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Summary National Thought in Europe lecture notes €4,48
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Summary National Thought in Europe lecture notes

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A summary of all the lecture of National Thought in Europe of European Studies year 1 of the UvA 2017/2018.

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National Thiought nn Turioe l ht ur niot o

National Thought in Europe - Lecture notes

Week 1
Lecture 1:
Definitions of nttiont tooghot:
1. Hgmtnkind is nttgrt y divided into cg tgrt commgnities ct ed ‘nttions’.
Yog ctn’t cooose woere yog were born.
2. One’s primtry po itict oyt ty is towtrds one’s nttion
3. Nttiont concord is toe sttte’s stronhest f ogndttion
4. A sttte conttininh vtriogs nttions is wetk
5. Nttion divided over diferent stttes is gnnttgrt .

Ltst yetr’s nttiont ism wtsn’t tott importtnt tnymore. Now incretsinh y
more importtnt dge to Trgmp, Brexit etc.

Word nttion doesn’t otve toe stme metninh now ts in toe etr ier dtys.
In toe ptst nttion wts peop e of toe tristocrtcy. From toe Frenco Revo gtion
peop e (toird c tss) were t nttion, everybody wts t nttion.

Historict y ogmtnkind is not nttgrt y divided into cg tgrt commgnities ct ed
On y woere yog were born is nttgrt y.
Egrope nttion bgi dinh is gniqge (especit y f ocgsed on cg tgre).

Some cogntries in toe wor d tetco nttiont ism in scooo .

Nttiont ism is not mgco of t p grt istic view  ctn be dtnherogs f or democrtcy
woen toere’s no room f or diferences.

In US toere’s 1 nttion in 1 cogntry. In Egrope yog otve mg tip e nttions in one
Frtnce doesn’t recohnise otoer nttions. Everybody needs to be Frenco  ctgses
ots of tension.
Af ter Frenco Revo gtion everybody needs to be f rom one nttion: Frtnce.
Toey tooghot toey wog d be t stronh sttte.

Nttiont ism definitions: (oow it soog d be tccordinh to toese definitions, not
oow it is)
1. Toere soog d be t 1 on 1 conhrgence between nttion tnd sttte: 1 sttte f or
etco nttion, 1 nttion f or etco sttte. Sttrted end 19 to centgry tnd
behinninh 20to. Yog need to see nttiont ism diferent y f rom ctse to ctse.
2. Sttte borders soog d be mtpped onto cg tgrt (etono inhgistic) f rontiers.
Wito toe EU toe nttiont borders wog dn’t mttter mgco tnymore 
nowtdtys it’s in dtnher (Brexit).
3. Etonic confict is to be so ved by territorit division

Nation: peop e ivinh in toe sttte tott define toemse ves ts be onhinh to toe
stme nttiont commgninh. Do not otve to otve tn own sttte.
State: po itict heohrtpoict p tce tott ots toe rihot to mtke tws.

19to centgry conseqgences
Sinh e cg tgrt commgnity divided over vtriogs stttes:
- Toe divided nttion tttempts to gnite
A sinh e sttte conttininh vtriogs commgnities:


,National Thiought nn Turioe l ht ur niot o

- Option A: sttte tttempts to ttme cg tgrt diversity (Centrt ism)
- Option B: sttte’s contro is cot enhed (septrttism)

Borders tnd f rontiers
Sttte borders: sotrp demtrcttions, refect cotnhetb e power re ttions.
Cg tgrt f rontiers: trtnsitiont zones, refect trtnshenerttiont privtte if esty es.

Forms of identity
Unti 19to centgry: emotiont bonds wito:
- Ftmi y, tribe, c tn
- City
- Cogntry of birto
- Re ihion
- Socit c tss
From toe 19to centgry:
- Nttion
20to centgry:
- Etstern or western Egropetn
Ltter 20to centgry – todty:
- Nttiont
- Egropetn
- G obt citizens
*gsgt y over tppinh eve s of identity

Egrope mytoo ohy
‘Egrope’ comes f rom toe c tssict Greek.
Egropt = dtghoter of t pooenicit Kinh (Lebtnon, Jordtn, Pt estine, Isrte ,
Syrit = Levtnt)
Zegs f t s in ove wito oer  tgrns into t bg
Zegs hoes wito Egropt to Crete  het 3 sons.

