Intermediate statistics - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Intermediate statistics? Op deze pagina vind je 11 samenvattingen over Intermediate statistics.
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Full summary for partial exam, covers dummy coding, moderation and mediation.
This summary is based on all the content of the course Intermediate statistics 1 from EUC and summarizes the material discussed in the book and lectures.
Study guide of intermediate statistics 2, includes notes from the lectures, the textbook, and PBLs

119th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Boston, Massachusetts, July 21-25, 2018
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 141 pagina's • 2024
- €17,53
- + meer info
 119th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 
 Boston, Massachusetts, July 21-25, 2018 
 Administrative Services 
 Completed Research 
 Candidates. Sachin Shah, Texas Tech University Health Sciences 
 Center, Iverlyn Peng, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, 
 Charles F. Seifert, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. 
 Objectives: To develop a NAPLEX outcome predictive model that 

Summary Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS, ISBN: 9781526419521 Intermediate Statistics I relevant material
- Samenvatting • 50 pagina's • 2022
- €6,99
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
All relevant book material for the course Intermediate Statistics I. 
Main book: Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS. All chapters relevant to the course.

STUDY GUIDE INTERMEDIATE STATISTICS I UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2020, Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics, summary, samenvatting
- Samenvatting • 43 pagina's • 2020
- €5,98
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
Study guide intermediate statistics I for Erasmus University College Students. 
It is thus especially designed for EUC students and the chapters that are included are named in the description, but of course, you can still use it for your own course! Good luck with your exams. 
Discovering Statistics IBM using SPSS; sections; 2.1-2.8, 5.1-5.4, 6.1-6.5.6, 8.1-8.11, 18.1-18.3.5, 18.4-18.5.7 
Deze samenvatting zal je helpen met het vak Intermediate Statistics I van EUC. Het is specifiek voor EUC...

Samenvatting van Andy Field - Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS.
- Samenvatting • 69 pagina's • 2020
- €6,99
- 3x verkocht
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Samenvatting van Andy Field - Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS voor het vak Intermediate Statistics II. Hoofdstuk 7 (solutions), 10 (moderation & mediation), 11 (comparing several means), 12 (ANOVA part I, 13 (ANOVA part I), 14 (repeated measures design), 15 (mixed design ANOVA) & 19 (logistic regression).

Summary Principles of Econometrics (& Using Stata), ISBN: 9781119510567 Intermedia Statistics II for Economists
- Samenvatting • 87 pagina's • 2022
- €7,99
- + meer info
Includes all relevant chapters for the course Principles of Econometrics, including some key Stata tips from the book "Using Stata for Principles of Econometrics". 
Although it is always recommended to read the book, this is an elaborate summary that includes all relevant information in the book and could therefore function as a substitute of reading the book. 
Book: Principles of Econometrics. Chapter 2-9, 12, 16

Statistiek hoofdstuk 8: vorm verdeling van Toegepaste Psychologie in Thomas More
- Samenvatting • 3 pagina's • 2022
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,49
- + meer info
Samenvatting statistiek hoofdstuk “vorm verdeling” met kleurtjes, titels, tussentitels, afbeeldingen, voorbeelden, …
Notes and summaries of Chapters 1-6 on Andy Field's Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. Intermediate Statistics I.

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