Week 1: Managing people: HR-systems and behavioral interviewing
Human resource management (HRM) = all activttie tha managtrie tngagt vn atrac and rt avn
tmpl yttie and tnieurt tha thty ptrf rm a thvgth ltitl and c n rvbu t acc mplviethmtn f
rganvzat nal g alie
Strategic human resource management = pr ctieie by wthvcth managtrie dtievgn tht c mp ntn ie f an
HRM ieyie tm bt c nievie tn wv th tacth thtr, thtr tltmtn ie f rganvzat nal arcthv tc urt and
wv th tht rganvzat nnie ie ra tgy and g alie
tnthanct 4 building blocks of compettve strategy: tfficvtncy, qfiualv y, vnn iat n, rtiep nievitntieie
cuie mtrie
Six Sigma quality improvement plan = iarvt y f HR-rtla td activttie tha tnieurt rganvzat nnie
pr duc ie and ietrivctie art aie frtt f trr rie and dtftc ie aie p ieievblt
C mp ntn ie f HRM:
Rtcruv mtn and ietltct n
Travnvng and dtitl pmtn
Ptrf rmanct appravieal and fttdback
Pay and btntf ie
Lab r rtlat nie
Managers must ensure that all 5 components ft together and complement the company’s structure
and control systems – all infuence each other
Equal employment opportunity (EEO) = lawie tha all cvtztnie thait tqfiual rvgth tht pp r unv y f
tmpl ymtn rtgardltieie gtndtr, agt, ract t c.
Equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC) = tnf rctie EEO lawie, thandltie dviecrvmvnat n
c mplavn ie and vieieutie guvdtlvnt f r managtrie
Recruitment = all activttie managtrie tngagt vn dtitl p a p l f qfiualvftd candvda tie f r ptn
p ievt nie
Selecton = pr ctieie wthtrt managtrie dt trmvnt tht rtlatit qfiualvfcat nie f f b applvcan ie and thtvr
p tntal f r ptrf rmvng wtll vn a partcular f b
Btf rt rtcruv mtn and ietltct n nttdie nttd bt dt trmvntd by;
Human resource planning = activttie tha managtrie tngagt vn f rtcaie currtn and
fu urt nttdie f r thuman rtie urctie
o Demand forecast = tietmat n f qfiualvfcat nie and numbtr f tmpl yttie an
rganvzat n wvll nttd gvitn g alie and ie ra tgvtie
o Supply forecast = tietmat n f aiavlabvlv y and qfiualvfcat nie f currtn tmpl yttie
n w and vn tht fu urt + ieupply f qfiualvftd w rktrie vn tht tx trnal lab r markt
o May ltad outsourcing = uievng u ievdt ieupplvtrie pr duct g die/ ietrivctie
- Incrtaietie ftxvbvlv y
- L wtr c ie ie
- L ieie f c n r l itr qfiualv y
- Ltieie kn wltdgt f rganvzat nal practctie
o May ltad offshoring = wthtn wtie trn c un rvtie u ie urct w rk thtr c un rvtie
- C ie ieaivng
- Taltn td gl bal w rkf rct
- L ieie f managtrval c n r l
, Job analyses = pr ctieie f vdtntfyvng aiekie, duttie and rtiep nievbvlvttie tha makt up a f b
and tht kn wltdgt, iekvllie and abvlvttie (=job specificaton) nttdtd ptrf rm tht f b
Baietd n:
o Obietrivng currtn tmpl yttie
o In trivtwvng currtn tmpl yttie
o Qutiet nnavrtie c mpvltd by f b th ldtrie and managtrie
Nowadays jobs more feeible thus, less focus on specifc tasks and responsibilites and more
on effectve skills and knowledge
