Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Public International Law
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Public International Law op de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Public International Law? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Public International Law op de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA).
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Vakken Public International Law op de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Public International Law op Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Public International Law
Nieuwste samenvattingen Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Public International Law
Very comprehensive and clear tutorial assignments week 2 - 6 (incl. notes taken during the tutorial). 
NB: this document is complete. Weeks 1 and 7 are not included because there were no tutorials in those weeks.
Very comprehensive and clear lecture notes week 1 - 7 (with explanation of the prescribed literature and case law).
Summary of all the literature for the course 'international human rights law'.
Notes taken during the seminars of the course 'Principles and Foundations of International Law'.
A complete summary of all the readings for the course 'Principles and Foundations of International Law', including the case law.
A summary of the whole book to prepare for the MC exam for the course principles and foundations of international law
An overview of case law (with a brief indication of the content), directives and regulations per week.
Very comprehensive and clear lecture notes week 1 - 7 (with explanation of case law, regulations and directives).
In this exam guide you will find a clear outline of the prescribed exam material based on lectures, tutorials, literature and case law. Practical step-by-step plans to help you pass your exam!
Very comprehensive and clear tutorial assignments week 1 - 7 (incl. notes taken during the tutorial).