University of bergen
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Vakken op de University of bergen
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor deze vakken op de University of bergen
Nieuwste samenvattingen University of bergen
For the course SANT104: Culture, Meaning and Communication, a list with all authors. Every author has a list underneath it with other authors it can be connected to. At the bottom of the document there are exam questionsthemes that the professor has given, with authors that can be connected to it. All authors and themes have explanations with them, as to why they can be linked. The exam questions from 17-18, 18-19 and 19-20 were the same, so this document is excellent! Very useful for exam pre...
For the course SANT105 Power: its articulations and disguises, a list with all authors. Every author has a list underneath it with other authors it can be connected to. At the bottom of the document there are themes that the professor has given, with authors that can be connected to it. All authors and themes have explanations with them, as to why they can be linked. Very useful for exam preparation!
Summary of the course SANT105, Power: its articulations and disguises. This is part 2 and goes from lecture 8 up to and including lecture 14. The summary includes lecture notes, seminar notes, and summaries of ALL the texts we had to read. It also includes some exam review done in the lecture and seminar