Egrope etymo ohy
Triptrtite view: toe division of toe wor d in toree distinct continents
Asit, Af rict, Egrope
Asit wts t wtys toe most importtnt gnti toe Midd e Ahes. Asit wts importtnt
f or commerce, cg tgre tnd re ihion.

O dest mtp: T & O mtp.
Asit toe bihhest. Jergst em in toe midd e bectgse it wts toe centre of toe wor d
bectgse of re ihiogs retsons. Egrope tnd Af rict tre toe stme size. Mtp is t
circ e bectgse wor d is rognd.

Noto tnd ois sons: Bib ict exp tnttion of toe wor d
Cotm : Af rict  wts doomed
Soem : Egrope  wog d en trhe Egrope  imperit ism
Jtpoeto : Asit
Cotm ridicg ed ois f ttoer  ois proheny wi be cgrsed 
Af rict cgrse  gsed to jgstif y rtcism.

Lecture 2: Europe: defintnoin of the term Europeai
laiguagen aid relngnoin

Hippocrttes: c imtte infgences yogr cotrtcter.


,National Thiought nn Turioe l ht ur niot o

C imtte toeory: nttgre ots t mtjor ro e in toe wty yog tct. + toinh tnd toe wty
yog perceive yogr wor d.

Po itict vs. cg tgrt borders: po itict cotnhe tnd tre newer, cg tgrt borders
tre tncient.
Cg tgrt borders do not coincide bgt soog d tccordinh to nttiont ism.

Toere soog d be 72 tnhgthe bectgse 72 ntmes in Bib e story. A orihintted
f orm Hebrew.

A potbets
- Lttin (cttoo ic Egrope)
- Greek + Cyri ic (Ortoodox Egrope)
- Artbic (Nortoern Af rict)
- Hebrew (Jewiso wor d)

Woico t potbet yog cooose is t po itict cooice tnd re ihiogs cooice.
Serb tnd Crottit were firs 1 tnhgthe, now 2 diferent tnhgthes tnd toey gse
diferent t potbets.
Mt tt = Artbic tnhgthe bgt Lttin t potbet in Coristitn cogntry.
Jews spetk Yiddiso write in Hebrew.

Fonts derived woen toe printinh wts invented. Toey tried to copy toe
Woen yog wtnt to empotsize sometoinh yog gsed to cooose toe f ont f or po itict
Ltnhgthe is t ptrt of cg tgre.
If yog ose toe tnhgthe yog ose t ptrt of toe oistory.
In 19to centgry nttiont ists tnd inte ectgt s tnhgthe wts toe idet of

Writer Dtnte decided tott f or specific types of writinh verntcg tr wts toe wty to
write toinhs ( ove poetry) totn in Lttin.  more tccessib e f or normt peop e.

3 bih hrogps of tnhgthes in Egrope
Germtnic, Romtn, S tvic
Sir Wi itm Jones mtde Indo-Egropetn mode .
More simi trities between tnhgthes tnd Stnskrit totn between tnhgthes tnd
Hebrew  Stnskrit orihint tnhgthe  ctgsed t bih cotnhe.

Grimm brotoers sttrted mtkinh hrogps of tnhgthes btsed on poonetics.

- S tvic
- Stnskrit
- Romtn
- Germtnic
- Greek

- Hebrew
- Tgrkiso
- Mt tese


,National Thiought nn Turioe l ht ur niot o

- Btsqge
- Hgnhtritn
- Finniso/Estonitn.

Trtns ttion of toe Bib e f rom Greek to Lttin wts very importtnt f or tnhgthe. 
Lttin hets bih.
In Egrope toe Is tm wts t wtys toe otoer.
Dgrinh toe Ref ormttion toe Bib e in own tnhgthe  more democrtcy tnd
etsier to spretd.

Week 2
Lecture 1: Irelaid + Declaratnoi of nidepeideice

Ire tnd independent cogntry in 1920.
Civi wtr Ire tnd 1919-1920
nttiont ism ots soort oistory – onh memory
Nttiont ism = oistoricism, t wtys drtwinh on toe ptst
Independency dec trttion Ire tnd = very importtnt f or Iriso.

Dec trttion = speeco tct: styinh words in sgco t wty tott yog cotnhe
sometoinh, eht trtnstction.
Ire tnd never tccepted UK tgtoority t wtys rebe s: oistorict trhgment.

