Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Business Administration
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Business Administration op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Business Administration? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Business Administration op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
Vakken Business Administration op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Business Administration op Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
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Nieuwste samenvattingen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Business Administration
High quality authentic text style summary of all obligatory articles for the 2015/2016 Research Seminar 1 course, which were the following articles:

Lecture 1	2
Cornelissen & Durand (2014) – Moving forward: developing theoretical contributions in management studies	2
Edmondson & McManus (2007) – Methodological fit in management field research	4
Sandberg & Alvesson (2011) – Ways of constructing research questions: gap-spotting or problematization?	6
Tang & Ellsaesser (2011) – How contras...
Entire assignment for writing a research question (which was the general assignment for strategy & organisation for 2015/2016). Although your assignment may differ, the document is still very useful for structure, writing style, sources, etc. Please do not literally copy text from this assignment, as it was uploaded in a database, and your assignment will be checked against this database.
Entire assignment for writing a research design (which was the general assignment for strategy & organisation for 2015/2016). Although your assignment may differ, the document is still very useful for structure, writing style, sources, etc. Please do not literally copy text from this assignment, as it was uploaded in a database, and your assignment will be checked against this database.
Entire case study of Coca Cola (which was an optional assignment for 2015/2016). Although your assignment may differ, the document is still very useful for structure, writing style, sources, etc. Please do not literally copy text from this assignment, as it was uploaded in a database, and your assignment will be checked against this database.
Entire assignment for researching a current ethical issue (which was the general assignment for 2015/2016). We chose the easy way out and just watched the documentary 'Cowspiracy' on Netflix. Although your assignment may differ, the document is still very useful for structure, writing style, sources, etc. Please do not literally copy text from this assignment, as it was uploaded in a database, and your assignment will be checked against this database.
Notes of all (4) Ethics lectures of Ferguson (3) & Wempe (1). Although the notes in itself are not very extensive, they are highly complementary to the other course material, and will therefore provide you with a more complete understanding.
High quality (my grade: 7,7) authentic text style summary of all obligatory articles for the 2015/2016 Ethics course, which were the following articles:

Lecture 1	2
Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy: consequentialism	2
Mill (1863). Utilitarianism	4
Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy: deontological ethics	7
Kant (1785). Fundamental principles of the metaphysics of morals	11
Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy: virtue ethics	14
Aristotle (350 BC). Nicomachian ethics	16
Lecture 2	19
Ferguson, B...
High quality (my grade: 7,7) authentic bulletpoint style summary of all the topics of the 2015/2016 Ethics course. Contains similar information as my bulletpoint style summary of the articles, but is neatly categorized per topic (see table of contents).
Summary of the chapters included in the course schedule for Institutional Investments. Some additions from the slides included.
High quality (my grade: 7,7) authentic bulletpoint style summary of all obligatory articles for the 2015/2016 Small Business Development course. All the material is covered, but is minimized to only the most essential information, neatly categorized per article and per subject within each article. Very useful for remembering the material: read the article (or my text style summary) once or twice for understanding, memorize my bulletpoint style summary, and you will definitely pass this course.