Pursuing and Realising Entrepreneurial Projects (ELS66700)
Wageningen University (WUR)
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Pursuing and Realising Entrepreneurial Projects (PREP) - Tutorials, paper and book summary (ELS-66700)
- Samenvatting • 11 pagina's • 2021
- €2,99
- + meer info
Summary of the tutorials for the course ELS66700, Pursuing and Realising Entrepreneurial Projects (PREP). This is part of the MSc track entrepreneurship (e-track). It contains the most valuable and interesting insights from each tutorial (tutorial 1a: golden circle and business model canvas. Tutorial 1b: KANBAN. Tutorial 2a: VPC. Tutorial 2b: Mom's test. Tutorial 5: guest lecture ReShore. Tutorial 6: assumptions and MVP testing). 
These insights can be used for report part A: PREP group report ...
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