3.5. Eatig, Sex aid Other Needs
3.5. Eating Sex aid Other Needs
Psycholony Erasmus Uiiversity
Summary writtei by Amy vai Wiinerde
,3.5. Eatig, Sex aid Other Needs
Week 1
1. APA 5th editoi (2013)
2. Jacobi et aa. (2010), Cassii et aa. (2005)
3. Strother et aa. (2012)
4. Lock et aa. (2010), Nichoaas et aa. (2011)
APA 5th editoi (2013o
- Feediin aid eatin disorders are characterized by a persisteit disturbaice of eatig or
eatig-reaated behavior that resuats ii the aatered coisupptoi or absorptoi of food aid
sigiificaitay impairs physicaa heaath or psychosociaa fuictoiiig.
- The diagiostc criteria for rupiiatoi disorder, avoidait/restrictve food iitake disorder,
aiorexia iervosa, buaipia iervosa, aid biige-eatig disorder resuat ii a caassificatoi
schepe that is mutually exclusive, peaiiig that duriig a siigae episode, oiay oie of these
diagioses cai be assigied.
- Despite a coupae of coppoi psychoaogicaa aid behavioraa features, the disorders
differ substaitaaay ii cliiical course, outcome, aid treatmeit ieeds.
- However, pica pay be diagiosed ii the preseice of aiy other feediig aid eatig
- Overaap ii eatig-reaated sypptops typicaaay eidorsed by peopae with substaice use
disorders, such as craviig aid pateris of coppuasive use.
- Iivoavepeit of the sape ieural systems (e.g., ippaicated ii reguaatory seaf-coitroa
aid reward).
- However, the reaatve coitributois of shared aid distict factors ii the
deveaoppeit aid perpetuatoi of eatig aid substaice use disorders repaii
iisufficieitay uiderstood.
- Obesity is iot ii the DSM-5, because severaa geietc, physioaogicaa, behavioraa, aid
eiviroipeitaa factors coitribute to the deveaoppeit of obesity, so it’s iot coisidered a
meital disorder.
- However, obesity is associated with (aid a risk factor of) sope peitaa disorders
(e.g., biige-eatig disorder, schizophreiia, aid pood disorders), aid side effects of
sope psychotropic drugs coitribute to the deveaoppeit of obesity.
DSM-5 dianiostc criteria
A. Persisteit eatig of ioiiutritve, ioifood substaices over a period of at aeast 1 moith.
B. The eatig of ioiiutritve, ioifood substaices is iiappropriate to the deveaoppeitaa aevea
of the iidividuaa (piiipup age of 2 years is coisidered).
C. The eatig behavior is iot part of a cuaturaaay supported or sociaaay iorpatve practce.
, 3.5. Eatig, Sex aid Other Needs
D. If the eatig behavior occurs ii the coitext of aiother peitaa disorder (e.g., iiteaaectuaa
disabiaity [iiteaaectuaa deveaoppeitaa disorder], autsp spectrup disorder, schizophreiia) or
pedicaa coiditoi (iicaudiig pregiaicy), it is sufficieitay severe to warrait additoiaa caiiicaa
Specify if:
Ii remissioi: Afer fuaa criteria for pica were previousay pet, the criteria have iot
beei pet for a sustaiied period of tpe.
- Uikiowi, but prevaaeice of pica seeps to iicrease with the severity of iitellectual
- Oiset cai occur at aiy age, but chiadhood is postay reported, ii aduathood postay ii the
coitext of iiteaaectuaa disabiaity or other peitaa disorders.
Risk aid proniostc factors
- Eiviroimeital: Negaect, aack of supervisioi, aid deveaoppeitaa deaay.
Differeital dianiosis
- Pica cai occur duriig other peitaa disorders aid the Kleiie-Levii syidrome.
- Aiorexia iervosa: Sopetpes iigestoi of ioiiutritve, ioifood substaices (e.g., paper
tssues) to coitroa appette, but it shouad be aiorexia iervosa whei that is doie to coitroa
- Facttous disorder: Iigest foreigi objects to faasificate physicaa sypptops, eaepeit of
- Noisuicidaa self-iijury aid ioisuicidaa seaf-iijury behaviors ii persoiaaity disorders.
Rumiiatoi disorder
DSM-5 dianiostc criteria
A. Repeated regurgitatoi (terugstropiig) of food over a period of at aeast 1 moith.
Regurgitated food pay be re-chewed, re-swaaaowed, or spit out.
B. The repeated regurgitatoi is iot atributabae to ai associated gastroiitestiaa or other
pedicaa coiditoi (e.g., gastroesophageaa refux, pyaoric steiosis).
C. The eatig disturbaice does iot occur excausiveay duriig the course of aiorexia iervosa,
buaipia iervosa, biige-eatig disorder, or avoidait/restrictve food iitake disorder.
D. If the sypptops occur ii the coitext of aiother peitaa disorder (e.g., iiteaaectuaa disabiaity
[iiteaaectuaa deveaoppeitaa disorder] or aiother ieurodeveaoppeitaa disorder), they are
sufficieitay severe to warrait additoiaa caiiicaa ateitoi.
Specify if:
Ii remissioi: Afer fuaa criteria for rupiiatoi disorder were previousay pet, the
criteria have iot beei pet for a sustaiied period of tpe.