,Branding a small-scale destination Bergen NH
I have been commissioned to draw up a new branding proposition, logo and slogan for a small-scale
destination. As I live in Alkmaar and went to high school for five years and have had dance class in
Bergen NH, I chose this town. Bergen NH does not have a branding proposition yet, therefore it was
the perfect choice.
For seven weeks, I have been given the time to learn everything about rebranding a destination. I have
visited Bergen NH multiple times before and during these weeks, in order to know more about the
destination from a visitor’s perspective and to interview visitors and stakeholders.
At the end, I designed a logo and slogan that suits the destination very well based on the branding
process and the six-stage branding model. Finally, the results have been presented on Wednesday 6
January 2021 during a poster presentation.
The total number of words in this essay is 6982 words, excluding the front page, preface, table of
contents, bibliography and the appendix. This fits within the given limits of 7.000 words. This essay has
40 pages, of which 14 belong to the appendix.
Emma Sue Veltman, 627669 2
,Branding a small-scale destination Bergen NH
Preface .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Destination branding ................................................................................................................. 4
2. Destination audit ....................................................................................................................... 6
3. Segmentation analysis ............................................................................................................... 9
4. SWOT-analysis......................................................................................................................... 11
5. Stakeholder perception ............................................................................................................ 12
6. Consumer perception............................................................................................................... 13
7. Competitor analysis ................................................................................................................. 14
7.1 Laren .............................................................................................................................. 14
7.2 Noordwijk ....................................................................................................................... 16
7.3 Comparing the brands..................................................................................................... 17
7.4 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 17
8. Brand development ................................................................................................................. 18
9. Branding strategy .................................................................................................................... 21
10. Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 23
11. Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 26
11.1 Interview questions......................................................................................................... 26
11.2 Transcribed and labeled interviews stakeholders ............................................................. 30
11.3 Transcribed and labeled interviews consumers................................................................ 34
11.4 Logo and slogan .............................................................................................................. 38
11.5 Poster big-scale destination of Azerbaijan ....................................................................... 39
11.6 Poster small-scale destination of Bergen NH .................................................................... 40
Emma Sue Veltman, 627669 3
, Branding a small-scale destination Bergen NH
In order to create a brand for the small-scale destination of Bergen NH, it is important to know what
destination branding truly is. In this paragraph, destination branding, and the branding process will be
A brand defines and differentiates a product or a destination from its competitors. It refers to a
destination’s core feature and identity. A brand is a complex relationship between the destination and
the future visitors. Furthermore, it is a crucial building block for all marketing communications. However,
branding is not creating a marketing campaign. A brand is far more about how the visitor views the
destination, and not what the destination creates. Therefore, it is crucial for the brand owners to
recognize and understand their target group in order to develop that complex relationship (WTO, 2009).
Furthermore, an important part of a brand is brand image and personality. A brand image is everything
that the consumer associates with the brand and the perception one has of the product. The brand
personality, on the other hand, is a group of (human) characteristics which can be associated with the
brand. For instance, exciting and sophisticating (Pereira, Correia, & Schutz, 2012).
A difficult part of branding a destination is the fact that a destination cannot change its brand and identity
overnight. Therefore, it has to recognize, improve and promote its resources in such a way that it
differentiates itself from others. Slowly, the destination can, based upon these brand values, create a
consistent reputation. Such a reputation can furthermore create more stability in terms of crises that will
affect the attractiveness of the destination. If a brand is stronger, the destination will be able to withstand
more and recover quicker (WTO, 2009).
As can be seen in figure 1 above, the branding process consists of ten stages. The first seven stages
will be used in this research in order to create a brand for Bergen NH. The steps incorporate brand in
marketing communications, monitor brand performance and refine brand will not be used, thus not be
discussed. These stages are done after the brand development, which is not relevant for this research.
Emma Sue Veltman, 627669 4