Tilburg University (UVT) • Economics
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Economics op de Tilburg University (UVT). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Economics? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Economics op de Tilburg University (UVT).
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Vakken Economics op de Tilburg University (UVT)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Economics op Tilburg University (UVT)
- Industrial economics 30L201-B-6 2
- Intermediate macroeconomics: dynamic models and policy 30L202-B-6 5
- Intermediate Microeconomics: information economics 30L206-B-6 4
- International Comparative Management 1
- International Perspectives on Life Cycle Investments 30L308-B-6 2
- International trade for ECO 1
- Macro 2: International Finance 30L107-B-6 1
- Macroeconomics 1 for ECO 1
- Macroeconomics 2 for ECO: International Finance 30L107-B-6 2
- Methods: Econometrics 1 310153-M-3 1
- Methods: Econometrics 2 310154-M-3 1
- Methods: experiments and surveys 310155-M-3 1
- Methods: Game theory 1 310156-M-3 1
- Microeconomics 1 2
- Microeconomics 2 for ECO: Welfare Economics 1
Populaire samengevatte boeken Tilburg University (UVT) • Economics
Nieuwste samenvattingen Tilburg University (UVT) • Economics
Looking for a comprehensive summary of Financial Economics that will help you ace your course? Look no further! This summary covers all the essential materials needed to succeed in the course, including notes from the lectures, notes of the video clips, and mandatory literature, such as papers and the book written by prof. Berndsen (only relates to first part of the course).
Looking for a comprehensive summary of Methods: Econometrics 2 that will help you ace your course? Look no further! This summary covers all the essential materials needed to succeed in the course, including notes from the lectures, knowledge clips, and mandatory literature, such as papers and book material like The Effect.
All the working out for the Economic Growth and Institutions tutorials. Some tutorials are redone at the end of the document, so if you find some exercises missing, make sure to look there.
Instagram: ECOsummaries DM me for 20% discount! 
Summary for the course 'Experimental and Behavioral Economics'. This summary was written in order to study for the final. Everything you need to know is available in this summary. Note: make sure to also study the required readings provided by the course. These are as important as the materials discussed in this summary! 
Instagram: ECOsummaries DM me for 20% discount!
Instagram: ECOsummaries DM me for 20% discount! 
Summary for the course ''Experimental and Behavioral Economics''. This summary was written in order to study for the final. Everything you need to know is available in this summary. 
Instagram: ECOsummaries DM me for 20% discount!
Instagram: ECOsummaries DM me for 20% discount! 
Summary for the course ''Philosophy of Economics & Economic Ethics''. This summary was written in order to study for the final. Everything you need to know is available in this summary. Advice: also study the paper and book to fully understand all the material. 
Instagram: ECOsummaries DM me for 20% discount!
A summary of all the chapters discussed throughout the course. Images of graphs and the discussed models from the book are also included.
This document contains a summary of the entire 2nd part of the Philosophy of Science and Free Markets course at Tilburg University. This is a mandatory course for 2nd year BSc Economics. The summary features a column containing key-concepts and questions.
This document contains some useful tips about the challenging SIER game that you will be facing during the second year of your Bachelor in Economics.