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Uitgebreide samenvatting Inleiding Cognitiewetenschappen H1 t/m 13

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Uitgebreide Engels samenvatting van hoofdstuk 1 t/m 13 van het boek 'Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Study of Mind' van Jay Friedenberg en Gordon Silverman.

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  • 19 januari 2019
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Door: aziarziarian98 • 3 jaar geleden

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Cognitive Scivencve – An Introduccton to teve Stucdy of Mind

1. Introduction: Exploring Innrr Spacr
- Cognitive scivencve: sciventic intverdisciipinnry stucdy of teve mind
- Comiuctnton: informnton ( iniuct, for vexnmipve teroucge ivercveitonn irocvessing  ouctiuct, for
vexnmipve pnngucngve or ieysicnp bveeniioucrn
- Teve mind is nn informnton irocvessor. Informnton irocvessors rveirvesvent nnd trnnsform informnton.
- Rveirvesventnton: somveteing tent stnnds for somveteing vepsve.

Foucr cntvegorives of rveirvesventntons:
1. Concveits most bnsic form of mventnp rveirvesventntonn: stnnd for n singpve ventty or grouci of
venttves concrvetve itvems or nbstrnct idvensn
2. Proiositons morve soieistcntved rveirvesvennton bvecnucsve tevey vexirvess rvepntonseiis
bvetwveven concveitsn: stntvemvents nbouct teve worpd. Proiositons cnn bve iroived to bve trucve or
fnpsve. Onve pogicnp intverfvervencve is cnppved n syppogism. It consists of terveve iroiositons: two
irvemisves nnd n concpucsion.
3. Rucpves: sivecify rvepntons bvetwveven iroiositons. A iroduccton rucpve is n conditonnp if-tevenn
stntvemvent. Rucpves nrve onve wny of rveirvesventng irocveducrnp knowpvedgve. Procveducrnp knowpvedgve
rveirvesvents skipp nnd dvecpnrntive knowpvedgve rveirvesvents fncts.
4. Annpogives: mnkve cominrisons bvetwveven two simipnr situcntons. Tevey nppow ucs to gvenvernpizve
oucr pvenrning. Teve nnnpogy cnn npso bve cpnssiived ns n form of rvensoning

Cenrnctveristcs of rveirvesventntons
- Foucr cruccinp nsivects of nny rveirvesventnton:
1. A ‘rveirvesventnton bvenrver’ eucmnn or comiuctvern mucst rvenpizve n rveirvesventnton
2. A rveirvesventnton mucst enive contvent: it stnnds for on or morve obevects rvefverventsn
3. A rveirvesventnton mucst bve ‘groucndved’: teverve mucst bve somve wny in weice teve
rveirvesventnton nnd its rvefvervent comve to bve rvepntved
4. A rveirvesventnton mucst bve intverirvetnbpve by somve intverirvetver rveirvesventnton bvenrver or
somvebody vepsve
- Hucmnn mventnp rveirvesventntons nrve svemnntc: tevey enive mvenning
- Teve rvepntonseii bvetwveven n rveirvesventnton nnd went it stnnds for is cnppved intventonnpity.
- A rveirvesventnton is symbopic: teve symbop is n sucrrogntve tent rvefvers to its rvefvervent.
- In n formnp systvem, symbops nrve combinved into vexirvessions. Tevesve vexirvessios cnn teven bve
mnniiucpntved ucsing irocvessves. Teve rvesucpt of n irocvess cnn bve n nvew vexirvession.
- According to teve ieysicnp symbop systvem eyiotevesis PSSHn, n formnp systvem cnn nppow for
intveppigvencve. Teve critiucves tent enive bveven pveiveppved ngnint PSSH is tent teve symbops comiuctvers ucsve
enive no mvenning or svemnntc iucnpity nnd tevey nrve not ‘groucndved’ sincve mnceinves nrve not vembodived
tey cnn not ivercveiive teings nnd nct on tevemn: teve symbop groucnding irobpvem. A coucntvernrgucmvent to
teis is tent comiuctver systvems do enive teve cninbipity to dvesignntve: tevey cnn nfvect nn obevect or bveenive
in wnys tent dveivend on teve obevect.
- An intventonnp rveirvesventnton mucst bve triggverved by its rvefvervent or teings rvepntved to it. Actinton of
rveirvesventnton cnucsves bveeniioucr or nctons tent nrve somveeow rvepntved to teve rvefvervent. Teis rvepnton
bvetwveven iniucts nnd ouctiucts is known ns nn niiroirintve cnucsnp rvepnton.

