Neuroimaging - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Neuroimaging? Op deze pagina vind je 46 samenvattingen over Neuroimaging.
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Hele uitgebreide uitwerking van de lectures van Neurophysiology
- College aantekeningen • 85 pagina's • 2023
- €6,49
- 6x verkocht
- + meer info
Met deze samenvatting heb ik een 8 gehaald bij de eerste kans. 
Heel fijn om ernaast te houden tijdens het kijken van de colleges.

Broad Summary Sensation & Perception Part 2 - Chapter 8-13
- Samenvatting • 21 pagina's • 2023
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €8,69
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of S&P Part 2 - Chapter 8-13

Clinical Child And Adolescence Psychology
- Samenvatting • 48 pagina's • 2023
- €8,19
- 7x verkocht
- + meer info
De samenvatting bestaat uit al deze artikelen: 
Lecture 1: Emotion Theories (Carolien Rieffe) 
Scherer, K.R. (2000). Emotion. In M. Hewstone & W. Stroebe (Eds.). Introduction to Social Psychology: A European perspective (3rd. ed., pp. 151-191). Oxford: Blackwell. 
Lecture 2: Emotion Communication (Carolien Rieffe) 
Novin, S., Rieffe, C., Banerjee, R., Miers, A. C., & Cheung, J. (2011). Anger response styles in Chinese and Dutch children: a sociocultural perspective on anger regulation...

Samenvatting Clinical neuropsychology - Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology (PSBE2-24)
- Samenvatting • 60 pagina's • 2024
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €12,99
- + meer info
This summary of "Clinical Neuropsychology" covers the field's development from its historical roots to modern techniques. It discusses contributions from key figures like René Descartes, Franz Joseph Gall, and Alexander Luria, and examines methodologies such as the clinico-anatomical method and neuropsychological test batteries. The document also explores the role of dissociation in clinical practice and the advancements in neuroimaging techniques like MRI and CT scans. Providing both histor...
Summary of all eight lectures for the elective Methods in clinical neuropsychological research.
notes and slides of all the classes

College/Practical aantekeningen Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology (PSBE2-24) Clinical neuropsychology
- College aantekeningen • 8 pagina's • 2024
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €5,49
- + meer info
The "ICNP | Practical Summary" provides a comprehensive overview of essential neuropsychological assessment tools and techniques. It delves into the diagnostic cycle, emphasizing the importance of reliability and validity in testing. The document highlights advanced neuroimaging methods, including MRI, CT scans, SPECT, and PET, and their applications in diagnosing neurological conditions. Key topics such as memory, attention, stroke, cerebral infarcts, and traumatic brain injuries are explored...
Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op de colleges van Wouter de Baene en Jeroen Stekelenburg en het boek Introduction to Human Neuroimaging.

Developmental Neuropsychology | Full Lecture Notes | Utrecht University | A+ Study Notes
- College aantekeningen • 16 pagina's • 2024
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €8,49
- + meer info
University: Utrecht University 
Course: Developmental Neuropsychology 
This document provides comprehensive lecture notes covering key topics in developmental neuropsychology, including: 
- Brain development and plasticity, exploring neurogenesis, critical periods, and synaptic pruning 
- Memory development and disorders, covering hippocampal maturation and case studies of amnesia 
- Executive functioning and cognitive control, examining working memory, inhibition, and decision-making 
- Atten...

Cognitive Neuroimaging (BB081B) Summary of all lectures
- Samenvatting • 33 pagina's • 2022
- €5,09
- + meer info
Summery of all lectures of the course Cognitive Neuroimaging (BB081B) in the 3rd year of the bachelor Biology. Great for people who struggle with big chunks of text. Lots of pictures and bullet points

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