Innovation and management - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Innovation and management? Op deze pagina vind je 355 samenvattingen over Innovation and management.
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Resume - Strategy & Innovation Management (EBM066A05)
- Samenvatting • 44 pagina's • 2023
- €7,39
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Summaries of Articles and Lectures, 2022-2023, 44 pages 
- Pisano, G. (2015) You Need an Innovation Strategy. Harvard Business Review, 46 (June): 44-54. 
- Zollo, M., Minoja, M., & Coda, V. (2018) Toward an Integrated Theory of Strategy. Strategic 
Management Journal, 39(6): 1753-1778. 
- Gong, Y., Kim, T-Y., Lee, D-R., and Zhu, J. (2013) A Multilevel Model of Team Goal Orientation, 
Information Exchange, and Creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 56 (3): 827–851. 
- Herrmann, D. and Fel...

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 17 pagina's • 2024
- €14,17
- + meer info
The four P's - CORRECT ANSWER--Product -Price -Placement -Promotion 
Lessons from Deloitte's Women's Initiative - CORRECT 
ANSWER--Make sure senior management is front and center -Make an airtight business case for cultural change -Let the world watch you -Begin with dialogue as the platform for change -Use a flexible system of accountability -Promote work-life balance for men and women 
The "four P's" is a model with a focus on - CORRECT 

Summary: Organizing for Innovation 2023 (not all Papers)
- Samenvatting • 31 pagina's • 2023
- €3,79
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Fantastic summary of all papers from 2022; some remain unchanged for the 2023 exam. 
Missing Papers 
Week 2) 
Vestal, A., & Danneels, E. 2022. Technological Distance and Breakthrough Inventions in Multi-Cluster Teams: How Intra- and Inter- Location Ties Bridge the Gap. Administrative Science Quarterly, 67(1): 167–206. 
Sharapov, D., & Macaulay, S. C. 2022. Design as an Isolating Mechanism for Capturing Value from Innovation: From Cloaks and Traps to Sabotage. Academy of Management Revi...

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 1967 pagina's • 2024
- €13,22
- + meer info
As the host of the International Conference on Innovation, Management, Education, and Technology 
2023,Iamhappytowelcomeallofyoutojoinusattheconference.Iwouldliketotakethisopportunity tothank 
our co-hosts: MOK SMART Education, AssociationofGlobalManagement Studies, United 
StatesofAmerica, College of Politics and Government, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University (SSRU), 
Thailand, International Education Center IEC (SSRU), Qilu Instituteof Technology, China; Zheji...
Summary of the mandatory, articles, and lectures, with important figures, all divided per week.

Sustainability: Strat., Innov. & Change, Summary
- Samenvatting • 23 pagina's • 2022
- €3,99
- 11x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of all the mandatory Modules, articles, videos, lectures and online sessions, with important figures, lecture slides, all divided per week.
Summary of all the mandatory articles, lectures and online sessions, with important figures, lecture slides, all divided per week.

Summaries mandatroy reading GEO3-2122 Business Sustainability and Innovation
- Samenvatting • 36 pagina's • 2023
- €4,32
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
This document includes a number of summaries which were amongst the mandatory reading materials for the course GEO3-2122 Business Sustainability and Innovation which is part of the Bachelor programme Global Sustainability Science. These articles were amongst the mandatory materials in academic year 2022/2023. I completed this course with an 8,3 as a final grade. 
The articles summarized are: 
1. Corporate sustainability management (Schaltegger et al., 2016) 
2. The Path to Corporate Responsibi...

Strategic Management B&M, Summary
- Samenvatting • 46 pagina's • 2022
- €3,99
- 6x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of all the, textbook, mandatory articles, lectures and online sessions, with important figures, lecture slides, all divided per week.

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