Aantekeningen Group Dynamics
Lecture 1
Group: two or more individuals who are connected by and within social relationships
Examples: romantic relationship, family, task related group (at work)
o Alle vrouwen, is niet perse een groep, omdat je je niet geconnected voelt met alle
vrouwen in de wereld. Maar als je je psychologisch verbonden voelt, wordt het wel een
o Sometimes things that didn’t seen as a group, can become a group
Memberships: members are connected – linked – together. Unlike networks, groups usually have
boundaries that define who is in the group and who is not
Group characteristics:
1. Size
2. Composition: individuals who belong to the group e.g. talents, traits, demographics
3. Interaction: task vs relationship-oriented, what do members do?
4. Goals
5. Interdependence: how dependent are people of each other?
o Hierarchical
o Symmetric (group of friends – influence each other)
o Sequential (one group member influences another group member, that group member
influences another group member)
6. Boundaries: permeable, who does and does not belong?
7. Origin: founded or formed
8. Entitativity: does it look like a group?
9. Structure: structure; roles, norms, relationships
10. Unity/cohesion
Types of groups:
Primary groups: deze groepen kies je niet, hebben grote invloed op je
Bijvoorbeeld: familie
Social/secondary groups: also very influential
Bijvoorbeeld: vriendengroepen van de universiteit, groepen door gedeelde hobby’s.
Collectives: is formed very temporarily – not very influential
Social categories: mensen behoren niet tot een groep, maar voelen zich zo connected met de groep,
dat als de groep bijvoorbeeld verliest, zij zich ook slecht voelen.
Bijvoorbeeld: Ajax
Why is studying groups important:
Fundamental attribution error: the influence of groups on individuals is often underestimated,
particularly by individuals raised in more individualistic, western cultures.
o Wij kijken vaak alleen naar individuen, maar je moet de context ook begrijpen. Is meer
dan individuen.
Understanding groups facilitates:
o Understanding people
, o Understanding the world
o Applications to practical problems
o Understanding yourself
Law of interactionism (Kurt Lewin): B = f(P, E)
B = Behavioral, cognitive, and emotional reactions
F = function of
P = Personal characteristics
E = Environmental factors
Slow start of studying groups, why?
1. Incorrect assumption: private affair
2. Incorrect assumption: too complex to study
3. Incorrect assumption: so obvious, no need to study. If you understand the individual, it’s
enough. You don’t have to study groups
4. Theoretical and methodological disagreement between researchers
Group dynamics:
Twofold coverage:
1. The scientific study of group processes
2. The influential actions, processes, and changes
Lecture 2
How should we study the individual or the group?
1. Micro level: focus on the individual
o psychology
2. Meso level: focus on the group and social context
o sociology
3. Macro level: focus on organizational/community levels
Best: multi-level: adopts multiple perspectives on groups
Group processes involve different levels.
,Why we need to be with others:
1. The need to belong
2. Loneliness
3. The herd instinct
4. Ostracism
5. Individualism vs collectivism
The need to belong – is a fundamental need
o People in social isolation – extreme distress: insomnia, general confusion, memory
lapses, fatigue, depression.
o Perceived loneliness, perceived lack of personal relationships (je kan je niet alleen voelen
als je weinig vrienden hebt en wel als je veel vrienden hebt bijvoorbeeld).
Two sorts:
1. Emotional: long-term, meaningful, intimate relationships (for example after a break-up)
2. Social: cut-off from social groups
The herd instinct:
Costs of being in a group: more attention predators, share food, diseases, conflict, violence
Benefits of being in a group: higher success rate to hunt, better surveillance to predators, protections
from other human being and predators
Advantages outweigh the costs
Ostracism: buitengesloten worden
o Als we worden afgewezen door anderen, worden dezelfde hersendelen actief als
wanneer we fysieke pijn hebben
, Reactions to exclusion:
1. Fight or flight:
o Aggressive, combative orientation
o Withdrawal and freezing
2. Tend-and-Befriend: human will rely on others for connection and support
o Attention to social cues
o Increased motivation
o Prosocial orientation
Gender difference: men are more intended to fight or flight, while women are more likely to tend-
and-be-friend, and women are also more likely to blame themselves.
Social identity theory: