Advanced Auditing (324054-M-6)
Tilburg University (UVT)
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Summary of the book Auditing Assurance and Risk
- Samenvatting • 49 pagina's • 2019
- €5,99
- 51x verkocht
- + meer info
It is a summary of the book for the course Advanced Auditing from Auditing Assurance and Risk of Robert Knechel and Steven E. Salterio. Only chapters 15 and 16 are missing in the summary.
Roger Case ACL
- Overig • 11 pagina's • 2019
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €8,99
- + meer info
This document includes the 'Roger Case' of Auditing which was used to become familiar with ACL. The document was graded with an 8.7

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for subsequent plagiarism. This document can only be used for orietation purposes.
Master of Accountancy RA/RC Professional Track Tilburg University
- Voordeelbundel • 17 items • 2019
- €30,49
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
This bundle encompassess all subjects that are covered during the RA/RC Professional Master of Accountancy at TiSEM. It includes the summaries, exercises, assignments and notes. 

NOTE: Corporate Responsibility is an elective, therefore the subject Financial Statement Analysis (FSA) is not included, because FSA is an elective as well.
Advanced Auditing test cases
- Antwoorden • 6 pagina's • 2018
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,49
- 18x verkocht
- + meer info
All answers of the cases as discussed during Advanced Auditing. Additional Notes are included.
Advanced Auditing Cases 2018 - 2019
- Antwoorden • 5 pagina's • 2018
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- Gratis
- 68x verkocht
- + meer info
This exam of 2017 includes almost all answers, these were the answers from the tutorial of 7-12-2018.
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Advanced Auditing Tutorials
- College aantekeningen • 3 pagina's • 2018
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,49
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
This document includes all notes from the tutorials of Advanced Auditing. New versions with notes will be provided after each lecture.
Summary Auditing and Assurance Services, Eilifsen, Messier, Glover and Prawitt.
- Samenvatting • 67 pagina's • 2013
- €4,39
- 72x verkocht
- + meer info
Samenvatting Auditing and Assurance Services voor het vak Advanced Auditing. Summary Auditing and Assurance Services for the course Advanced Auditing. Master Accounting, University of Tilburg.
€5,99 voor je samenvatting, vermenigvuldigt met 100 medestudenten... Reken maar uit: dat is veel geld! Wees geen dief van je eigen portemonnee en start nu met uploaden. Ontdek alles over verdienen op Stuvia