations that involve negative
Generalized Anxiety A type of anxiety disorder characterized by excessive and
Disorder (GAD) unrealistic worries and fears about a variety of stimuli and
Panic Disorder A type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent, somewhat
unpredictable panic attacks (extremely intense and often
frightening episodes of anxiety)
Obsessive- A type of anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts
Compulsive that lead to anxiety and ritual behaviors that are intended to
Disorder (OCD) reduce anxiety
Somatic Symptoms A disorder characterized by the expression of anxiety through
Disorder physical symptoms such as headaches and abdominal pain,
leading to significant distress and impairment
Conversion Disorder A type of anxiety disorder characterized by unexplained deficits
in voluntary motor or sensory function that cannot be