the psychology of Selling and Advertising
Universiteit Leiden (UL)
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Essays Economic and Consumer Psychology Leiden
- Voordeelbundel • 5 items • 2024
- €19,89
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Assignments/ essays
Essay 1> An audience of one: Behaviorally targeted ads as implied social labels. Essay 2 > Goal-attribute compatibility in consumer choice.
- Essay • 2 pagina's • 2021
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- €9,39
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Essay 1> An audience of one: Behaviorally targeted ads as implied social labels. 
Essay 2 > Goal-attribute compatibility in consumer choice.
Product positioning . seminar presentation
- Presentatie • 19 pagina's • 2021
- €8,99
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How to position a product_ Strategies and insights
Essay 1> motional brand attachment and brand personality: The relative importance of the actual and the ideal self. essay 2> utilitarian over hedonic qualities
- Essay • 2 pagina's • 2021
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- €6,49
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emotional attachment to the brand . motional brand attachment and brand personality: The relative importance of the actual and the ideal self. 
Malär, L., Krohmer, H., Hoyer, W. D., Nyffenegger, B. (2011). Emotional brand attachment and brand personality: The relative importance of the actual and the ideal self. Journal of Marketing, 75, 35-52. 
Dhar, R., & Wertenbroch, K. (2000). Consumer choice between hedonic and utilitarian goods. Journal of Marketing Research...
The psychology of selling and advertising impulse buying and brand loyalty.
- Essay • 6 pagina's • 2021
- €6,49
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humour’s distraction properties inhibit the formation of negative brand associations (BA), secondly, it favours positive BA by eliciting positive emotions (Strick, Holland, Van Baaren, & Van Knippenberg, 2012). 
Essay 2: Considerations for positive evaluations before even buying 
Šeinauskienė, B., Maščinskienė, J., & Jucaitytė, I. (2015). The relationship of happiness, impulse buying and brand loyalty. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 687-693. 
Shah, S. S....
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Target Audience. essay 1> An audience of one: Behaviorally targeted ads as implied social labels. ). essay 2 Goal-attribute compatibility in consumer choice.
- Essay • 2 pagina's • 2021
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €6,49
- 1x verkocht
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Target Audience. essay 1> An audience of one: Behaviorally targeted ads as implied social labels. ). essay 2 Goal-attribute compatibility in consumer choice.
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