Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Master Clinical Psychology
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Master Clinical Psychology op de Universiteit Leiden (UL). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Master Clinical Psychology? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Master Clinical Psychology op de Universiteit Leiden (UL).
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Vakken Master Clinical Psychology op de Universiteit Leiden (UL)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Master Clinical Psychology op Universiteit Leiden (UL)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Master Clinical Psychology
Nieuwste samenvattingen Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Master Clinical Psychology
Lecture 1: The validity concept 
Lecture 2: RCTs and the validity concept 2.0 
Lecture 3: Selection, attrition, missing data, and scientific integrity 
Lecture 4: Case-control & cohort designs 
Lecture 5: Clinical significance, ROM, and case study designs 
Lecture 6: translating laboratory findings into clinical interventions: the case of attentional bias modification
Lecture 1: Introduction 
Lecture 2: Identifying (Childhood) DSM-5 Disorders and Interviewing Strategies 
Lecture 3: The semi-structured interview: M.I.N.I. & CPRS 
Lecture 4: ROM in mental health care – ROM (Routine Outcome Monitoring)
Week 1: Introduction 
Week 2: The Therapeutic Relationship 
Week 3: Understanding different approaches to psychotherapy 
Week 4: Transference and countertransference
Lecture 1: Exposure and Cognitive Restructuring 
Lecture 2 Combined Cognitive-Behavioural strategies, Activity scheduling & cognitive restructuring in MUPS 
Lecture 3: Behavioral and experiential treatment principles in depression 
Lecture 4: Self-regulation and Self-control
Front page of the document indicates all contents, all exam relevant material included
Back again with the lecture notes but better! This is a stand-alone summary of all the lectures of cognitive behavioral interventions. That means that you do NOT need to watch the lectures in order to get that 8 you want. As the professor stated in the 3rd lecture: Focus on the topics of the lectures not on the mandatory literature! Good luck learning !
• Chapter 1 of the Wright, Basco, & Thase (2006/2017) book; 
• Chapter 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13 & 14 of the O’Donohue & Fisher (2012) book; 
• Additional literature posted with the lectures on Brightspace.
Tekst en modellen uit colleges Cognitive Behavioral Interventions 
Met voorbeelden en aantekeningen gemaakt tijdens de colleges.
The document includes book summary of the chapters 1 to 8 for the course Cognitive Behavioural Interventions (seminar). It is useful for the lecture exam as well. It covers almost all of the necessary chapters for the exam. It only includes the necessary parts of the book, so it is easy to go through.
This document entails a detailed summary of the literature for the fourth lecture of the CBI course. It discusses the topics of Self-regulation and self-control. The literature discussed is the following: 
•	Chapter 8 – Self-regulation (O’Donohue & Fisher, 2012). 
•	Chapter 26 – Helping and Individual to Develop Self-control (Martin & Pear, 2011).