Five forces - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Five forces? Op deze pagina vind je 71 samenvattingen over Five forces.
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Uitgebreide samenvatting OICT colleges deel 1
- Samenvatting • 25 pagina's • 2023
- €4,99
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Deze samenvatting is uitgebreid geschreven met behulp van het boek en de slides. Samenvatting bevat ook voorbeelden en duidelijke uitleg bij alle concepten. Dit betreft college 1 t/m 7 dus de eerste paar colleges van het vak.

Key Elements Strategy for Pre-master
- Samenvatting • 28 pagina's • 2021
- €7,49
- 6x verkocht
- + meer info
In this document the key notes of the lectures are mentioned. It contains material of the powerpoint slides, mentioned concepts by lecturers, overlap with book concepts and lessons learned (mostly book concepts that were not mentioned in the lectures) from previous exams. There are a lot of bullet points to easily study these elements. If you do not understand a topic or need more background information on one of the concepts, the book 'Strategic management & competitive advantage'...

Volledige samenvatting International Marketing door docent Julie Crampe
- Samenvatting • 12 pagina's • 2023
- €6,39
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
Dit is een volledige samenvatting van het van International Marketing in de opleiding marketing aan de Arteveldehogeschool. Het vak werd gegeven door docent Julie Crampe. De samenvatting is volledig!! Alle powerpoints + extra info uit de les + opnames

International marketing summary
- Samenvatting • 92 pagina's • 2021
- €5,49
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
In this summary, I've written the slides of the course, with all my notes. The course is in English, so is the exam, and so is this summary. At the end of the document, I've added the content table. There is no course book linked to this course, only the slides and notes.

Strategy and organization - article summary
- Samenvatting • 57 pagina's • 2021
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €7,99
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
Table of Contents 
Week 1 
Thinking about strategy – Stoelhorst 
How competitive forces shape strategy - Porter 
Firm sources and sustained competitive advantage - Barley 
Week 2 . 
Strategy and the “Business Portfolio” – Hedley 
From Competitive advantage to corporate strategy – Porter 
Rethinking the corporation: the role of core competencies – Prahalad & Hamel 
Week 3 
A formal strategic planning process – Hax & Majluf 
The fall and rise of strategic planning – Min...

Samenvatting PRINCIPES VAN DE MARKETING EUROP - Fundamenten van de marketing
- Samenvatting • 89 pagina's • 2025
- €16,66
- + meer info
Marketing omvat alle activiteiten die gericht zijn op het creëren, communiceren en leveren van waarde aan een doelgroep. Hierbij spelen verschillende modellen en concepten een rol, zoals de analyse van concurrentiekrachten via Porter's Five Forces, en het begrijpen van menselijke behoeften met Maslow's hiërarchie. Strategische groei kan worden gepland met behulp van de Ansoff-matrix, terwijl koopgedrag inzicht geeft in hoe consumenten keuzes maken. 
Om de prestaties van producten of be...

Foundations of Business Administration Exam Notes
- Samenvatting • 42 pagina's • 2023
- €12,99
- + meer info
These are my notes for the course of Foundations of Business Administration. I got an 8.8 (which is an A) on the exam. 
It covers aspects like: modernism,symbolism and post modernism of business and their theories, mechanistic vs organic structures, Porter's Five Forces, Bureaucracy and Greiner's organizational lifecycle, Max Weber's organizational configurations, globalization, power and politics and much more

In-depth Articles Summary of Strategy and Organisation (6012S0017Y)
- Samenvatting • 76 pagina's • 2021
- €4,09
- 25x verkocht
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Week 1 - Competitive Strategy 
Article 1 - How competitive forces shape strategy – Michael E. Porter (1979) 
Article 2 - Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage – Jay Barney (1991) 
Article 3 - The Firm Matters, Not the Industry – Charles Baden-Fuller and John Stopford (1992) 
Article 4 - Thinking About Strategy – J.W. Stoelhorst (2008) 
Week 2 - Corporate Strategy 
Article 1 - Strategy and the “Business Portfolio” – Barry Hedley (1977) 
Article 2 - From competitiv...

Lecture notes Management profile Strategic Management of Technological Innovation
- College aantekeningen • 64 pagina's • 2024
- €7,66
- + meer info
This document includes all lecture notes for the course Strategic Management of Technological Innovation within the Management Profile at Utrecht University. The notes are supplemented with summaries of relevant topics from the textbook and key information from the lecture slides. Additionally, learning objectives for each lecture are provided to highlight the essential concepts and material needed for exam preparation.

Imperialism in 19th Century Europe - A Complete Study Guide
- Samenvatting • 3 pagina's • 2024
- €2,99
- + meer info
**Imperialism in the 19th Century: Driving Forces and Global Impact** 
This document explores the surge of imperialism during the 19th century, characterized by intense competition among European powers for colonies and territories across the globe. Five key factors contributed to this phenomenon, shaping the motivations and justifications for expansion during this transformative period. 
Key topics covered include: 
• The economic motivations of the Industrial Revolution 
• The role of ...

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