Managing Technological Change (EBM054A05)
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RuG)
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Full summary of all the mandatory articles for the subject Managing Technological Change
Summary of the core concepts of all articles from the Managing Technological Change course at the RUG
Alle research papers samengevat voor de toets op 26 maart 2024.

Summary MTC
- Samenvatting • 110 pagina's • 2023
- €8,48
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
Lecture 1; 
 Tripsas, M. (2009). Technology, identity, and inertia through the lens of “The Digital Photography Company”. Organization Science, 20(2), 441-460. 
 Lyytinen, K., and Newman, M. (2008). Explaining Information Systems Change: A Punctuated Socio-Technical Change Model, European Journal of Information Systems(17:6), pp. 589-613. 
Lecture 2; 
1. Danneels, E. (2011). Trying to become a different type of company: Dynamic capability at Smith Corona. Strategic Management Journal, 3...
Extensive summary of the articles, including the lecture slides.

MTC summary 2022-2023
- Samenvatting • 32 pagina's • 2023
- €5,49
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
Learning Objectives 
Upon completion of the course students are able to: 
1. Understand and explain the relations between technology (IT in particular) and 
organizational and strategic change; 
2. Use various theories and models to understand and explain technology adoption and 
resistance at the micro level; 
3. Use various theories and models to understand and explain post-adoption behavior at 
the micro level; 
4. Understand, explain and apply various strategic consequences of technological ...
A quite extensive summary of all the articles for the course Managing Technological Change in year 2020/2021.

Summary articles Managing Technological Change
- Samenvatting • 144 pagina's • 2020
- €4,49
- 6x verkocht
- + meer info
An extensive summary of all 20 articles of the Managing Technological Change course. The file contains an extensive summary of each article but also after every week a short summary of the 4 articles

1) Brynjolfsson & Hitt, 2000: Beyond computation, organizational transformation and business performance
2) Heracleous & Barrett, 2001: Organizational change as discourse: communicative actions and deep structures in the context of IT 
3) Leonardi, 2007: Activating the Informational Capa...

Samenvatting Managing Technological Change; MTC
- Samenvatting • 50 pagina's • 2017
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €2,99
- 14x verkocht
- + meer info
Exam grade: 10.0
Lecturer: Mueller

Samenvatting van Managing Technological Change:
- A summary of the lectures, including the lecture slides
- Summary of all course literature:

Ultieme bundel samenvattingen en exams Master BA Change Management (RUG)
- Voordeelbundel • 7 items • 2017
- €9,99
- 24x verkocht
- + meer info
Samenvattingen en proeftentamens met antwoorden voor de volgende vakken:

Change and Human Factors;
Theories and Approaches of Change Management;
Work Design and Team Processes (elective);
Research & Skills for MSc BA;
Agents and Instruments of Change;
Managing Technological Change;
Consumer Psychology (elective)

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