Knowledge Management & Societal Innovation Planning - 2019
Lecture 1 – Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice (Chapter 1 + 2) ................... 2
Lecture 2 – Knowledge Sharing (Chapter 5) ............................................................................. 11
Lecture 3 – Selected Knowledge Management models (Chapter 3) ................................... 16
Lecture 4 – Evaluating Knowledge Management (Chapter 9)............................................... 22
Lecture 5 – Knowledge, Innovation and Creativity: Highway to business........................ 26
Lecture 6 – Waves, disruption and responsbible innovation ............................................... 33
Reading: Dalkir, K. (2018). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition
Group assignment 30% - Exam 70% (Essay, MCQ)
, Knowledge Management & Societal Innovation Planning - 2019
Lecture 1 – Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice (Chapter 1 + 2)
Part 1: Constructs and Definitions
Knowledge management (KM) is the process managing the knowledge and information of an organisation to gain competitive
Knowledge management solutions have proven to be most successful in the capture, storage, and subsequent dissemination of
knowledge that has been rendered explicit—particularly lessons learned and best practices.
The focus of intellectual capital management (ICM) is the content of value, on knowledge assets primary, whereas KM has a
broader content focus.
A good definition of knowledge management incorporates both the capturing and storing of the knowledge perspective, together
with the valuing of intellectual assets:
KM is the systematic coordination of an organization’s people, technology, processes and organizational structure in order to
add value through reuse and innovation. This coordination is achieved through creating, sharing and applying knowledge as
well as through feeding the valuable lessons learned and best practices into corporate memory in order to foster continued
organizational learning.
Some typical knowledge management objectives are to:
• Facilitate a smooth transition from those retiring to their successors who are recruited to fill their positions.
• Minimize loss of corporate memory due to attrition and retirement.
• Identify critical resources and critical areas of knowledge so that the corporation “knows what it knows and does it
well—and why.”
• Build up a toolkit of methods that can be used with individuals, with groups, and with the organization to stem the
potential loss of intellectual capital.
From Data to Knowledge
• Data – measurable, objective records, facts (e.g. it is -9 C degrees outside)
• Information – meaningful analysed data but only within context (e.g. it can get cold in winter in Montreal)
• Knowledge – subjective, prescriptive, contradictory (e.g. I feel cold today, I remember)
Comparison of Tacit (Implicit) and Explicit (Semantic) Knowledge
• Tacit – Embedded in the human mind through experience and jobs. Difficult to articulate and put into words (e.g.
emotions, experience). “Tacitness” is a property of the knower: what is easily articulated by one person may be very
difficult to externalize by another. 80% of the organization knowledge is tacit (embedded in the mind).
• Explicit – Content that has been captured in some tangible form (e.g. images, words, recordings, reports). 20% of the
organization knowledge is explicit (already codified).
Tacit (Implicit) Knowledge Explicit (Semantic) Knowledge
Ability to disseminate, to reproduce, to access, and to
Ability to adapt, to deal with new and exceptional situations
reapply throughout the organization, to teach, to train.
Expertise, know-how, know-why and care-why. Ability to Ability to organize, to systematize, to translate a vision in a
collaborate, share a vision. mission, statement, into operational guidelines
Coaching and mentoring to transfer, experiential Transfer of knowledge via products, services, and
knowledge on a one-to-one, face-to-face basis. documented processes.
, Knowledge Management & Societal Innovation Planning - 2019
What are the knowledge types?
What did IT to our brain?
• Knowledge creation
• Knowledge storage/retrieval
• Knowledge transfer
• Knowledge application
Why is KM important today?
KM is a response to the challenge of trying to manage this complexity amidst information overload.
It is absolutely essential to record as much context (metadata) as possible when managing knowledge, such as Historical
context, Technological context and Legal context.
• First Generation: large consulting companies that realized that their primary product was knowledge and that they
needed to inventory their knowledge stock more effectively (due information overload), where intranet and internal KM
systems where implemented: If we only knew what we know – IT
• Second Generation: growing awareness of the importance of human and cultural dimensions of knowledge
management as organizations pondered why the new digital libraries were entirely devoid of content (“information
junkyards”) and why the usage rate was so low. If we only knew who knows about – PEOPLE
• Third Generation: devoted to context, narrative, and content management.
If we could only organize our knowledge – CONTENT
What are the three types of analytics?
- Descriptive Analytics, which use data aggregation and data mining to provide insight into the past and answer:
“What has happened?” Explicit
- Predictive Analytics, which use statistical models and forecasts techniques to understand the future and answer:
“What could happen?” – Tacit/ explicit
- Prescriptive - Analytics, which use optimization and simulation algorithms to advice on possible outcomes and
answer: “What should we do?” - explicit/implicit
What is a Business Data citizen?
A person who create, generate and support business decision-making, using business domain knowledge and data science
tools and models. His primary job function is outside the field of statistics and analytics. The business data citizen works in any
of the business domain juxtaposed to the information/data domains within organizations, companies or firms.
Organizational amnesia or forgetting
“Create vague story for the things that are not having the knowledge.”
, Knowledge Management & Societal Innovation Planning - 2019
What is Knowledge Management (conclusion)?
- KM is the systematic, explicit and deliberate building, renewal and application of knowledge to maximize and
enterprise’s knowledge-related effectiveness and returns from knowledge assets (K. Wiig).
- KM is the process of capturing a company’s collective expertise wherever it resides: in databases, on paper,
in people heads – and distributing it to wherever it can help produce the biggest payoff (Hibbard).
- KMA systematic approach to manage the use of information in order to provide a continuous flow of knowledge to the
right people at the right time enabling efficient and effective decision making in their everyday business
(Payne & Britton, 2010).
- It is the attempt to recognize what is essentially a human asset buried in the minds of individuals and leverage it into
an organizational asset that can be accessed and used by a broader set of individuals on whose decisions the firm
KM applies systematic approaches to find, understand and use knowledge to create value (O’Dell)
KM is the explicit control and management of knowledge within an organization aimed at achieving the company’s objectives
KM is the formalization of and access to experience, knowledge, and expertise that create new capabilities, enable superior
performance, encourage innovation and enhance customer value