COLLEGE 1......................................................................................................................................... 2
COLLEGE 2....................................................................................................................................... 15
COLLEGE 3....................................................................................................................................... 38
COLLEGE 4....................................................................................................................................... 52
COLLEGE 5....................................................................................................................................... 63
COLLEGE 6....................................................................................................................................... 76
COLLEGE 7....................................................................................................................................... 86
COLLEGE 8....................................................................................................................................... 97
COLLEGE 9..................................................................................................................................... 106
External influences – Consumers are different from each other since they live in different
countries, have different cultures, families and religions. The focus on the external influences part
is to look at why consumers are different from each other and how it influences consumer
a. Individual characteristics
b. Social Influence
,Internal influences – Internal influences refer to the individual consumer and psychology. For
example, what motivates consumers? What gets them to want a specific product or service? And
what makes them happy?
a. Motivation
b. Perception, attention, and memory
c. Attitudes
Judgement and Decision-making – Most complex part of the course which focuses on the
choice that consumers make. It focuses on how consumers choose their products, but also on how
consumers feel and evaluate after purchasing. Are they satisfied? Or dissatisfied?
a. Judgement and decision-making
b. Satisfaction, dissatisfaction and happiness.
, How do companies think of consumers?
Companies often see consumers as:
• Anonymous people who buy their products / signup for newsletters
• Market share and sales partners
Companies often do not understand their customers. Marketeers look at numbers of users (e.g.,
Facebook and Twitter), numbers of consumption, instead of reasons why these numbers occur. For
example, the market for craft beers is increasing, whereas the market for local beers is decreasing.
Numbers only show the change of behaviour. These numbers do not tell you why consumers leave
you. Thus, invest in the why question and what moves customers.
Misconception 1: consumers are sales figures
When you only look at sales numbers, you don’t know what to do to stop the decreasing. You are
too late when your numbers dropped.
Basic goal of companies – The basic goal of a company is to find a target group and make them
‘do something’. This can be purchasing, or signing up for a newsletter:
• Marketing mix elements are used to achieve this goal – tailor it for the target group.
• Marketing mix elements are used to get the target group ‘doing’ something.
• Getting action can be done through, for example, offer promotions and new products.
In most situations’ consumers perform the action that firms wanted. This leaves marketeers
adjusting products and quality, in order to create desire for consumers. But, consumers do not
always want adjusted and new products, maybe they want more simplistic products.
Marketing mix = what you as a company can influence.
Changing something in the marketing mix is first "processed" by the organism and that leads to a
response. Often, however, the organism is ignored -> but they don't respond rationally, so you
really have to think about them.
Marketing is about increasing loyalty, getting awareness etc.
How should marketeers see consumers?
In most cases marketeers initiate that what they do will lead to the desired outcome for the
company, and they ignore customer processes, what consumers want and how they find
information. Therefore, marketing offers several tools to address this problem and view consumers
as the core element:
Through this you can reason how the organism will react. What “O” does is implement the lines
instead of looking abstract quickly.