M&O lecture
Lecture 1
Lecture objectives
1. Create an overview of the historical development of Management.
2. Explain the primary management functions.
3. Evaluate 7 different management tools.
4. Understand the challenges of applying management in a different cultural context.
History of management
traditional viewpoint: (1890- ..)
- producing and manufacturing, this was the focus upon.
- bureaucratic, scientific, administrative.
- close control, clear hierarchy, procedures and rules
- focus on production and profit
- managers decide everything, employees has no say in anything
behavioural viewpoint: (1930- ..)
it became important that employees get attention from the manager.
- employee focus, behavior, motivation, performance, hawthorne studies, maslow’s hierarchy of
- employees perform better when they feel important (motivation)
systems viewpoint (1940 - …)
companies went to different parts of the world, combination of behavioral and traditional viewpoint.
a company can expand to another country, but has to respect this country on: family, values, social,
contingency viewpoint (1960 - …)
- focus on managing people. Organizations are different, goals, employees, situations, ways of
management based on situation.
- Situational leadership
quality viewpoint (1975 - …)
All about the quality for the customer, quality control, quality assurance, reduce defects and build
customer loyalty
Total Quality Management
focus on customers, all about retailing your customers, how can you keep your customers make to
come back?
Question on test: what is the difference between two viewpoints?
Why did management change?
- Changes in economy, society, politics, innovations
- globalization (has let to changes), new economies, new markets
, Did management change equally throughout the world?
No, it changed in certain part of the worlds not everywhere.
In some countries they still use traditional management.
Management can be static:
Always the same way of managing people
Helps everyone the same way, same motivation, threats everyone the same.
Management can be dynamic:
dynamic is when you try different ways of managing people, different approach per person, different
motivation, because everything need something else.
Management process: (POLC)
Planning; plan the schedule in advance, check occupancy in company, holidays are busy so plan this.
Organizing; organizing people and resources, this is on the moment itself.
Leading; all that you do to influence your people.
Controlling – this is about getting results, evaluate, controlling gives you information to plan better
next time
Top management; also leads, but just a few people
middle management; just a few people underneath you, so you are not do leading that much as the
first line management
first line management; the most employees underneath you
There is a difference in management in those three, because the amount of time time that you lead
is different per management part
Management competencies:
- communication
- administrative competencies; requires you to have the knowledge of the job, (for example how to
make a budget)
- multi cultural competencies; more relevant now, it is diverse in age, nationality, work experience
and different values. you should be competent to deal with cultural differences.
- self management competencies; requires to manage yourself, your own emotions and your own
behavior, you need emotional intelligence
- technical skills competencies; things you need to be able to do, job related activities (for example
serve a drink, walk with plates)
(differences between administrative and technical is that technical is more job focused)
- soft skills competencies; the human skills, the ability to speak and connect with people, build trust
with people, understand others perspective, listen to your employees