Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • International Bachelor of Communication and Media
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Vakken International Bachelor of Communication and Media op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
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Populaire samengevatte boeken Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • International Bachelor of Communication and Media
James Rachels, Stuart Rachels • ISBN 9780071198769
Dennis K. Mumby • ISBN 9781544328720
Ingrid Piller • ISBN 9781474412919
Tracy L. Tuten, Michael R. Solomon • ISBN 9781529731989
Daniel C. Hallin, Paolo Mancini • ISBN 9780521543088
Daniel C. Hallin, Paolo Mancini • ISBN 9781316099285
Dennis K. Mumby • ISBN 9781544357508
Gregory J. Privitera • ISBN 9781506386256
Marieke De Mooij, Marieke K. De Mooij • ISBN 9781544318141
Nieuwste samenvattingen Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • International Bachelor of Communication and Media
Assignment 2 for 'Communication Technologies and their Impacts' Topic: 24 hours unplugged intermezzo (how it felt to be 'unplugged' for 24 hours)
This summary encompasses course material from lectures, tutorials, cases brought from class activities and assignments as well as further elaborations on everything taught in the course. Besides its theoretical nature, this summary also includes practical cases such as course cases and examples of how to apply the different theories and methods. While it does not explicitly feature course readings, some references may appear through different concepts and cases.
A summary written by a 9.4 scorer. A comprehensive summary including lecture notes, SPSS notes, practical MCQ from lectures, and my own notes Regarding my own notes , they are mostly some reminders that I put to remind myself on some tricky/confusing parts. I only studied with this summary for my final exam and achieved a score of 9.4 overall.
This document is a summary of the book needed for the course Key Concept in the Social Science, IBCOM BA-1. The summary is very complete and includes all the necessary information needed for the tutorials, assignments, and exam. I got a really good grade in the exam ;) No need to read the book.
This is a summary of all the importants outputs and APA styles you need to interpret for the Quantitative Methods exam.
This document contains all the material covered during weeks 1 to 8 of the course Consumer Behavior & Marketing Action (CM2072); This includes all the chapters needed in preparation for the final exam.
This document contains all the material covered during weeks 1 to 8 of the course Qualitative Methods in Media and Communication (CM2006); This includes all the chapters, articles, and lectures needed in preparation for the exam. Namely, the summary contains the following: Bonnie S. Brennen (2017) Chapter 1 (Getting Started) and 2 (Doing Qualitative Research); Flick (2007) Ethics in Qualitative Research (pp. 68-76); Brennen (2017) - Ethnography and Participant Observation; Lynne McKechnie (2012)...
This document contains a concise summary of all the material studied during the course Quantitative Methods in Media and Communication (CM2005), including book, articles, and lectures material. The summary also includes both theoretical and visual step-by-step instructions to conduct quantitative analysis, useful for finishing the assignments quickly and smoothly. :) Final grade of 8.2!
This document includes a concise summary of the material studied during the course International and Global Communication (CM2001). This includes the lectures from week 1 to 8 and the following articles: 
Francis Fukuyama - The End of History?; Samuel T. Huntington - The Clash of Civilizations?; Brian David Johnson - Science Fiction Prototypes Or: How I learned to stop worrying about the future and love science fiction; Renee Hobbs - Propaganda in an Age of Algorithmic Personalization - Expandin...
This document includes a concise summary of all the chapters and articles required in preparation for the exam of the course CM1008 - Media Systems in Comparative Perspective. Namely, the summary includes the following chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; The summary also includes the following articles: Fletcher et al., - How polarized are online and offline news audiences? A comparative analysis of twelve countries; Yildirim et al., - Dynamics of Campaign Reporting and Press-Party Parallelism: Rise ...