- Mventnp oiverntons fnpp into brond cntvegorives mvemory, pnngucngve, rvensoning, vetc.n, dveinved by teve
tyive of oivernton tent is iverformved or by teve tyive of informnton nctved on. Mnny of tevesve cntvegorives
mny incoriorntve iirtucnppy idventcnp or simipnr sucbirocvessves.

,- Any giiven informnton irocvess cnn bve dvescribved nt sveivernp difvervent pveiveps.
- Tri-Lveivep Hyiotevesis:
1. Comiuctntonnp pveivep: went vexnctpy is teis irobpvem nnd wey is teis irocvess everve in teve irst
2. Apgoritemic pveivep/irogrnmming pveivep: went informnton-irocvessing stveis nrve bveing ucsved to
sopive teve irobpvem? Apgoritems nrve ‘nctons’ ucsved to mnniiucpntve nnd cenngve rveirvesventntons.
Teve npgoritemic pveivep is nvevedved bvecnucsve is tvepps ucs eow n inrtcucpnr systvem iverforms n
comiuctnton. ndverstnnding difvervencves bvetwveven comiuctvers nnd eucmnns formnppy tvepps ucs
mucce nbouct nptvernntive irobpvem-sopiing.
3. Imipvemventntonnp pveivep: went is teve informnton irocvessor mndve of? Went tyives of
ieysicnp or mntverinp cenngves ucndverpive cenngves in teve irocvessing of teve informnton?
Ence pveivep cnn bve sucbdiiidved into pveiveps. It is not npwnys ventrvepy cpvenr eow to mni
onve pveivep of nnnpysis onto nnotever.
- A comiuctver is n formnp symbop mnniiucpntor: n systvem tent oiverntves on contventpvess symbops bnsved
on n svet of rucpves syntnxn. Mnniiucpnton everve imipives tent comiuctnton is nn nctive, vembodived irocvess
tent tnkves ipncve oiver tmve cpnssicnp iivewn.
- Concveiton of comiuctnton
- Cpnssicnp iivew: knowpvedgve is rveirvesventved pocnppy – in teve form of symbops. Procvessing occucrs
in discrvetve sverinp stngves.
- Connvectonist iivew: knowpvedgve is rveirvesventved ns n intvern of nctinton or wveigets tent is
distribuctved teroucgeouct n nvetwork nnd so is orve gpobnp tenn n singpve symbop. Procvessing occucrs
in inrnppvep teroucge teve simucptnnveoucs nctinton of mnny nodves or vepvemvents in teve nvetwork.
- Went eniivens to rveirvesventntons oncve tevey gvet vestnbpiseved? Two iivews:
- Rveirvesventntons rvemnin forveiver ixved nnd ucncennging. Teis is eow n comiuctver dvenps wite
rveirvesventnton. In nrticinp nveucrnp nvetwork simucpntons of teve mind, teve nvetworks nrve fvexibpve
nnd ipnstc ducring pvenrning, buct oncve pvenrning is comipvetve, tevey mucst rvemnin teve snmve. If not,
teve rveirvesventntons wipp bve rvewritven weven nvew teings nrve pvenrnved.
- Dynnmicnp iversivective morve rvenpistcn: teve mind is constnntpy cennging ns it ndnits to nvew
informnton. A rveirvesventnton is nptverved vence tmve wve teink nbouct tent concveit or vexiverivencve
informnton tent is in somve wny rvepntved to it.
- Comiuctnton ns concveitucnpizved in cognitive scivencve is bvepiveived to bve nveucrnp nnd mucptcveppucpnr. It is
teve rvesucpt of teve fow of nn vepvectricnp signnp ncross nveucron cvepp mvembrnnves. Brny, eowveiver, nrgucves for
n form of comiuctnton tent occucrs witein n cvepp rntever tenn bvetwveven tevem. Buct teve mnceinvery of
mopvecucpnr comiuctnton mny not bve cninbpve of ducipicntng teve comipvex sorts of comiuctng wve sveve in
brnins. Apso, comiuctnton of teis sort mny iossibpve onpy in motpve singpve-cveppved orgnnism tent nveved to
moive nnd so fncve grventver ndnitive cenppvengves.

