Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • MSc Strategic Management
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding MSc Strategic Management op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor MSc Strategic Management? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding MSc Strategic Management op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Vakken MSc Strategic Management op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van MSc Strategic Management op Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
- Changing Business Strategically BSMSM09 14
- Changing Business through Strategic Innovation BMSM06 4
- Competitive strategy BMSM10 1
- Competitive Strategy - BMSM10 BMSM10 1
- Corporate ownership and governance 1
- Corporate strategy BMSM12 1
- Corporate Strategy (BMSM12) BMSM12 1
- Corporate Strategy and Growth BMSM03 12
- Corporate Strategy Ownership and Governance BMSM04 7
- Corporate Strategy, Ownership and Governance BMSM04 2
- Corporate Strategy, Ownership, and Governance BMSM04 1
Populaire samengevatte boeken Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • MSc Strategic Management
Nieuwste samenvattingen Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • MSc Strategic Management
The methodology chapter represents key techniques and approaches that were selected for the research (data collection, final data, observation, research strategy etc.).
The theory chapter includes background theory and hypotheses development of dynamic capabilities and innovation performance (exploration and exploitation).
Short abstract and/or summary of the thesis.
Introduction of the thesis awarded with 8.0!
I present my master thesis dedicated to the subsidiary's dynamic capabilities (DCs) and its innovation performance (IP) and moderating roles of Government Effectiveness (GE) and Indulgent vs Restraint (IVR). This research paper is the final work of partial fulfilment of the Strategic Management Program at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, in the 2021/2022 academic year.
Modules & lectures 
Managing business strategically
Detailed and complete summary of all content lectures given in the course Changing Business Strategically at RSM. This summary got me a 9.3 on the exam. The lectures in this course also cover the most important concepts from the mandatory readings, meaning that this summary covers all the exam-relevant information, and is more than enough to get a excellent grade at the exam. It is not a simple copy and paste of the lectureslides; I added all the extra explanation and examples given by the profe...
This is a complete and detailed summary of all the content lectures and the most relevant articles for the course Managing Businesses Strategically. This is not like most summaries on this course that just repeat all the text from the lectureslides; I spent the extra effort to include all additional information, examples and explanations that are given in the lectures in this summary. This summary is all you need to get a good grade; it got me a comfortable 8.5.
Summary of all my content module lecture notes, combined with notes taken from the informative videos. Please note that this summary NOT includes academic articles and skills module lectures.
Full summary of all articles for the exam of Changing Business Strategically, part of the MSc Strategic Management at RSM