Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU) • Biomedische Wetenschappen
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Biomedische Wetenschappen op de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Biomedische Wetenschappen? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Biomedische Wetenschappen op de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU).
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Vakken Biomedische Wetenschappen op de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Biomedische Wetenschappen op Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
- Big data in biomedical research MED-BMS15 1
- Biomedical Imaging BMs23 1
- BMS 56 Health outcome measurements 1
- BMS 59 - Prediction models 1
- BMS10 Laboratory animal science BMS1O 1
- BMS24 BMS24 4
- BMS34 BMS34 1
- BMS37 Cell Death in Life and Disease MED-BMS37 1
- BMS37 cell death in life and disease BMS37 1
- BMS38 Biomarkers BMS38 1
- BMS40 - Nanomedicine BMS40 1
- BMS41 - Advanced Models of Human Disease BMS41 2
- BMS41 advanced models of human disease BMS41 1
- BMS42 - Targeting Cellular Processes To Treat Disease 1
- BMS42 – Targeting cellular processes to treat dise BMS42 1
- BMS42 Targeting Cellular Processes MED-BMS42 1
- BMS72 BMS72 1
- BMS72 - Cancer Development and Immune Defense BMS72 2
- BMS72 Cancer Development and Immune Defense MED-BMS72 1
- BMS75 - Advanced Tools in Molecular Biology BMS75 2
- BMS76 - Cell motility in physiology and pathology BMS76 1
- BMS76 - Cell Movements 1
- MED-BMS24: Medical Neuroscience: Conceptual Basics & Anatomy MED-BMS24 1
- Medische pathologie 2
- MGZ 13
- MIN04 - Cancer Mechanisms and Immune Defense 1
- MIN13 - Medical biotechnology towards clinical pra 1
- MIN16 Translational Neuroscience MIN16 1
- MIN17 - Biomedical Research Methods Statistiek 2
- MIN18 Hemato-oncology: From concept to cure MIN18 1
- Minor Global health and infectious diseases MIN06 1
- Module Q7 en Q8 Biomedical Evidence B2RK7 1
- Molecular and cellular neurobiology NWI-BM001D 1
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 1
- Molecular Principles Of Development NWI-BB084B 2
- Pathologie 1
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases & Immunity MED-MIN23 2
- Pharmacochemistry NWI-MOL053 1
- Prediction models in health science MED-BMS59 1
- Principles and practice of human biology NWI-BB0125B 1
- Principles and practice of human pathology NWI-BB025B 1
- Principles of systems biology NWI-BM041B 1
- Protein dynamics and networks NWI-BM064 1
- Research 15
- Research Q7 1
- Research Q7 - Screening 1
- Research Q7 - Uncertainty factors in Risk assessment 1
- Research Q7 - Vaccination 1
- Research Q8 1
- Research Q8 - Alzheimer's disease 1
- Research Q8 - Infectious Diseases 1
- Research Q8 - Nanomedicine 1
- Research Q8 - Personalized Healthcare 1
- Research Q8 - Renal Disorders 1
Populaire samengevatte boeken Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU) • Biomedische Wetenschappen
Nieuwste samenvattingen Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU) • Biomedische Wetenschappen
Summary of the Clinical Trials (BMs-48) course. The content of this summary could be used outside this course. Information provided about superiority, equivalent, and non-inferiority trials. Other discussed terms are: Cluster RCT, cross-over design, appropriate care, non-inferiority margin, randomization, stratification, gatekeeping procedure, hierarchical structure, contamination, equipoise, and more. See content list for full description of the discussed content.
An in depth summary of the "Biomedical Imaging (BMs23 course)". This summary contains all material discussed in the course and you should easily pass the exam using this. In addition, this summary can be used outside this course for a clear and complete description of MRI, ultrasound, PET, SPECT, X-ray, CT, and mammography, as well as the mechanisms behind them. See the content list for the complete overview. Some important concepts that are described are: fluorescence, tomosynthesis, t1, t2, t2...
Summary of the content of the Neural Control of Movement course (BMs50). In depth coverage of the movement circuits (Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia) and how the entire pathway functions. Both indirect and direct pathways are covered, subsequently, hypokinetic (Parkinson's) and hyperkinetic (Huntington's) disorders and their malfunctioning pathways are discussed. Additionally, multiple neuromuscular disorders are adressed; duchenne, gravis, neuropathy, amyotrophy, CTS, Guillain barré syndrome, e...
Summary of the content of the orthopaedic biomechanics in motion course (BMs53). Including the information of the most important lectures and assignments. In-depth coverage of the proposed subjects. Using this summary and attending the lectures should be enough to easily pass the exam.
Notes of all the lectures and the group works + the SSA of adoptive cell therapy
All the notes from the course MIN32 written in English. Overall, the course MIN32 provides a comprehensive overview of molecular and cellular processes underlying neural processes in the central nervous system in normal conditions as well as in neural disorders. I passed the written exam with an 8.8/10.
All the notes from the course MIN24 written in English. Overall, the course MIN24 provides a comprehensive overview of the brain anatomy and brain research, encompassing anatomy of the central nervous system, embryological development, cortical functions, cerebral vasculature and neurodegeneration, the limbic system: emotions, pain and stress, and MRI basics and modality.
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens minor 13 (molecular cloning, genetically modified organisms, CRISPR/Cas9, vaccines, therapeutic antibodies, genetic therapy and its tool box, molecular diagnostics, gene therapy, stem cells & tissue engineering en research involving humans).
Summary of the content of the biomarkers in population-based research course (BMs47). Including most important lectures and self-study assignments. Discussing a variety of subjects, including; factors that should be taken into account during design of study, pre-analytical factors, storage effets, batch effects, accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, preanalytical variation, imprecision & bias calculations, formalin-fixed parrafin embedded tissue vs. frozen tissue, tumor microarray vs wh...
Summary of the most important content of the design of applied medical research course (BMs77); self-study-assignments, lectures, and group work. Mutliple study designs are discussed with their (dis)advantages. Confounding and multiple types of bias (attrition, selection, information, recall, immortal time) are discussed, and how to prevent them. And more..