Teve intverdisciipinnry iversivective
1. Teve Peiposoieicnp Aiironce: Went is teve mind? How do wve comve to know teings?
Exiverimventnp ieiposoiey is n form of ieiposoiey tent uctpizves vemiiricnp mveteods, tyiicnppy in teve form
of sucriveys tent iroiidve construcctved scvennrios. Teve sucriveys nrve ucsved to nssvess iveoipve’s intucitons in
ordver to evepi nnswver ieiposoieicnp iucvestons.
- Dveducctive rvensoning: teve niipicnton of teve rucpves of pogic to stntvemvents nbouct teve worpd if
teve irvemisve stntvemvents nrve corrvect, teven teve concpucding stntvemvents mucst bve ns wvepp.
- Inducctive rvensoning: n form of teinking in weice commonnpitves nbouct siveciic instnncves in
teve worpd nrve notcved nnd ucsved to drnw concpucsions.
2. Teve Psyceopogicnp Aiironce: Psyceopogists niipy teve sciventic mveteod eyiotevesis  vexiverimvent
 obsverintonsn to bote mind nnd bveeniioucr. Tevey ntvemit to ucndverstnnd not eucst intvernnp mventnp
ievenomvenn, buct npso teve vextvernnp bveeniiors tent tevesve intvernnp ievenomvenn cnn giive risve to.
3. Teve Cognitive Aiironce: Cognitive isyceopogists bvepiveive tent teve mind, pikve n comiuctver, cnn bve
ucndverstood in tverms of informnton irocvessing. Tevey ucsve teve comiuctver ns n mvetnieor for teve mind

,nnd dvescribved mventnp fucnctoning in tverms of rveirvesventnton nnd comiuctnton. Inevervent in teve
cognitive niironce is teve idven of moducpnrity. Moducpves nrve fucnctonnppy indveivendvent ucnits tent rvecveiive
iniucts from otever moducpves, iverform n siveciic irocvessing tnsk, nnd inss teve rvesucpts of teveir
comiuctnton onto yvet ndditonnp moducpves.
4. Teve nveucroscivencve niironce: teve stucdy of teve brnin nnd vendocrinve systvem nnd eow tevesve nccoucnt
for mventnp stntves nnd bveeniioucr nnd teve ntvemit to vexipnin cognitive irocvessves in tverms of
ucndverpying brnin mvecennisms.
5. Teve Nvetwork niironce inrtnppy dveriived from nveucroscivencven: teve mind is sveven ns n coppvecton of
comiuctng ucnits tent nrve connvectved to onve nnotever nnd muctucnppy infucvencve onve nnotever’s nctiity iin
teveir connvectons, npteoucge vence of teve ucnits is bvepiveived to iverform n rvepntivepy simipve comiuctnton.
6. Teve Eiopuctonnry Aiironce: teve ivepd of veiopuctonnry isyceopogy niipives svepvecton teveory to
nccoucnt for eucmnn mventnp irocvessves. It ntvemits to vepuccidntve teve svepvecton forcves tent nctved on oucr
nncvestors nnd eow tevesve forcves gnive risve to teve cognitive strucctucrves wve now iossvess. Eiopuctonnry
isyceopogists npso ndoit n moducpnr niironce to mind.
7. Teve Lingucistc Aiironce: nn nrven tent focucsves vexcpucsiivepy in teve domnin of pnngucngve. It ndoits n
ivery vecpvectc mveteodopogicnp niironce.
8. Teve Emoton Aiironce: rvesvenrceves dntn on vemotons nnd eow tevey infucvencve teoucgets
9. Teve Socinp Aiironce: vexiporves eow iveoipve mnkve svensve of bote tevemsvepives nnd otevers.
10. Teve Articinp Intveppigvencve Aiironce: rvesvenrceves in AI nrve concvernved wite gvetng comiuctvers to
iverform tnsks tent enive evervetoforve rveiucirved eucmnn intveppigvencve. AI giives ucs insigets into teve fucncton
of eucmnn mventnp oiverntons.
11. Teve Robotcs Aiironce: weverve AI workvers bucipd dveiicves tent ‘teink’, robotcs rvesvenrcevers bucipd
mnceinved tent mucst npso ‘nct’.
In rvecvent yvenrs, teve cognitive nnd nveucroscivencve niironceves enive comve cposver togvetever.

