Wageningen University (WUR) • Environmental Sciences
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Environmental Sciences op de Wageningen University (WUR). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Environmental Sciences? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Environmental Sciences op de Wageningen University (WUR).
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Vakken Environmental Sciences op de Wageningen University (WUR)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Environmental Sciences op Wageningen University (WUR)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Wageningen University (WUR) • Environmental Sciences
Nieuwste samenvattingen Wageningen University (WUR) • Environmental Sciences
This is a ~40 page long summary of all the Lectures, including notes from the Lectures. It also covers the most important information from the textbook "Fawcett S.E., L.M.Ellram, J.A.Ogden, 2014. Supply chain management, from vision to implementation. Pearson, Prentice Hall", covering Chapters 1-13 except Chapter 7. Inclusing a table of conent.
This document summaries all relevant material from the lectures and other videos for this course. It also contains my personal notes (in blue).This document has roughly 50 pages and is all the theoretical information you need for CBA.
This is a summary of my full script for this course. it has only 10 pages and covers the most important aspects of the lectures. This is a great document to shortly review what you've learned or what you should know at the least.
In this document I put all the guiding questions and added an answer for most of them. This is very helpful to understand everything and check your knowledge on the different topics.
This documents summarizes the learning outcomes of the course. This can be helpful to check whether or not you understand what the course aims for.
This is a short Summary of both the Scripts. This makes it easier to study by helping you realize if you understood all the basic concepts of this course.
In this Document I summarized 3 papers from the course: 
1. Altruism 
Grolleau, G., Ibanez, L., & Mzoughi, N. (2009). Too much of a good thing? Why altruism can harm 
the environment? Ecological Economics, 68(7), 2145–2149. 
2. Spatial Frames 
Van Koppen, C.S.A. & S.R. Bush (2018) Spatial frames and the quest for institutional fit. In: M. 
Boström.& D. Davidson eds. (2018) Environment and society. Concepts and challenges. 
Palgrave, pp. 305-326 
3. Fair Trade 
LeClair, M. S. (2002). Figh...
Summary of all Lectures about economics, including class notes and slides/pictures from the lectures.
Lectures about the policy part of the course and class notes. Including graphs from slides.
This is the full Script for Environmental Economics for Environmental Sciences. It includes the lecture slides with important graphs, as well as my personal notes taken from the Lectures. It also includes a refresher on mathematic calculus on some problems often used in environmental economics.