Diversity - CORRECT ANSWER-Responding to the needs of
different cultures and occupational groups,maximaizing
rentention and productivity
Managing Diversity - CORRECT ANSWER-Maintain diverse
workforce that works together in harmony
The benefits of a diverse workforce - CORRECT ANSWER-
Attract highly qualified candidates, retains develop and
advances the best talent in the organization, increases
productivity and efficiency, creates an environment that works
for everyone, makes Bureau of Prison and employee of choice,
Support BOP mission statement
3 Diversity influences our impressions - CORRECT ANSWER-
Make observation, Draw conclusion based on observations,
stereotype,meaning you see a person based upon past
experiences, values and attitude
6 strategies for dealing with diversity - CORRECT ANSWER-
Realize the impact of decision and actions, Examine
assumption before actions, Treat people as individuals,
Approach diversity as a Win-Win opportunity, No racial
profiling, BOP policy-Non discrimination and standards and of
employee conduct
,10 qualities of culturally skilled correctional officers -
Avoid confrontation
Avoid stereotyping
Avoid rash judgement
Willingness to learn about other cultures
Looks for WIN-WIN
Able to be oneself
Respect other and their opinions
Critical thinking - CORRECT ANSWER-Intellectually disciplined
process of actively applying,analyzing, and evaluating
information gathered by observation,experience, reflection
7 virtues of critical thinkers - CORRECT ANSWER-1.
Intellectually honest, well informed, want to get it right,no code
of silence
2. Tolerant,flexible,open minded
3. Maturity of judgement-making the right decision at the right
time for the right reasons
4. Organized
5. Analytical -awareness analyzing our surroundings and
inmates, and evaluating the threat level of our environment C.O
is internally motivated
6. Self-confidence- make rational decisions
7. Inquisitive-proactive
Personal competencies
1. Self Awareness
, 2. Self Regulation
3.Motivation - CORRECT ANSWER-1. Emotional awareness:
knowing internal states, preferences resources
Accurate self- assessment: knowing ones own limit, strengths,
and weakness
2. Self control , trustworthiness,consciousness: meets
commitment, keep promises and admits mistakes, adaptability-
smoothly handles multiple demands and shifts priorities as
3. Achievement drive-strives for improvement, set goals,
Commitment your emotional attachment to an organization.
Initiative and optimism-seizes opportunities,not afraid to work
hard ,positive responses to any situation
2 Social Intelligence competencies - CORRECT ANSWER-1.
Empathy: understand others feelings and perspectives,
Leadership Influences, Service Oriented
2. Social Skills: Communication , Conflict management, Chain
of a Command, Collaboration and Cooperation
objectives of Correctional Supervision - CORRECT ANSWER-
1. Legal and human control of inmates, ex. Conducting ,count