Corporate governance c - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Corporate governance c? Op deze pagina vind je 46 samenvattingen over Corporate governance c.
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Samenvatting Grondslagen van corporate governance + Corporate Governance Code 2022
- Samenvatting • 58 pagina's • 2023
- €5,48
- 6x verkocht
- + meer info
Betreft een samenvatting van de hoofdstukken van het boek Grondslagen van Corporate Governance 4e druk welke onder de tentamenstof vallen en aanvullende de wijzigingen naar de Corporate Governance Code 2022 welke niet in de boek is opgenomen.
Samenvatting hoorcolleges, literatuur en casuscolleges Corporate Governance Corporate Litigation

Ondernemingsrecht: Samenvatting alle HC en Jurisprudentie Corporate Governance and Corporate Litigation
- Samenvatting • 179 pagina's • 2023
- €6,19
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
Samenvatting van alle slides, relevante arresten, relevante wetsartikelen en ook stappenplannen erin verwerkt.

Extensive Summary Comparative Corporate Governance '22-'23
- Samenvatting • 61 pagina's • 2023
- €8,49
- 7x verkocht
- + meer info
I have written a comprehensive summary on the articles of the Comparative Corporate Governance course. The summary is based on the 2022-2023 course manual. Tables and figures from the articles have been added in the summary. The first page shows the course manual. Important terms from the articles are bolded and/or italicised. I have taken care to explain difficult concepts extra well in the summary, so that the whole thing is easy to understand.

Samenvatting Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 4e - Corporate Finance (MAN-BCU2020)
- Samenvatting • 27 pagina's • 2023
- €6,99
- 16x verkocht
- + meer info
Complete summary of Corporate Finance for Business Administration, including lecture slides and the book 'Fundamentals of Corporate Finance'. 
Scored a 9.0 on the exam.

Summary Corporate Ownership and Governance
- Samenvatting • 43 pagina's • 2022
- €9,69
- 33x verkocht
- + meer info
The summary of Corporate Ownership and Governance includes all required readings, cases, and notes of the lecture. Includes the following articles: antos, F. & Eisenhardt, K., 2005. Organizational Boundaries and Theories of Organization, Organization Science, 16 (5), Ketokivi, M. & Mahoney, J.T. (2017) Transaction Cost Economics as a Theory of the Firm, Management, and Governance. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Retrieved 28 Aug. 2019 , ansmann, H. (1988). Ownership o...

Samenvatting: Strategy and Non-Market Environment MBA
- Samenvatting • 90 pagina's • 2023
- €6,09
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
Alle lecture slides 
Samenvatting van de volgende artikelen: 
Background readings 
Porter. M. 1985. Chapter 1: Competitive strategy: The core concepts. In: M. Porter, 
Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: The Free 
Press: 1-30. 
Discussion readings 
Baron, D. P. 1995. Integrated strategy: Market and nonmarket components. California 
Management Review, 37(2): 47-65. 
Hu, Y.-S. 1995. The International Transferability of the Firm's Advantages. California 

Summary Corporate Ownership and Governance
- Samenvatting • 81 pagina's • 2022
- €10,99
- 6x verkocht
- + meer info
Santos, F. & Eisenhardt, K., 2005. Organizational Boundaries and Theories of Organization, 
Organization Science, 16 (5) (you should be able to explain and apply alternative theories of (the) 
firm (boundaries) to existing cases. 
Ketokivi, M. & Mahoney, J.T. (2017) Transaction Cost Economics as a Theory of the Firm, 
Management, and Governance. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. 
Retrieved 28 Aug. 2019 (the focus should be on the general concepts and expl...
Profielwerkstuk De Nederlandse Corporate Governance Code VWO Bedrijfseconomie (Cijfer 9,2)

Summary week 1 Comparative Corporate Governance (used as hand-in material for exam)
- Samenvatting • 1 pagina's • 2023
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,49
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Weekly summary of CCG (week 1). This summary can be hand in during the lecture/tutorials which will be handed back to you during the exam.

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