,109 common test questions and answers about *Health Psychology:
Biopsychosocial Interactions* by Edward P. Sarafino (10th edition)
1. What is the biopsychosocial model of health?
- Answer: The biopsychosocial model posits that health and illness are
the result of complex interactions between biological, psychological, and
social factors. This model contrasts with the traditional biomedical model,
which focuses solely on biological factors.
2. How does the biopsychosocial model differ from the biomedical model?
- Answer: The biomedical model views health as the absence of disease
and focuses only on biological factors. In contrast, the biopsychosocial
model recognizes that psychological and social factors, such as stress,
lifestyle, and social support, play a significant role in health and illness.
3. What are some examples of biological factors in the biopsychosocial
- Answer: Examples include genetics, immune system functioning,
hormone levels, and neurotransmitter activity.
4. How do psychological factors influence health according to the
biopsychosocial model?
- Answer: Psychological factors, such as personality traits, stress, coping
strategies, and health behaviors, can impact the development and
progression of diseases and influence recovery.
5. What role do social factors play in health according to the
biopsychosocial model?
, - Answer: Social factors, such as social support, socioeconomic status,
cultural influences, and family dynamics, significantly affect physical and
mental health by influencing stress levels, health behaviors, and access to
6. What is the primary focus of health psychology?
- Answer: Health psychology focuses on how biological, social, and
psychological factors interact to influence health, illness, and healthcare.
It aims to understand the psychological processes that affect health and
develop interventions to improve health outcomes.
7. What is health promotion, and why is it important?
- Answer: Health promotion involves strategies to improve health and
prevent disease through lifestyle changes, education, and policy
interventions. It is important because it helps reduce the burden of
disease, lowers healthcare costs, and enhances quality of life.
8. What is the significance of stress in health psychology?
- Answer: Stress can have profound effects on physical and mental
health. Chronic stress is associated with various health problems, such as
cardiovascular disease, depression, and immune dysfunction.
9. What are the three types of stressors discussed in health psychology?
- Answer: The three types of stressors are:
- Acute stressors: Short-term events like exams or a traffic jam.
- Chronic stressors: Long-term issues like job dissatisfaction or caring
for a sick relative.