Youth & Sexuality Tentamensamenvatting
Per lecture, a.d.h.v. aantekeningen, PPT’s en artikelen
Focus course = adolescents 12-30
Sex/sexuality = act of sex
Sexology = sex science
Sex ‘sekse’ and gender = genderbread person
Sexual health = anticonception, behavior & education
(WHO) Sexuality = influenced by interaction legal, historical,
religious/spiritual, biological, psychological, social, economic, political and
cultural factors.
1900-1940 First growth in research, particularly physicians
Post WW2 more interdisciplinairy – US leading in sexology, EU first feminist
wave 1949
60’s Sex. Liberation with sexual revolution, 2e feminist wave,
1973-2000 social-constructivist vs medicalization/evolutionary, HOMO
removed, more attention sexual violence and inequality
Recent dev. Professionalization sexology, discovery clitoris, attention
pleasure, inequality & orgasm gap
- Moral/religious medical/psychiatric
- Foundation sexology: Von Krafft, Freud female desire deviant
- 1906 Sexology as science (Iwan Bloch)
o Hirschfield & Bloch founded sexual science institute
o Havelach Ellis, Bloch & Hirschfield Research on
- LGBT moving from disease, crime, immoral
Post WW2
Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956) Pioneer Sex Research US (biologist, zoologist,
- Medical Multiple disciplines
- Taxonomy of human sexual behavior (spectrum of observable,
without moral judgment, including phedophilia) = Scale to measure
level of homosexuality
- Controversial: masturbation, orgasm, premarital sex, homosexuality,
differences/similarities men/women & more
John Money (1921-2006) New Zealand (Psychologist, Sexologist)
, - Clinical empirical studies gender identity development among
intersex children (Bruce/Brenda/David Reimer)
- Produced term ‘gender’ in 1955: ‘all those things that a person says
or does to disclose him/herself as having the status of man or
woman. It includes, but is not restricted to, sexuality in the sense of
60’s Sexual liberation
Masters & Johnson (controversial methods = observing sex, hiring
- Sexual response cycle (1966)
o Excitement Plateau Orgasm Resolution /-/\
- Natural, physiological process, can be blocked by psychological
- Layed foundations for behavioral theraphy of sexual disfunctions
70’s: Foucalt, Gagnon, Hite, Brownmiller
- Sexual instinct Social constructivist perspective
- Attention violence & equality
- Sexuality: product of societal regulation, norms, meaning,
freedom/right to express themselves
- Sexual behavior = social behavior (sens. inter/intrapsychological
cultural scripts)
- 1974 HOMO uit DSM (normal/abnormal & deviance/variation)
- 1998-2005 Helen O’Connel clit discovery
In pursuit of pleasure:
Ellen Laan (psychologist, sexologist, professor, founder sexual wellbeing
- Myths: venus/mars & penis/vagina reproduction pleasure
- Inequality: Orgasm gap, sexual pain, sexual coercion & violence
- Similarity: Capacity response to stimuli, sexual desire, sex drive &
o Different (gendered scripts) opportunities for sexual pleasure
(expectation impacts response)
- Toward sexual equality:
o Prioritization of pleasure for all health benefits
o Diversity/inclusion reduce impact of gendered scripts
o Discourse of similarities instead of differences
o Act experience
Sexual development is a life-long process, multidimensional, context-
related (biological, social, psychological), it has many paths and is an
interaction between individual and biopsychosocial contexts.
Fase Early child (0-5) Late child (6-11) Early ado (12- Mid ado (15- Late ado (19-
14) 18) 24)
Contex Attachment Taking the others’ Physical changes Physical change Self-control
t Motor skills perspective Identity dev. continues increases