Challenges in Work, Health and Wellbeing

Universiteit Utrecht (UU)

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Challenges in work, health and well-being ISW UU: Lectures + literature
  • Challenges in work, health and well-being ISW UU: Lectures + literature

  • Samenvatting • 119 pagina's • 2022
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • Very extensive summary of all lectures and nearly all literature of the course 'Challenges in Work, Health and Well-being. I was graded a 9 on my exam. Take a look at my other summaries for electives and mandatory courses of the bachelor ISS :) CONTENT 1) Introduction - Article Vickerstaff - Article Landsbergis - Article Ahonen 2) How does work make you sick? - Article McDaid - Article Wharton (incompleet) 3) Introduction to policymaking for work, health, and wellbeing - Article Van...
  • €7,49
  • 18x verkocht
  • + meer info