,01. Swaminathan et al. (2020). Hyperconnected world
- Blurring & broadening
- Firm, consumer, society views
- Three boundaries of branding: information availability and speed of information
dissemination, networks of people and devices and the growth of platforms,
device-to-device connectivity
02a. Schultz, D.E. (2016). Rethinking Brand Development in an Interactive Marketplace.
- No Brand Preference
- Adapt through 6 areas: shift to behavioral data, longitudinal analysis, networked
systems, multidimensional models, financial focus and connection other
organisations in brand development
03. Keller, K. L. (2016). Reflections on customer-based brand equity.
- Brand positioning model, Brand resonance model, Brand value chain model
- Brand knowledge: brand awareness, brand image
- Functional vs. symbolic associations
04.Keller et al. (2002). Three questions.
- Have we established a frame of reference?
- Is the PoD compelling?
- Are we leveraging our PoP?
05. Maehle et al. (2011). Brand personality.
- Human-like characteristics associated with brand
- Sincerity, competence, excitement, sophistication and ruggedness
06. Vredenburg et al. (2020). Brand activism.
- 4 key characteristics of brand activism
- Brand activism: absence, silent, authentic, inauthentic
- Zone of outrage, delight and satisfaction
07. Fetscherin, M., & Heinrich, D. (2014). Consumer brand relationships.
- Brand connection matrix (functionally invested, fully invested, un-invested,
emotionally invested)
- Brand feeling matrix (satisfaction, love, avoidance, hate)
08. Batra, R., Ahuvia, A., & Bagozzi, R. P. (2012). Brand love.
- Long customer-brand relationships
- Strong and weak features
- 3 strategic implications (facilitate passion-driven behaviours, create positive
emotional connection, facilitiate self-brand intergration)
- Link 2 keller’s resonance
,02b. Schultz, D.E. (2016). Commodization.
- Brand Asset Valuater (strenght & stature)
- Strategic impact of brand strength (unrealized potential, commodity brand, cultural
- No brand preference → Commodization FMCG
9. Romaniuk, J., Sharp, B., & Ehrenberg, A. (2007). Evidence concerning the importance of
perceived brand differentiation.
- Sharp’s rule: mental availability (salience) and pysicsl availability (distribution)
- Brands are differentiated at category-level not at brand level
- Awareness/salience; differentiation not important
- Focus on distinctiveness; stand out (primary brand elements, consistent marketing
10. Holt, D. (2016). Branding in the age of social media.
- Crowdculture (real cultural innovators, specialized entertainment content, competing
with brand content)
- 5 steps cultural branding (map the cultural orthodoxy, locate the cultural opportunity,
target the crowd culture, diffuse the ideology, innovate continuously with cultural
11. Nickerson et al. (2022). Corporate social responsbility.
- Corrective, compensating, cultivating CSR
- CSR type, CSR focus, CSR, reputation, Perceived brand sincerity and brand
12. Supran, G. (2022). Greenwashing.
- Climate silence, greenwashing, misdirection, nature-rising, geographic greening
13. Keller, K. L. (2005). Branding shortcuts/elements
- Shortcuts; immediate recognition; free advertisement
- Crieteria for evaluating primary brand elements: offensive and defensive
- Offensive (memorability, meaninfulness, likeability)
- Defensive (trasferability, adaptability, protectability)
14. Bossel, V., Geyskens, K., & Goukens, C. (2019). Brand logo.
- Simplicity, processing fluency, non-prestegious products
15. Keller, K. L. (2003). Brand synthesis
- Brand leveraging process: linking to external entity and transferring positive
associations; two-way interaction; commonality strategy
- Sources of secondary knowledge (customer knowledge of entity, meaninfullness and
, 16. Magnusson et al. (2002) Country of origin
- Perceived Coo affects product evaluation and behavior even if the perception is
17. Moon & Sprott (2016). Ingredient brand
- Brand image fit and product category fit; positively influences consumer purchase
- Perceived luxury is a central driver of consumer preference, purchase intentions and
usage of luxury products
- Brand image fit is more important for high luxury
- Product category fit is more important for low luxury brands
18. Keller, K. L. (2014). Brand architecture
- 3 steps
- (1) Defining potential and boundaries of brands: brand vision, boundaries and
- (2) Identifying product or survise extensions: brand equity, perceived fit
- (3) Specifying the brand elements and positioning: hierarchy, portfolio
- Upwards BH → HoB = coverage segments = new brands
- Downwards Hob → BH = leverage brand equite = new extensions
19. Shah, P. (2017). Delete firms
- Financial underperformance, failure to meet consumer needs and preferences,
portfolio inefficiencies, strategic misalingment
20. Brand extensions (Dwivedi, Aaker & Keller, Park, Milberg & Lawson)
- 2 processes: extension evalution & feedback effects
- Aaker & Keller 3 criteria for fit (subsitutability, consistency, trasnfer)
- Park, Milberg & Lawson extra criteria: Brand Consisentcy Concept (BCC)
21. Brand architecture (Keller; Aaker & Joachimsthaler)
- Keller Brand-Product mix: depth, breadth; overview of brands activities
- Keller Brand Hierarchy: organises into 5 levels
- Aaker & Joachimsthaler Brand Relationship Spectrum: driver role (low vs. high);