Suffragettes Samenvattingen, Aantekeningen en Examens

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 20 pagina's • 2024
  • Race -A social construction - Imposing social meanings onto real and/or imagined physiological characteristic (superiority/inferiority) - A way to legitimize the colonial subjugation/subordination of European colonized and continue to deny them access to resources - Racism in engrained in nation building - Seen as static/fixed, inherent and unchangeable - Socially grounded in politics, capitalism, and unequal social relations among different groups of people - Maintained by dominant elit...
  • €11,99
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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 20 pagina's • 2024
  • Race -A social construction - Imposing social meanings onto real and/or imagined physiological characteristic (superiority/inferiority) - A way to legitimize the colonial subjugation/subordination of European colonized and continue to deny them access to resources - Racism in engrained in nation building - Seen as static/fixed, inherent and unchangeable - Socially grounded in politics, capitalism, and unequal social relations among different groups of people - Maintained by dominant elit...
  • €11,99
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theory and methods - feminism
  • theory and methods - feminism

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 6 pagina's • 2024
  • Introduction - - Feminism sees society as male dominated and it aims to describe, explain and change the position of women in society - it is also a political movement - The first wave of feminism appeared in the late 19th century with the suffragettes' campaign for the right to vote - the second wave was in the 1960s and it emerged on a global scale - Feminism criticises mainstream sociology for being malestream - seeing society only from the male perspective - There's different types o...
  • €11,51
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Feminism 10 GRADED A+
  • Feminism 10 GRADED A+

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 4 pagina's • 2024
  • Structural -Society shapes and determines individuals. Our behaviour is controlled by our society by its organisation and culture. We are 'puppets of society'. Conflict -Society benefits one group at the expense of another, in this case, men benefit and women lose out. Patriarchy -Men have more power and status than women. Society is dominated by men. Objective -Aim of feminism is to explain patriarchy and examine the ways it is transmitted from one generation to the new by key instituti...
  • €10,07
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Feminism 5 100% PASSED
  • Feminism 5 100% PASSED

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 16 pagina's • 2024
  • Origins and developments -- Feminist ideas can be traced back to the ancient civilisations of Greece and China - Christine De Pisan's Book of the City of Ladies published in Italy (1405) foreshadowed many ideas of modern feminism such as advocating women's rights to education - The first text of modern feminism is Mary Wollstonecraft's the Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) - By the mid 19th C the women's movement acquired a central focus which was the right to vote Origins and...
  • €11,03
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Feminism 10 GRADED A+
  • Feminism 10 GRADED A+

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 4 pagina's • 2024
  • Structural -Society shapes and determines individuals. Our behaviour is controlled by our society by its organisation and culture. We are 'puppets of society'. Conflict -Society benefits one group at the expense of another, in this case, men benefit and women lose out. Patriarchy -Men have more power and status than women. Society is dominated by men. Objective -Aim of feminism is to explain patriarchy and examine the ways it is transmitted from one generation to the new by key instituti...
  • €9,11
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Functionalist views of crime and deviance Exam Questions and Answers
  • Functionalist views of crime and deviance Exam Questions and Answers

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 3 pagina's • 2024
  • Functionalist views of crime and deviance Exam Questions and Answers What is Durkheim's view of crime? ANSWER Crime is inevitable in society and a certain amount of crime and deviance is neccessary for socioety to function What does Durkheim say too much crime in society leads to? ANSWER Anomie What does Durkheim say that no crime in society causes? ANSWER Stagnation According to Durkheim what are the three main functions of crime? ANSWER Reaffirming boundaries, adaptation and chang...
  • €7,67
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Feminism 16 GRADED A+
  • Feminism 16 GRADED A+

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 2 pagina's • 2024
  • Feminism -the belief that women should possess the same political and economic rights as men Feminism key concepts -- It is a conflict theory which suggests that there is a patriarchal oppression towards women in society - That sociology is male stream where male thinkers only focus on the issue's men face in society - It has evolved to deal with the contemporary issues and the intersectionality of women Intersectionality -the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, c...
  • €2,87
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Theory and Methods: Feminism
  • Theory and Methods: Feminism

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 7 pagina's • 2024
  • malestream -how feminists believe many see society - male-dominated and from their perspective only subordinated -how feminists see females as being treated in society, and is part of their political movement to change their position late 19th century -the 'first wave' of feminism, with the suffragettes' campaign for women's right to vote 1960s -the 'second wave' of feminism, which took on the world globally liberal -the type of feminist who believe women can achieve gender equality...
  • €10,74
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Feminism 18 GRADED A+
  • Feminism 18 GRADED A+

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 30 pagina's • 2024
  • SECTION 1: Overview of feminism - Name the strands Briefly describe each State the approximate wave - - LIBERAL feminism - supporting reform (1st wave). - RADICAL feminism - supporting revolution (2nd and 3rd wave). - SOCIALIST feminism - the most extreme and are Marxists (2nd wave) - POSTMODERN feminism (3rd wave). The main strands are liberal and radical. Socialist and postmodern are also strands to use where you can. So, mainly contrast liberal and radical. Include socialist and p...
  • €12,95
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