Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Social and Organizational Psychology
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Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Social and Organizational Psychology op Universiteit Leiden (UL)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Social and Organizational Psychology
Nieuwste samenvattingen Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Social and Organizational Psychology
Very extensive lecture notes (basically a transcript) for 'Motivation, Power and Leadership', an elective course for social- and economic and consumer psychology at Leiden University. 

It's a transcript from the lectures, so not just notes. Every chapter starts with an overview, including the titles of the articles discussed, which are discussed during the lectures. I added all Mrs. Harink's comments and examples, as well as graphs, tables and relevant pictures. 

Hope it can be a useful ai...
Dit is een samenvatting van 'The Psychology of Influence: Theory, research and practice', van Joop van der Pligt en Michael Vliek, voor het vak The Psychology of Media and Communication (PMC). Het boek (alle hoofdstukken) is samengevat tot <40 pagina's. Alle belangrijke figuren en tekstvakken zijn erin opgenomen, maar ook wat onderzoeksvoorbeelden die in de tekst uiteen worden gezet.
These are the lecture notes of the course The Psychology of Media and Communication. All the important theories which were discussed in the lectures are in there, as well as some examples and figures to illustrate. The text is based on the slides and elaborates based on additional information provided during the lectures. Information for the workgroups is not in this document.
Especially for Dutch students: Summary of the book Getting to Yes and the articles which you have to read for NSDM (meetings 1 and 2). This summary includes the most important insights and findings of the obligatory articles of meeting 1 - 2 and the book Getting to Yes. By studying this summary, you do not have to read the entire articles for a few meetings! 

! Meeting 2 
 - Article 1 on Vicarious entrapment : summary is in Dutch.
 - Article 2 on endowment effect and coase theorem contains Du...
Especially for Dutch students (it contains Dutch definitions of terms): Extensive summary on the topics discussed during work groups and the articles that were on the reading list. By studying this summary I passed the exam.
For Dutch and international students: Comprehensive summary of the course 'The psychology of economic behaviour'. This summary entails each topic discussed in lectures, notes of lectures and the summaries of the articles that were in the reading list. My study buddies and I passed the exam easily by studying my summary.
For Dutch and foreign students: Although I don't like statistics that much and I thought I was not good at it at all, I passed ADA with an 8! Writing and studying this (clear) summary helped me in passing the exam. Hopefully it helps YOU as well! 
This summary contains my notes and the content of the slides. Besides, it contains important parts from the book! By studying this summary, I passed and I hope you will too!