Culture and institutions (MAN-MEC050)
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
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Everything you need to know about the articles of Culture and Institutions (general and economics track)
- Samenvatting • 10 pagina's • 2023
- €5,99
- + meer info
This document provides everything you need to know about the articles of Culture and Institutions (general and economics track) to be well prepared for the exam. It includes things of importance that have been asked in previous exams and also conceptual models to visualise the causal mechanisms used in the articles.

Articles Culture and Institutions (General + business track)
- Samenvatting • 55 pagina's • 2023
- €8,49
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
Atricles of C&I: 
Literature Part A & B 
1.	Beugelsdijk, S., & Maseland, R. (2011). Culture in economics: History, methodological reflections and contemporary applications. Cambridge University Press. 
2.	Alesina, A., Algan, Y., Cahuc, P. and Giuliano, P. (2015), Family Values and the Regulation of Labor. Journal of the European Economic Association, 13: 599–630. 
3.	Kumon, Y. (2021). The deep roots of inequality. Institute for Advanced Study in ToulouseWorking Paper, wp_iast_ () 
4.	Beck...

Summary literature articles (general track)
- Samenvatting • 15 pagina's • 2023
- €6,49
- + meer info
This summary contains the first 6 articles of the course (General track): Culture and Institutions. The summaries are quite extensive and are everything you need to know for the exam!

Summary Culture and institutions
- Samenvatting • 90 pagina's • 2019
- €7,99
- 10x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary for the course Culture and Institutions, contains chapters from the book from de Jong (2009) we had to read, and all the other assigned literature. 

ATTENTION; Includes only the articles we had to read for the business track, not for the economics track. 

- VSM 2013 - Values survey module 2013 manual by Hofstede and Minkov
- Cultural differences between East and West Germany after 1991: Communist values versus economic performance? by van Hoorn and Maseland
- World bank report
- Transn...

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