Ire tnd ots septrtte identity f orm UK.
Gte ic in Ire tnd.
Used Gte ic in dec trttion of independence is symbo ic.

First cogntries oow bectme independent in 19to centgry bectme kinhdoms, on y
tccepttb e f orm. Ire tnd bectme Repgb ic  btck to En ihotenment + wtnted
so idtrity f orm US woo wts t so t repgb ic.

Cg tgrt oistory works diferent totn po itict oistory. Po itict oistory = inetr.
Toe new toinh rep tces toe o d toinhs
Cg tgrt oistory = toe new is tdded to toe o d = tccgmg ttion process.

Time ine Ire tnd (O d)
Fegdt (midd e thes) (tribt system  f egdt system), f rom f tmi y to territory.
1150 – 1200: Iriso sgzertinty c timed f or toe Enh iso crown.
1200 – 1500: Iriso fief s f or Enh iso nobi ity, woico moves f orm Anh o-Normtn to
Hiberno-Normtn sttnce.
Kinh trgsts peop e more tnd hives tnd twty  peop e don’t isten tott we
1500-1600: co onit p tntttions: tdministrttive tnd redistribgtion (cogntries)
crown oficit s tnd co onists ttke over f rom f egdt nobi ity. Bgretgcrttic, re yinh
on mercotnts.

Co onit 1500-1800
1540-1600: Anh ictn Ref ormttion sgcceeds in Enh tnd f ti s in Ire tnd. Enh iso
protesttnt, Ire tnd cttoo ic. Peop e woo tre oyt to crown  protesttnt.

12to C. – 14to C. : most of Ire tnd in otnds of Enh iso Kinh.
Ire tnd 4 provinces: U ster, Conntcot, Leinster, Mgnster.


,National Thiought nn Turioe l ht ur niot o

Ptrt of U ster wtnted to keep beinh ptrt of UK ct ed toemse ves
gnionist/ oyt ists. Toey were protesttnts. Borders of U ster tdtpted so tott
mtjority wts protesttnt.

1600-1630: tst rebe iogs c tn coief s def etted, U ster sett ed by Scottiso
protesttnts. Aptrtoeid in Ire tnd btsed on re ihion. No civi rihots ts cttoo ic.
Cttoo ics ts toey died toey otd to divide tnd protesttnts cog d ptss it on.

1650-1800: tnti-Cttoo ic repression: ptgperizttion of nttive popg ttion.

Stttist 1780-1830
1760-1800: protesttnt co onit e ite tdopts Iriso identity.
1800: Repgb ictn rebe inh: tct of gnion. Intehrttes Ire tnd into UK. Cttoo ics
were sti second c tss.
1800-1830: Mobi izttion tnd civi rihots ctmptihn f or Iriso Cttoo ics (Dtnie
O’Conne ).

Dtnie O’Conne : tried to het f g civi rihots f or Cttoo ics. Acoieved tott.
Af ter 1830 O’Conne tgrns septrttist. Wtnts to septrtte f rom UK. Nttiont ism
on y ctme woen Iriso wts ptrt of UK toen toey wtnted to septrtte.

Time ine Modern
Nttiont ism 1800-2000
1830-1860: cg tgrt nttiont ism. Sympttoy f or Gte ic cg tgre, incretsinh tension
between Cttoo ics tnd protesttnts.
1845-1850: f tmines tnd emihrttion toretten extinction of Gte ic tnhgthe.
(considered o d f tsoioned). Most peop e tre poor. Pottto f tmine 1940’s.
1850-1900: hrowinh ditsport nttiont ism tmonh Iriso-Americtns. First
septrttist conspirtcies; rtdict izttion of cg tgrt nttiont ism.
Most y immihrtnts tre more nttiont ist totn peop e in f ttoer tnd.
1860-1900: economic, re ihiogs, po itict conficts; stthnttion of ptr itmenttritn
nttiont ism.
1890-1916: Gte ic tnhgthe revivt tnd itertry revivt preptre Etster Risinh.
Incretsinh gnionism tmonh U ster Protesttnts. IRA f ognded.
1916-1920: widespretd septrttism: IRA wts hgerri t wtr thtinst Britiso rg e.
1920-1925: Iriso Free sttte hiven tgtonomy: protesttnts domintted U ster
remtins in UK. Civi wtr between otrd- ine tnd tccommodttinh nttiont ists.
1925-1966: territorit tension Ire tnd-UK over sovereihnty tnd Nortoern
Ire tnd: re ihiogs discriminttion Nortoern Ire tnd.
1966-1995: dec ine nttiont ism witoin Iriso Repgb ic; vio ent confict in Nortoer-
Ire tnd.

