Complex emotion - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen

Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Complex emotion? Op deze pagina vind je 8 samenvattingen over Complex emotion.

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Complete samenvatting psychological and neurobiological consequences of child abuse and neglect Complete samenvatting psychological and neurobiological consequences of child abuse and neglect Populair
  • Complete samenvatting psychological and neurobiological consequences of child abuse and neglect

  • Samenvatting • 56 pagina's • 2024
  • Deze Nederlandse samenvatting (+ aantekeningen van hoorcolleges) is bedoeld voor studenten die het keuzevak/onderdeel van minor psychological and neurobiological consequences of child abuse and neglect volgen. Het bevat de stof dat wordt getoetst in blok 2. Let op: psychological and neurobiological consequences of child abuse and neglect is een Engelstalig vak maar deze samenvatting is geschreven in het Nederlands. Literatuur dat hiervoor is gebruikt: - The boy who was raised as a dog:...
  • Denise2000
  • €6,49
  • 3x verkocht
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Psychological interventions for complex problems: Lectures & Articles
  • Psychological interventions for complex problems: Lectures & Articles

  • Samenvatting • 117 pagina's • 2023
  • Psychological interventions for complex problems: Lectures & Articles WEEK 1 - LECTURE 1: Introduction - LECTURE 2: Schema Therapy (Part 1: Background and Theory) ARTICLES: - Schema Therapy - Arntz (2018) - Towards a Reformulated Theory Underlying Schema Therapy: Position Paper of an International Workgroup - Arntz (2021) WEEK 2: - LECTURE 3: Inference Based Approach for OCD - LECTURE 4: Schema Therapy (Part 2: Application) ARTICLES: - The Inference-Based Approach to Obsessive...
  • bernarditarichards
  • €13,99
  • 5x verkocht
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MLE Course: Integration Module Exam (Grade: 8.5)
  • MLE Course: Integration Module Exam (Grade: 8.5)

  • Samenvatting • 33 pagina's • 2023
  • My summary got me a grade of 8.7 on the integration exam, as part of the MLE course of the Brain and Cognition Specialization. By studying with my notes, you won't need to consult the lectures or any other materials. I include screenshots of the slides, plenty of images alongside concepts for better understanding, and many examples that will stick complex concepts to your mind easily. The document covers the following: 1) Semantic Memory * Sentence verification: Hierarchical Models & Netwo...
  • elenafresch
  • €6,99
  • 1x verkocht
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WI NHA State Exam; Completely solved (GRADED A+)
  • WI NHA State Exam; Completely solved (GRADED A+)

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 31 pagina's • 2023
  • Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriber correct answers A person who has been granted a certificate to issue prescriptino orders. Authorized prescriber correct answers A person licensed in this state to prescribe medications, treatments, or rehabilitative therapies. Department correct answers Wisconsin Department of Health Services Developmental Disability correct answers Mental retardation or a related condtion, such as cerbral palsy, epilepsy or autism, but excluding mental illness and inf...
  • ProPerfomer
  • €14,24
  • + meer info
MLE Course: Emotion Module Summary (Grade: 9.8)
  • MLE Course: Emotion Module Summary (Grade: 9.8)

  • Samenvatting • 79 pagina's • 2023
  • My summary got me a 9.8 on the emotion exam, as part of the MLE course of the Brain and Cognition Specialization. By studying with my notes, you won't need to consult the lectures or any other materials. I include screenshots of the slides, plenty of images alongside concepts for better understanding, and many examples that will stick complex concepts to your mind easily. The document covers the following: 1) Introduction to Emotion 2) Approaches to Emotion * Darwin: Expression and Perc...
  • elenafresch
  • €14,19
  • + meer info
Notes lectures Interventions in Individual Development (PSB3E-OP02)
  • Notes lectures Interventions in Individual Development (PSB3E-OP02)

  • College aantekeningen • 17 pagina's • 2022
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • Notes from lecture 1 to 6 (lecture 7 is for questions) in the third year psychology course Interventions in Individual Development (PSB3E-OP02) at the University of Groningen. Lectures are mostly given by guest speakers.
  • isabelvdb
  • €2,99
  • 2x verkocht
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Human Factors Reading Material Summary
  • Human Factors Reading Material Summary

  • Samenvatting • 44 pagina's • 2017
  • Summary of all reading material of 0HV100 Human Factors (2016-2017). This is an elaborate summary that contains summaries of all the articles and chapters that you are required to read for the course. List of all reading material: Lehto, M. R., & Landry, S. J. (2012). Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics for Engineers, Second Edition. CRC Press. Chapter 1. Guided tour of ergonomic design Defeating Feature Fatigue. User Experience and...
  • OG40
  • €3,49
  • 7x verkocht
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Blok 1.5 Probleem 2: It's Just Emotions Taking Me Over. Blok 1.5 Probleem 2: It's Just Emotions Taking Me Over.
  • Blok 1.5 Probleem 2: It's Just Emotions Taking Me Over.

  • Samenvatting • 13 pagina's • 2017
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • Een uitgebreide samenvatting van probleem 2 van blok 1.5: Changing Man. De samenvatting is 13 pagina's lang en bevat verschillende afbeeldingen. De samenvatting is geschreven in verhaalvorm en dus niet als opsomming. Ikzelf heb deze samenvatting gebruikt voor het leren van de toetsstof en haalde een 8.1! Zie ook mijn andere samenvattingen van blok 1.5.
  • bloempje2017
  • €2,99
  • 2x verkocht
  • + meer info