2 mavn yptie f rtcruv mtn
Ex trnal rtcruv mtn ( u ievdt rganvzat n)
o Adian agtie
- Largt applvcan p l
- Atrac pt plt wv th rvgth iekvllie, kn wltdgt, abvlvttie
- Frtieth appr acth
o Dvieadian agtie
- Hvgth c ie ie
- Lack kn wltdgt (m rt ravnvng c ie ie)
- Unctr avn ab u ptrf rmanct
In trnal rtcruv mtn (wv thvn rganvzat n)
o Lateral moves = f b cthangt a ieamt rtiep nievbvlv y ltitl
o Promotons = m rt rtiep nievbvlv y/ au th rv y
o Adian agtie
- Famvlvarv y wv th rganvzat n
- Managtrie kn w candvda tie
- B ie vn m tiat n and m ralt
- Ltieie tmt-c nieumvng + c ie ly
o Dvieadian agtie
- Lvmv td p l f candvda tie
- St vn rganvzat nnie wayie
Stltct n lie
Backgr und vnf rmat n
In trivtwie
o S ruc urtd (prtftrrtd btcauiet ltieie bvaie)
o Unie ruc urtd
o Sv uat nal (th w thandlt ieptcvfc f b iectnarv )
o Btthaiv ral vn trivtwvng (btthaiv rie uietd vn paie vn ieptcvfc iev uat n)
- Sv uat n, Taiek, Act n, Rtieul
Paptr-and-ptncvl tie ie
o Abvlv y tie ie (iekvllie)
o Ptrie nalv y tie ie ( rav ie and ctharac trvietcie)
Pthyievcal abvlv y tie ie
Ptrf rmanct tie ie
o W rk-ieamplt tie ie
- R ltplay
- In- ray/baiekt (prv rvtzvng)
o Aieietieiemtn ctn trie (vn gr up f applvcan ie)
o Sv uat nal fudgtmtn tie ie
,Stltct n lie ieth uld bt:
Rtlvablt = mtaieurt ieamt thvng tacth tmt
Valvd = mtaieurtie wtha vie purp r ie mtaieurt
Training = tacthvng rganvzat nal mtmbtrie kn wltdgt and iekvllie ptrf rm thtvr currtn f bie
tfftctitly rganvzat nal ltitl
Development = buvldvng kn wltdgt and iekvllie f rganvzat nal mtmbtrie ie tha thty art prtpartd
akt n ntw rtiep nievbvlvttie and cthalltngtie managtmtn ltitl
Needs assessment = dt trmvntie wthvcth tmpl yttie nttd ravnvng/ dtitl pmtn f r wthvcth iekvllie
Types of training Types of development
Claieier m vnie ruct n Claieier m vnie ruct n
(ivdt ie, r lt playvng, ievmulat nie) On- tht-f b ravnvng
On- tht-f b ravnvng Apprtntctiethvpie
Apprtntctiethvpie Varvtd w rk txptrvtnctie
o In-lvnt and vn-ie aff p ievt nie
o Mtn rvng
F rmal tducat n
Typtie f mtn rvng:
D wnward mtn rvng (carttr ieupp r )
Pttr mtn rvng (pieycth l gvcal ieupp r )
Experiental learning = ravnvng n f b 70%, mtn rvng and c acthvng 20% and tducat n 0%
Fac rie tha vnfutnct txptrvtntal ltarnvng:
Na urt f aiek
Indvivdualnie fac rie (ptrie nalv y, gtndtr)
C n tx ual fac rie (ieaft y, ruie , ieupp r )
Rtftct n
Performance appraisal = tialuat n f tmpl yttien f b ptrf rmanct and c n rvbut nie tht
rganvzat n (ie tp )
Performance feedback = pr ctieie thr ugth wthvcth managtrie iethart ptrf rmanct appravieal vnf rmat n
wv th ieub rdvna tie, gvit thtm pp r unv y rtftc n ptrf rmanct and dtitl p planie f r tht fu urt
(ie tp 2)
Adian agtie:
Inf rmat n f r HR dtcviev nie (t.g. pay ravietie, b nuietie, f b m itie)
Dt trmvnt candvda tie f r ravnvng and dtitl pmtn
Incrtaietd m tiat n and ptrf rmanct
Inievgth n ie rtng thie and th w vmpr it wtakntieietie
