‘’Niks in de luchtvaart is toegestaan, tenzij
Luuk Thijs, 569807
Inholland Haarlem
Auteurs: Luuk Thijs
Instelling: Hogeschool Inholland
Opleiding: Business studies te Haarlem
Afstudeerrichting: Logistiek
Klas: BS302 LOG
Onderwijseenheid: OE604: Beroepsproduct Airpot & Aviation Management
Docenten: Y. den Braber & R. Balk
Versie: 2
Datum: 31-01-2018
Voor u ligt het onderzoeksrapport naar de haalbaarheid voor het opzetten van twee
intercontinentale vluchten voor Transavia. Dit onderzoeksrapport is geschreven in het kader
van OE604 Beroepsproduct Airport & Aviation voor de opleiding Business Studies logistiek
aan de Hogeschool Inholland Haarlem. Van 7 november tot 21 december zijn wij bezig
geweest met het onderzoek en het schrijven van dit onderzoeksrapport.
Bij het onderzoek hebben wij bijpassende deelvragen opgesteld om de hoofdvraag te
kunnen beantwoorden. Tijdens dit onderzoek zijn wij begeleid door mevrouw Den Braber en
meneer Balk. Zij hebben ons geholpen gedurende het onderzoek, ons bijgestuurd en de
nodige vragen beantwoord waardoor wij dit onderzoek hebben kunnen afronden.
Als groep willen wij graag de begeleiders bedanken voor de hulp die zij ons hebben
aangeboden tijdens dit project. Wij wensen u veel leesplezier toe.
, Summary
Transavia is a low-cost airline and a subsidiary of Air France-KLM. It is an passenger airliner
with the Boeing 737-700 and Boeing 737-800 in their possession and operates at the point-
to-point netwerk principle. Operating at this particular netwerk means that it tries to utilize
their aircraft as much as possible. Utilization means the amount of hours per day the aircraft
is flying. Having an aircraft in its possession cost a lot of money, but in order to make money
with an aircraft is flying. Norwegian (airline from Norway) already planned long-haul flights on
their low-cost principle. Recently, Norwegian announced to fly from Amsterdam to New York
for €200 for a single way. Transavia wants to analyse if this principle is achievable and
implement it in their own operations afterwards.
To begin with flying non-stop long-haul distances, an aircraft with these characteristics is
needed. Transavia’s choice has fallen on the Boeing 777-300 ER. This aircraft has very
powerful engines, a lot of passengers seats and consists of extended range (ER).
Afterwards, Transavia has some options to fly with this aircraft; buying or leasing. Almost
every airline leases their aircraft, it is very likely that Transavia will also lease their aircraft.
Another reason for leasing aircraft, is that this is a pilot project. This airline is not familiar with
flying low-cost long-haul flights and when time will show us that this principle was not
reaching the expectation as expected, they can get rid of the aircraft more easily than buying
an aircraft.
From flying short haul to long-haul flights, major changes are inevitable. Firstly, on average,
an airline needs around the 3 crew teams per small aircraft. One crew team consist of one
captain, one first officer, one purser and two, three or four cabin attendants. The more
aircraft an airline possesses, the better it can divide their staff and the more efficient it will be.
Staff and fuel consist of one of the biggest costs for an airline. Secondly, for long-haul flights,
an airline needs to have around the five crew teams per aircraft. After every long-haul flight,
the crew needs to rest and is not allowed to fly back straight afterwards. These rules and
regulations can be found in the Flight Times Limitations books. The cabin crew can be
certified on different aircraft types, but the mostly, cockpit crew can only have one type of
aircraft. Exceptions are the Boeing 777 combined with the Boeing 787 and the Airbus A330
combined with the Airbus A340 and the Airbus A380. The crew costs in this case will be very
high, because Transavia will only have two long-haul aircraft. Maintenance, crew trainings,
the needed certifications of several organisations and associations and internal and external
operational changes are factors Transavia needs to invest in. At last, one of the most
important factors for Transavia to fly long-haul, is the passenger demand. ‘Is there enough
demand for these specific routes with the low-cost principle to cover all the costs?’. The
passengers need to pay for a ticket and it is up to Transavia to get the highest load factor
with the highest revenue as possible. An aircraft with open seats can considered as missed
Major changes come up politically as well: ‘can the safety of your crew can be guaranteed at
the destination?’, ‘what are the regulations of flying above war zones?’, ‘what rights has this
airline in that stage?’ and ‘what rules and regulations needs to be followed when flying in
other countries air spaces?’. These are questions which need carefully be looked at when
preparing these long-haul flights.
Transavia has chosen to fly to Beijing (China) and Mumbai (India). These destinations are
accurately chosen. Several researches have shown that the air transport in the Asian
countries will increase extremely in the next decades. Flying will become cheaper and so