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Vakken op de ISACA
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor deze vakken op de ISACA
Studies op de ISACA
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende opleidingen op ISACA
Nieuwste samenvattingen ISACA
List of Abbreviations..............................................................................xi 
Foreword.............................................................................................. xiii 
Preface.................................................................................................... xv 
Working at the Intersection.................................................................xix 
Introduction ����������������������...
▪ Risk management refers to the co-ordinated activities taken by 
an enterprise to direct and control activities pertaining to risk. 
▪ Risk management is an active process, not simply a form of 
elaborate observation. 
o ‘Control’, when used as a verb in the context of risk 
management, is often used as a synonym for ‘measure’. 
o However, the results of measurement must be used as the 
basis for directing actions and activities. 
▪ Comprehensive risk management incl...
Purpose of This Publication.........................................................................................................................................3 
Cyber security is receiving increased attention from the boards 
of many organizations today in large part due to the bad 
publicity generated from recent large data breaches. Senior 
members of management and corporate boards have lost 
their positions, and organizations have had to spend valuable 
resources in post-breach cleanup and to make their clients and 
customers “whole.” Infrastructure spending has increased as 
organizations attempt to prevent the breaches from occur...
Three common controls used to protect availablity. 
a) redundancy, backups and access control 
b. Encryption, file permissions and access controls. 
c. Access controls, logging and digital signatures. 
d. Hashes, logging and backups. - A. Redundancy, backups and access control 
Governance has several goals including: 
a. providing strategic direction 
b. ensuring that objectives are achieved 
c. verifying that organizational resources are being used appropriately 
d. directing and monitoring sec...
Three common controls used to protect availablity. 
a) redundancy, backups and access control 
b. Encryption, file permissions and access controls. 
c. Access controls, logging and digital signatures. 
d. Hashes, logging and backups. - ANS - A. Redundancy, backups and access control 
Governance has several goals including: 
a. providing strategic direction 
b. ensuring that objectives are achieved 
c. verifying that organizational resources are being used appropriately 
d. directing and monitori...
Three common controls used to protect availablity. 
a) redundancy, backups and access control 
b. Encryption, file permissions and access controls. 
c. Access controls, logging and digital signatures. 
d. Hashes, logging and backups. - ANS - A. Redundancy, backups and access control 
Governance has several goals including: 
a. providing strategic direction 
b. ensuring that objectives are achieved 
c. verifying that organizational resources are being used appropriately 
d. directing and monitori...
Which of the following is the primary step in control implementation for a new business application? - 
ANS - D. Risk assessment 
When implementing an information security program, in which phase of the implementation should 
metrics be established to assess the effectiveness of the program over time?" - ANS - Either 
B. Initiation 
C. Design 
Data owners are concerned and responsible for who has access to their resources and therefore need to 
be concerned with the strategy of how to mitigate ...