Hanzehogeschool Groningen (HANZE) • International Communication
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Communication op de Hanzehogeschool Groningen (HANZE). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor International Communication? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Communication op de Hanzehogeschool Groningen (HANZE).
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Vakken International Communication op de Hanzehogeschool Groningen (HANZE)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van International Communication op Hanzehogeschool Groningen (HANZE)
- IC 1.1 Crisis and Repuation 2019-2020 OKT11019 3
- IC 1.1 Crisis and Reputation 2016-2017 2
- IC 1.1 Crisis and Reputation 2018-2019 2
- IC 1.1 Crisis and Reputation 2023/2024 1
- IC 1.2 Online Branding 2019-2020 1
- IC 1.4 Orientation of the profession 2019-2020 OTP2 1
- ICC Training 1
- ICC/Facilitation 1
- International Branding Year 4 ICVB20THY2 2
- International Communication 2.3 5
- International Communication Block 2.3 ICVB15CSC2 5
- International Communication Block 2.4 INT2 1
- Internationalisation & Transition 2
Populaire samengevatte boeken Hanzehogeschool Groningen (HANZE) • International Communication
Nieuwste samenvattingen Hanzehogeschool Groningen (HANZE) • International Communication
EN- This is a 13-page summary in English covering all the theories from the Communication and Media Theory lectures and seminars, which were addressed in the first block of the program. I successfully completed this course with a score of 8.2, aided by my summary. 
NL- Dit is een samenvatting (in het Engels) over alle theorie over communication and media theorie, lectures en seminars, die wordt behandeld in het eerst blok van de opleiding, in 13 pagina's. Ik heb dit vak zelf in een keer afg...
Summary of Chapter 1 and 2 of exploring public relations and management communication textbook
Corporate communication Chapter 1:	 
Corporate communication Chapter 2 (until p.27/fig2.3)	 
Corporate communication Chapter 3 (only p. 42-44)	 
Corporate communication Chapter 4 (excluding stakeholder salience model, pp. 69-71)	 
Corporate communication chapter 5 (excluding 5.3 on corporate branding)	 
Corporate communication Chapter 6 (only section 6.1 and 6.2)	 
Corporate communication Chapter 8	 
Corporate communication Chapter 10 (excluding 10.4 and 10.5)	 
Corporate communication Chapter 1...
Summary of the facilitation and ICC lecture notes from block 2.4. Discussing intercultural communication, as well as facilitation and workshops.
Summary of the block 2.2 communications theory readings and lectures. This summary is what helped me prepare and pass my block 2.2 exam!
Summary of the marketing communications theory readings list from block 2.2, from the book marketing communications: a European perspective.
All the theories and models you need to know for ICC in year 4 of the study ‘International Communication’ are summarized and transformed into a set of 2 interactive summaries. Find the links to these summaries in this document as well as a list of all the theories/models. The summaries are created in a private Kahoot account, only people with the link have access to them. Study Smarter. Not Harder.
Only in need of the media theory summarized? Then this is the only part of the document you need. Save money and be efficient.
Only in need of an efficient summary of 'exploring public relations'? Then this is the only part of the document you need. 

If you prefer to read a summary and skip the exercise questions. This part of the document is for you. The most efficient way of summarizing, easy to read, to scan through and to use to pass this exam. 
You can do this!