Typtie f ptrf rmanct appraviealie:
Trav appraviealie – wtha w rktrie art lvkt (n rtc mmtndtd)
Btthaiv r appraviealie – wtha w rktrie d
Rtieul ie appraviealie – wtha w rktrie acc mplvieth
Ptrf rmanct appraviealie can bt:
Obftctit (baietd n fac ie t.g. iealtie)
Subftctit (baietd n ptrctpt nie
F rmal = a iet tmt durvng ytar, baietd n vn adianct iet ptrf rmanct mtaieurtie
, Inf rmal = uniecthtdultd, ab u ng vng pr grtieie and artaie f vmpr itmtn (tmtly fttdback
ltadie thvgthtr m tiat n)
Wth appravietie ptrf rmanct:
Suptrivie r – m ie c mm n
Pttr appravieal
Sub rdvna t appravieal
Cuie mtr /clvtn appravieal
360-degree performance appraisal = multplt fttdback ie urctie
Bvaietie vn ptrf rmanct tialuat n:
P ievtit/ ntgatit ltnvtncy
Hal tfftc = gtntral vmprtieiev n baietd n ievnglt ctharac trvietc
Svmvlarv y trr r = fai rvng pt plt w/ ievmvlar qfiualvttie
Stltctit ptrctpt n = vn trprt at n madt n t.g. vn trtie ie, backgr und
C n raie tfftc = c mparvng ctharac trvietcie w/ ie mt nt tlietnie
Bvaietie tfftc HR dtcviev nie vn:
Empl ymtn vn trivtwie
Ptrf rmanct txptc at nie
o Self-fulfilling prophecy = tmpl yttnie ptrf rmanct rtftc ie prt-c nctvitd ltadtr
txptc at nie ab u tmpl yttnie capabvlvttie
Ptrf rmanct tialuat nie
Ptrf rmanct tialuat nie can bt vmpr itd by:
Multplt tialua rie
Eialua t ietltctitly (txptrtiet)
Travn tialua rie
Pr it tmpl yttie wv th dut pr ctieie (pr ctdural fuietct)
Self-serving bias = atrvbutng wn ieucctieietie vn trnal fac rie wthvlie atrvbutng favlurtie tx trnal
fac rie (wthy fttdback vie thrta tnvng)
Positve psychology = pt plt rtiep nd btttr praviet than crvtcviem c nfdtnct, ptrf rmanct
Pay = tmpl yttien baiet iealarvtie, pay ravietie and b nuietie dt trmvntd by a numbtr f fac rie ieucth aie
ctharac trvietcie f tht rganvzat n and f b, and ltitlie f ptrf rmanct
Benefits = baietd n mtmbtriethvp vn an rganvzat n vncludt ievck dayie, iacat n dayie and vnieuranctie
Pay level = rtlatit p ievt n f an rganvzat nnie pay vnctntitie vn c mparvie n wv th th iet f thtr
rganvzat nie vn ieamt vnduie ry, tmpl yvng ievmvlar w rktrie
Pay structure = arrangtmtn f f bie vn ca tg rvtie rtftctng thtvr rtlatit vmp r anct tht
rganvzat n and v ie g alie, ltitlie f iekvll rtqfiuvrtd, and thtr ctharac trvietcie pay rangtie ptr f b
ca tg ry
Cafeteria-style benefit plan = tmpl yttie can cth iet wthvcth btntf ie thty wan , wthvcth vncrtaietie
fttlvng f tqfiual rta mtn and m tiat n
Labor relatons = activttie managtrnie tngagt m tnieurt tha thty thait tfftctit w rkvng
rtlat nie wv th tht lab r unv nie tha rtprtietn thtvr tmpl yttnie vn trtie ie
Unions = rtprtietn w rktrnie vn trtie ie vn rganvzat nie
Natonal Labor Relatons Act madt v ltgal f r w rktrie rganvzt vn unv nie and pr tc thtvr
rvgth ie and vn trtie ie and dtclartd ctr avn unfavr r unt thvcal rganvzat nie practctie bt vlltgal
Natonal Labor Relatons Board itriettie unv n activ y