Business case thinking - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Business case thinking? Op deze pagina vind je 10 samenvattingen over Business case thinking.
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Samenvatting Business Case Thinking Landelijke Toets
- Samenvatting • 16 pagina's • 2022
- €5,89
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
Complete samenvatting voor de landelijke toets van BCT 2022 
Vaste activa / vlottende activa - VAVA 
Eigen vermogen/ vreemd vermogen - EVVV 
Afschrijvingen lineair (balanspositie) - AFLI 
Balansratio's - liquiditeitskengetallen - LIQK 
Balansratio's - solvabiliteitskengetallen - SOLK 
Resultatenrekening algemeen - RESA 
Indeling resultatenrekening - INRE 
Rentabiliteitskengetallen - RENK 
Liquiditeitsrekening - LIQR 
Afschrijvingen (kosten) -AFKN 
Loonkosten - LOON 
Rentekosten - RENT 
Vaste ...

Samenvatting bloktoets 1.3 Adviseren
- Samenvatting • 21 pagina's • 2024
- €7,16
- + meer info
Deze samenvatting bevat dienstenmarketing, basisboek facility management, huisvestingsmanagement, asset- en onderhoudsmanagement, succesvolle kantoorhuisvesting, bouwkunde, business case thinking, het structuurmodel en artikelen.

Samenvatting BCT toets, blok 1.2: Organiseren
- Samenvatting • 14 pagina's • 2023
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,49
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
Volledige samenvatting met alle theorie die je nodig hebt voor de BCT toets in blok 1.2: organiseren, leerjaar 1 facility management. De samenvatting bevat volledige stappenplannen met voorbeelden voor: Balans, exploitatiebegroting, liquiditeitsbegroting en het mutatieoverzicht.

Complete summary of ALL articles of Supply Chain Strategy
- Samenvatting • 45 pagina's • 2023
- €6,99
- + meer info
Summary of all articles that are discussed in this course. 
It includes the following articles. 
Quality (DL) 
o Hines, P., Holweg, M., & Rich, N. (2004). Learning to Evolve: A Review of 
Contemporary Lean Thinking. International Journal of Operations & 
Production Management, 24(10), 994-1011. 
Measurement (AB) 
o Bhardwaj, A., & Ketokivi, M. (2021). Bilateral dependency and supplier 
performance ambiguity in supply chain contracting: Evidence from the railroad 
industry. Journal o...

Samenvatting hoorcolleges/weblectures blok 3.4 Operations Management
- Samenvatting • 112 pagina's • 2022
- €5,49
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Een uitgebreide samenvatting van alle hoorcolleges die aan bod zijn gekomen bij het blok Operations Management. (Business Case Thinking, regie, make, buy or ally, lean, organisatiestructuur, risicomanagement, inkoop, logistiek en HRM)

Summary + Tutorial Notes Sustainability - Strategies, Innovation & Change (EBM210A05)
- Samenvatting • 50 pagina's • 2022
- €8,49
- 16x verkocht
- + meer info
Whiteman, G., Walker, B., & Perego, P. (2013). Planetary boundaries: Ecological foundations for corporate sustainability. Journal of Management Studies, 50(2), 307-336. 
 Ehrenfeld, J. R. (2008). Sustainability by design: A subversive strategy for transforming our consumer culture. Taylor and Francis, pp. 10-21. 
Camillus, J. C. (2008). Strategy as a wicked problem. Harvard Business Review, 86(5). Library Link Grewatsch S, Kennedy S, (Tima) Bansal P. Tackling wicked problems in strategic ma...

Exam (mock) Digital Innovation and Virtual Organizing in a Global Setting (E_IBA2_DIVO)
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 19 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €6,70
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
This mock exam on Digital Innovation and Virtual Organizing in a Global Setting (E_IBA2_DIVO) is designed to test students' knowledge and understanding of key concepts, theories, and practices related to digital innovation and virtual organizing in a global context. The exam covers topics such as digital transformation, innovation ecosystems, virtual collaboration, and agile project management. It requires students to demonstrate their ability to analyze and solve complex problems related to di...

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies - Lectures, tutorials and literature (BMO-55806)
- Samenvatting • 8 pagina's • 2021
- €3,49
- + meer info
Summary of the lectures, tutorials and literature from the course BMO-55806 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies. This course is part of the MSc track entrepreneurship (e-track). It contains a summary of the lectures (Lecture 1: introduction and emerging economies; lecture 2: entrepreneurship with systems-thinking approach; lecture 3: phase 2: turn entrepreneurial ideas into action; lecture 4: entrepreneurial learning and context; lecture 5: establishing new ventures; lecture 6:...

Extensive summary Sustainable supply chain management
- Samenvatting • 51 pagina's • 2020
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €12,49
- 10x verkocht
- + meer info
This document contains an extensive summary of the book "Introduction to Modeling Sustainable Development in Business Processes- Theory and Case Studies. " by Inghels (2020). Furthermore, it contains an extensive summary of chapter 3 "System Thinking" by Fiksel

Summary of Articles Innovation in Emerging Markets 2020
- Samenvatting • 80 pagina's • 2020
- €7,49
- 63x verkocht
- + meer info
Summaries of all the articles required for the exam of the course Innovation in Emerging Markets at the Radboud University (2019-2020):

- Khanna, T. and Palepu, K. G. (2010). ‘The nature of institutional voids in emergingmarkets’, in T. Khanna and K. G. Palepu (eds), Winning in Emerging Markets: A RoadMap for Strategy and Execution: 13-26. Boston: Harvard Business Press.

- Ramamurti, R. (2012). ‘What is really different about emerging market multinationals?Global Strategy Journal, 2: 41-...

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