Corporate Communication 774211001Y (774211001Y)

Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)

Hier vind je de beste samenvattingen om te slagen voor Corporate Communication 774211001Y (774211001Y). Er zijn o.a. samenvattingen, aantekeningen en oefenvragen beschikbaar.

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Corporate Communication - summary of key definitions, concepts, models
  • Corporate Communication - summary of key definitions, concepts, models

  • Samenvatting • 17 pagina's • 2023
  • This is not a class note or full version summary, but a CRASH COURSE summary that brainstorms all concepts into topics, and definitions are explained in simple terms. This document will help you to learn all the definitions by heart faster and easier, with a logical flow so you would not feel overwhelmed. Most suitable for: those who are struggling to learn all definitions, need material to create flashcards, need material to brainstorm
  • thonguyn
  • €5,29
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