mdc4 exam 2 final questions and
solutions 2024
types of shock - CORRECT ANSWER-Hypovolemic
hypovolemic shock cause - CORRECT ANSWER-decrease in body fluid
cardiogenic shock cause - CORRECT ANSWER-direct pump failure (ex. MI or heart
distributive shock cause - CORRECT ANSWER-fluid shift (ex. pain, anesthesia, spinal
cord injury, head trauma, chemical-induced, anaphylaxis, sepsis, capillary leak, burns,
extensive trauma, liver impairment, hypoproteinemia)
obstructive shock cause - CORRECT ANSWER-cardiac function decreased by
noncardiac factor (ex. cardiac tamponade, tension pneumothorax)
Shock and SNS mechanism - CORRECT ANSWER-increased HR, Increased RR,
increased glycolysis, decreased urinary output, shunt blood away from less vital organs,
shock: gas exchange and perfusion* - CORRECT ANSWER-
stages of shock - CORRECT ANSWER-* initial
* nonprogressive
* progressive
* refractory
Initial stage of shock s/s - CORRECT ANSWER-decrease in MAP of 5-10, mild
vasoconstriction, increased HR
nonprogressive stage of shock s/s - CORRECT ANSWER-decrease in MAP of 10-15,
moderate vasoconstriction, increased heart rate, decreased pulse pressure, decreased
urine output, thirsty, mild acidosis, mild hyperkalemia
progressive stage of shock s/s - CORRECT ANSWER-decrease in MAP >20, moderate
acidosis, moderate hyperkalemia, tissue ischemia
refractory stage of shock s/s - CORRECT ANSWER-tissue ischemia and necrosis,
myocardial depressant, multiple organ dysfunction, death
, stages of shock management* - CORRECT ANSWER-administer meds, cardiac
how to calculate MAP - CORRECT ANSWER-(SBP + 2DBP)/3 goal number is >60
complications of shock - CORRECT ANSWER-Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Acute renal failure
Gastrointestinal complications
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
Pharmacology with shock - CORRECT ANSWER-vasopressors
shock interprofessional collaborative care* - CORRECT ANSWER-
Burns --> Fluid and Electrolyte Balance* - CORRECT ANSWER-
care for burn injury* - CORRECT ANSWER-
care for shock from burns* - CORRECT ANSWER-
coping with psychosocial impact of burn injury* - CORRECT ANSWER-
optimal pain control and comfort measures for burn injury* - CORRECT ANSWER-
Burn Priorities* - CORRECT ANSWER-
escharotomy - CORRECT ANSWER-removal of burn scar tissue
fasciotomy - CORRECT ANSWER-a surgical incision through the fascia to relieve
tension or pressure
skin graft - CORRECT ANSWER-transplantation of healthy tissue to an injured site
inhalation injury - CORRECT ANSWER-An injury to the airway as a result of breathing
smoke and toxic chemicals into the lungs and airway.
thermal burn - CORRECT ANSWER-brief contact with dry or moist heat
electrical burn - CORRECT ANSWER-a burn received from touching a live wire
scald burn - CORRECT ANSWER-A burn caused by hot liquids.
contact burn - CORRECT ANSWER-A burn caused by direct contact with a hot object.