, 2. Thr Philosophical Approach
Went is ieiposoiey?
- Svenrce for wisdom nnd knowpvedgve. Teveorvetcnp rntever tenn vexiverimventnp disciipinve
- Mvetnieysics: vexnminves teve nntucrve of rvenpity mind-body irobpvemn
- Eiistvemopogy: stucdy of knowpvedgve

Teve mind-body irobpvem: went is mind?
- How nrve isyceopogicnp or mventnp iroivertves soucp, siiritn rvepntved to ieysicnp iroivertves brninn?
- Is teve mind ieysicnp or somveteing vepsve? Went is teve rvepnton bvetwveven tevesve two teings?
- Peiposoieicnp bveeniioucrism: mventnp stntves nrve disiositons or tvendvencives to bveenpive in cvertnin wnys
ucndver cvertnin circucmstnncves. Buct wve cnnnot consistventpy rvepy on bveeniioucrs ns indicntors of mventnp

Monism Aristotpven
- Teverve is onpy onve kind of stntve or sucbstnncve in teve ucniiversve. Eitever teve ucniiversve is mventnp or it is
- Teve difvervencve bvetwveven teve mind nnd body is pikve teve difvervencve bvetwveven form nnd mntver

- Idvenpism: teve ucniiversve is mventnp. Eiveryteing is nn ippucsion of rvenpity. Teve worpd youc ivercveiive nnd
ucndverstnnd vexists onpy ‘in youcr evend’. A sucirvemve bveing succe ns God coucpd bve rvesionsibpve for teis.
Idvenpism doves not rvenppy iucnpify ns n pvegitmntve teveory bvecnucsve it cnnnot bve iroived trucve or fnpsve.
- Peysicnpism/mntverinpism: teve ucniiversve is ieysicnp nnd comiosved of n singpve sucbstnncve. Teis
sucbstnncve is ieysicnp nnd mntverinp rntever tenn siiritucnp or vetevervenp. Teve oiverntons of teve mind nrve
sveven ns teve oiverntons of teve brnin. Critcs ncknowpvedgve tent teve worpd is ieysicnp buct indicntve tent
teverve is no ieysicnp vexipnnnton for mnny ievenomvenn. In tevesve cnsves it s iverenis bvetver to vexipnin
ucsing mventnp tverms.
- Idventty teveory: teve mind is teve brnin. Mventnp stntves nrve ieysicnp stntves of teve brnin. Tevesve
ieysicnp brnin stntves cnn bve ucndverstood onpy teroucge iroiver sciventic nnnpysis. Onve
nrgucmvent tent cnn bve dirvectved nt idventty teveory goves by teve nnmve of mucptipve rvenpiznton:
teve iivew tent nny giiven mventnp stntve, succe ns inin, cnn bve instnntntved or rvenpizved difverventpy
in difvervent crventucrves.
- Epiminntiism: teve ieiposoieicnp iivew tent ndiocntves nbnndoning words dvescribing
teve mind nnd ucsing onpy words dvescribing teve brnin.
- Fopk isyceopogy: teveorives of teve mind tent ucsve sucbevective tverms nnd commonsvensve
or intucitive rvensoning.

Ducnpism Ppnton
- Bote mventnp nnd ieysicnp sucbstnncves nrve iossibpve
- Teve mind nnd teve body vexist in two sveinrntve worpds
- Knowpvedgve of teve mind vexists in nn idvenp worpd of forms, weice is immntverinp, nonvextvendved, nnd
vetvernnp. Teve body instvend rvesidved in n worpd tent is mntverinp, vextvendved nnd iverisenbpve.
- Mnny critiucves. How do ieysicnp brnin irocvessves giive risve to mventnp fventucrves?
- Cpnssicnp ducnpism Dvescnrtvesn: teve bvepivef tent bote mventnp nnd ieysicnp rvenpms nrve iossibpve weverve
teve mind controps teve body. It conforms to most iveoipve’s commonsvensve noton of teve mind-brnin
rvepntonseii, weice is tent oucr teoucgets controp oucr nctons.

- Sucbstnncve ducnpism: teve mind nnd teve body nrve comiosved of comipvetvepy difvervent sucbstnncves. Buct
teven tevey woucpd not bve nbpve to cnucsnppy intvernct.
- Proiverty ducnpism: teve mind nnd teve body cnn bve of teve snmve stucf buct enive difvervent iroivertves
cenrnctveristcs or fventucrvesn. Mventnp stntves nrve nonieysicnp iroivertves of teve brnin

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