Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • International Relations and International Organization
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Relations and International Organization op de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor International Relations and International Organization? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Relations and International Organization op de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG).
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Vakken International Relations and International Organization op de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van International Relations and International Organization op Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • International Relations and International Organization
Evans, Malcolm • ISBN 9780198791836
Anthony Best, Jussi Hanhimaki • ISBN 9780415656429
Patti Frazer Lock, Robin H. Lock • ISBN 9780470601877
J Mikler • ISBN 9780745698465
ISBN 9781138060296
Nieuwste samenvattingen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • International Relations and International Organization
This is a summary of all the readings for Introduction to Economics. Bachelor IRIO, year 1, block 3, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. The summary also contains notes of every lecture!
Summary of the readings for international politics. Year 1 of the IRIO BA program. Book: Global Politics: A New Introduction, by Jenny Edkins; Maja Zehfuss
In his article "The Moral Standing of States: A Response to Four Critics" Michael Walzer sets out conditions for foreign interventions and responds to several critics on his book and argument of Just and Unjust wars. This article is part of week 7: Normative Theorizing.
This document contains a brief core summary of the most important concepts and terms from the weekly readings, lectures and seminars for all seven weeks (fourteen lectures) of the first-year IRIO course International Organization at the RUG. Ideal for last-minute studying and repetition.
This document contains a comprehensive summary of all readings and overview of the most important lecture notes for lectures 11 and 12 for Week 6 of the first-year IRIO course International Organization 1 & 2 at the RUG. In case you are unable to view (parts of) the document properly, please contact me via Whatsapp or this website and I will forward you the PDF version. (This course used to be a 10 ECTS course and is now split in two parts of 5 ECTS each. The content, however, is similar.)
This document contains a comprehensive summary of all readings and overview of the most important lecture notes for lectures 9 and 10 for Week 5 of the first-year IRIO course International Organization at the RUG. In case you are unable to view (parts of) the document properly, please contact me via Whatsapp or this website and I will forward you the PDF version. (This course used to be a 10 ECTS course and is now split in two parts of 5 ECTS each. The content, however, is similar.)
This document contains a comprehensive summary of all readings and overview of the most important lecture notes for lectures 7 and 8 for Week 4 of the first-year IRIO course International Organization 1 & 2 at the RUG. In case you are unable to view (parts of) the document properly, please contact me via Whatsapp or this website and I will forward you the PDF version. (This course used to be a 10 ECTS course and is now split in two parts of 5 ECTS each. The content, however, is similar.)
This document contains a comprehensive summary of all readings and overview of the most important lecture notes for lectures 5 and 6 for Week 3 of the first-year IRIO course International Organization 1 & 2 at the RUG. In case you are unable to view (parts of) the document properly, please contact me via Whatsapp or this website and I will forward you the PDF version. (This course used to be a 10 ECTS course and is now split in two parts of 5 ECTS each. The content, however, is similar.)
This document contains a comprehensive summary of all readings and an overview of the most important lecture notes for lecture 4 for Week 2 of the first-year IRIO course International Organization 1 & 2 at the RUG. In case you are unable to view (parts of) the document properly, please contact me via Whatsapp or this website and I will forward you the PDF version. (This course used to be a 10 ECTS course and is now split in two parts of 5 ECTS each. The content, however, is similar.)
This document contains a comprehensive summary of all readings and overview of the most important lecture notes for lectures 1 and 2 for Week 1 of the first-year IRIO course International Organization 1 & 2 at the RUG. In case you are unable to view (parts of) the document properly, please contact me via Whatsapp or this website and I will forward you the PDF version. (This course used to be a 10 ECTS course and is now split in two parts of 5 ECTS each. The content, however, is similar.)