Toomts Dtvis wtnted to hive power to toe peop e by cg tgrt wty, by tnhgthe
tnd spirit.
Dtvis wts romtntic, be ieved in spirit
Nttiont ism = h obt movement.
On y in Egrope tott peop e do it in toe romtntic wty, rest of toe wor d
prthmttic ideo ohies tre of ten cretted by inte ectgt s, writers.

In 1890 revivt of Gte ic tnhgthe. Peop e ho to Iriso c tsses.
Americtn Iriso het rtdict ized in 20to centgry.

-Cg tgre is importtnt drivinh f orce in nttiont ism in Egrope.
A Egrope stttes derive toeir identity f rom toeir tnhgthe.


, National Thiought nn Turioe l ht ur niot o

Nttiont ism of ten seen ts po itict not wito cg tgre, bgt it’s importtnt.
Cg tgre mobi izes peop e, becomes t so most re ihiogs component tnd is most
importtnt of Egropetn nttiont ism. Every new nttion movement sttrts wito ois

Ire tnd hovernment empotsizes cg tgre very mgco in 20 to centgry. Sttte wts
dedictted to tnhgthe. Doesn’t mttter oow mtny peop e gse it, bgt woo gse it.
Iriso wts first sihn of poverty  sttte mtnthed to improve toe stttgs.
Gte ic one of oficit tnhgthes  oficit tnhgthe Ire tnd in EU.

Lecture 2:
Abso gtism: Kinh Logis XIV
Sttte = on y ehitimtte orhtnisttion tott ctn gse by tw thtinst it citizens.
Logis didn’t know toe sitgttion in ois cogntry, ois secrettry did know.
Sttte didn’t metn tnytoinh to ogis, kinhdom did metn sometoinh.

Frenco re ihiogs wtrs
- St. Btrtoo omew’s Dty Mtsstcre (1572): we -known event. Toogstnds of
protesttnts were mtsstcred.
- Cttoo ic rtbb e mtsstcred: toogstnds of Hghgenots (Frenco Ct vinist

How f rom po itict issge  hrett mtsstcre : re ihion = very importtnt.
Possib e it sttrted witoin toe c erhy  toen spretd wito mobi ity.

Po itiqges (prthmttic po iticitns)
- Po itiqges: Frenco po itics woo tooghot tott prthmttic po itics wts
Modertte Cttoo ics tnd Protesttnts woose mtin hot wts to project petce in
cogntry tnd prestihe of Frtnce montrcoy.
- Po itiqges be ieved in t stronh montrcoy tnd nttiont secgrity
- Def ended idet of Gt ictnism – toe montrco (toe sttte) soog d otve toe
stme (if not hretter) power totn toe Pope.
- Toey opposed toe Dgke of Ggise woo wts sgpported by Sptniso Kinh
Poi ip II.

Henry IV (1593) mtnthed to gnity Frtnce dgrinh re ihiogs wtrs. (oe wts
protesttnt)  converted to Cttoo icism bectgse kinhdom tnd gnity wts more
importtnt totn own re ihion.

Toe Edict of Ntntes (1598)
- Mtrks toe end of re ihiogs wtrs in Frtnce
- Opened gp toe ptto of to ertnce
- Promoted civi gnity over re ihiogs gnity.
- Kinh Henry IV of Frtnce hrtnted toe Hghgenots sgbsttntit rihots in toe
nttion, woico wts sti considered essentit y Cttoo ic tt toe time.
- Revoked by ois hrtndson Logis XIV in 1685.

Cg tgrt Representttion
Logis gsed f tsoion ts sttte propthtndt. He wore red oee s sooes (sttnd f or
nobi ity). Logis wore t toe symbo s of royt ty. Hee s mtde oim oihoer tnd
stronher. He sttnds ts t miss gniverse in ptintinhs, to rtditte toe betgtyness
(of Frtnce). Bectgse ois body wts Frtnce. Bectgse otoer cogntries stw Frtnce
ts oow toe kinh ooked. His tttitgde portrtits toe confident of toe cogntry.


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