Introduction to comparative politics (6441HICP8)
Universiteit Leiden (UL)
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Class notes Introduction to Comparative Politics (6441HICP8)
- College aantekeningen • 62 pagina's • 2022
- €8,49
- + meer info
These are my class notes for the course "Introduction to Comparative Politics". It is a single document in which you can find notes for lectures 1 to 13 (lecture 8 was a review session for which I did not specifically take notes). These notes were taken with Notion. The links at the very beginning of each class are not accessible, these were just the lectures' outlines I put in order for my notes to be more organized.

Introduction to Comparative Politics Workgroup Notes - GRADE 7,8
- College aantekeningen • 27 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,99
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of the material for the workgroup (2022) for Introduction to Comparative Politics. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 27 pages): 
Workgroup sessions 1-5. 
Anna Lührmann and Staffan I. Lindberg’s article (2019) “A third wave of autocratization is here: what is new about it?”. 
Peter Mair’s book (2006) “Ruling the Void? The Hollowing of Western Democracy”. 
Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan’s article (2014) “Drop Your Weapons: When and Why Civil Resistance Works”. 

Introduction to Comparative Politics Required Readings' Summaries and Notes - GRADE 7,0
- Voordeelbundel • 4 items • 2022
- €34,99
- 9x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary and notes of the material for the final exam (2022) for Introduction to Comparative Politics. Includes all of the material covered during the course.

Introduction to Comparative Politics Lecture Notes (Lectures 1-12 and Review Sessions) - GRADE 7,0
- College aantekeningen • 31 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €9,99
- 12x verkocht
- + meer info
Notes on the lectures from the course (2022) Introduction to Comparative Politics. INCLUDES lectures 1-12 and review sessions (Total: 31 pages).

Introduction to Comparative Politics Notes on Readings - GRADE 7,0
- Samenvatting • 69 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €14,99
- 18x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of the material for the final exam (2022) for Introduction to Comparative Politics. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 69 pages): 
Rod Hague, Martin Harrop and John McCormick’s book (11th edition 2019) “Comparative Government and Politics”, chapters 1, 3-13 and 15-18.

Global history lectures and introduction to comparative politics lectures FULL readings summaries
- Voordeelbundel • 3 items • 2022
- €24,99
- + meer info
All the global history lecture notes (GH), all introduction to comparative politics (ICP) lecture notes AND full reading summaries

Reading notes of introduction to comparative politics: Comparative Government and Politics, ISBN: 9781352005059 Introduction To Comparative Politics
- Samenvatting • 34 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €13,39
- + meer info
Extensive notes of all the required readings for the introduction to comparative politics (ICP) exam.

Lecture notes Introduction To Comparative Politics
- College aantekeningen • 74 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €10,49
- + meer info
This document contains notes of all the lectures of the Introduction to Comparative Politics course.

EXAM BUNDLE IRO Block 3: Statistics II, ICP, Global History
- Voordeelbundel • 3 items • 2020
- €19,99
- 28x verkocht
- + meer info
This bundle contains lecture notes for the courses Statistics II, Introduction to Comparative Politics and Global History. It also includes chapter summaries of the book Comparative Government and Politics by Hague, Harrop & McCormick and other assigned readings. I scored an 8.5 (SII), 9.5 (GH) and 9.5 (ICP) in these exams.

EXAM BUNDLE: Intro to Comparative Politics
- Voordeelbundel • 3 items • 2020
- €9,99
- 6x verkocht
- + meer info
This bundle contains all lecture notes from the Introduction to Comparative Politics course and chapter summaries from the book Comparative Government and Politics by Hague, Harrop and McCormick (2019). I scored a 9.5 in my exam.

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